Assumptions, Issues, Guidelines - The Five
College Experience
September 19, 2007
- Lorna M. Peterson
- Executive Director
- Five Colleges, Incorporated
2Introduction and Housekeeping
- One slide at a time
- Comments and questions
- Please save questions and comments until the end
of each slide - Let us begin.
3A Brief History
- The 1970s - introduce new fields
- Trial basis
- Share risks
- Fill gaps
- Short - term - infuse the curriculum
- Early appointments-
- Latin American Art
- Judaic studies
- Distinguished short-term visitors
- Joseph Brodsky
- James Baldwin
4The 1980s and 90s
- Types of Appointments
- Short-term Visiting
- Distinguished
- Tenure track (or long-term)
- Cooperating Fields
- International Relations
- Coastal and Marine Sciences
- Geology The position and not the person is
shared. - Music
- Dance
5Early Assumptions
- One campus assumes long term appointment
- All five institutions participate
- Rotation among all five campuses (advantage to
the home campus)
6Your old road is Rapidly agin'. Please get out of
the new one If you can't lend your hand For the
times they are a-changin. (With appreciation
and gratitude to Bob Dylan)
7The Millenium and The New Demographics
- Anticipated large number of retirements
- How to sustain and still allow for expansion of
the curriculum - The response
- Long-term/tenure track searches
- Ongoing shared positions, even into tenure
- Not all five required - 2, 3, 4 or all five
participate - Replace impending retirees
- Add new field to the curriculum
8Guidelines for Success
- Home campus
- Compensation salary and benefits
- Personnel actions reappointment and tenure
- Other campuses
- Departmental agreement
- Participation in searches
- Participation in personnel actions
- Support committees
- Funding
9Who is Responsiblefor What?
- Five Colleges, Inc.
- Home campus
- Host campus
10- Your time has come to shine.
- All your dreams are on their way.
- See how they shine.
- If you need a friend
- Im sailing right behind.
- Like a bridge over troubled water
- I will ease your mind.
- Like a bridge over troubled water
- I will ease your mind.
- (With appreciation and gratitude to Simon and
11Responsibilities of Five Colleges, Incorporated
- Serves as liaison to Five College Deans re all
aspects of the Joint Appointment Program - Supports Joint Faculty search committees.
- Insures that the joint appointees obligations at
the home and host campuses (teaching, advisement,
supervision of independent work, service
responsibilities, etc.) are clearly defined and
clearly communicated to the joint appointee and
appropriate personnel at all participating
campuses. - Provides updated lists of joint appointees and
teaching rotations to deans, department chairs
and others at all five institutions (including
business officers, departmental support staff,
librarians, information technology offices,
athletic directors, etc. ).
12Responsibilities of Five Colleges, Incorporated
- Insures appointment of a Support Committee
composed of faculty representatives from each
institution participating in the appointment. - Convenes Support Committees to develop and update
two-year course rotations among participating
campuses. - Helps joint appointees publicize courses on all
five campuses. - Collects information regarding course rotations,
enrollments, and course evaluations for reports
to deans and for use in personnel reviews. - Insures Support Committees appropriately conduct
mentoring and personnel reviews for each
appointee. - Reviews requests from joint appointees for
support of teaching that is not ordinarily
supplied by the appointees home or host
13Responsibilities of Five Colleges, Incorporated
- Insures that appropriate persons at the home and
host campusesand appointeesclearly understand
their responsibilities as outlined in these
guidelines. - Serves as a resource to appointees and
participating institutions working under these
guidelines to insure all parties are well served
by joint faculty appointments.
14Responsibilities of Home Campus
- Determine joint appointee compensation and
benefits, and administer payroll, benefits, and
all other services ordinarily supplied faculty at
home institutions. - Designate chairs of Support Committees.
15Chairs of Support Committees
- Insure orientation of joint appointees to various
departmental and institutional resources
generally available to faculty at the home
campus. - Work with the joint appointee and members of the
Support Committee from host campuses to identify
courses the joint appointee will offer and to
develop and update a two-year teaching schedule
for the appointee. - Insure the joint appointee receives all mentoring
support ordinarily provided faculty at the home
institution, together with advice and support
from other members of the Committee regarding the
candidates work at their campuses. - Work with other members of the Support Committee
to insure personnel reviews that fairly and
thoroughly reflect an appointees service both at
the home and host campuses.
16Responsibilities of Host Campus
- Each year, the host campus will designate
faculty members to serve on the appointees
Support Committee. -
- Representatives from host campuses will
- Introduce appointees to departmental and
institutional colleagues at their campuses - Insure orientation of joint appointees to
departmental and institutional resources
generally available to faculty at their campuses - Confirm provision by their campuses of resources
listed below - Work with joint appointee and Support Committee
to identify courses the joint appointee will
offer on home and host campuses.
17Host Campus (2)
- Help joint appointee effectively publicize
courses on their campuses (through campus course
catalogues, departmental flyers, word of mouth,
etc.) - Work with other members of the Support Committee
to mentor the joint appointee, particularly with
regard to teaching and any other services
included in the joint appointees obligations on
host campuses. This mentoring should include
regular, formative evaluation of performance. - Work with other members of the Support Committee,
particularly its chair, to insure a personnel
review that fairly and thoroughly reflects an
appointees service on all their campuses.
18Resources Provided by Host Campus
- When possible, an office for meeting students,
even if shared. - A well-marked mailbox for receiving student
communications and institutional and Five College
mail that is comparable to mail boxes supplied
other faculty members - Inclusion on appropriate departmental and
institutional mailing lists, listservs, etc. - Access to photocopying machinery or clerical
services comparable to that extended other
faculty members on host campuses and clear
instructions re how to access photocopiers or
these services - Support for teaching that is normally supplied
faculty on host campuses if that support is
allocable on a per course basis
19Resources Provided by Host Campus (2)
- Invitation to orientations for new faculty.
(Attendance is optional.) - Invitations to departmental and/or college
meetings ordinarily open to faculty at their
rank. (Attendance should be optional unless
related responsibilities are explicitly included
in the terms of the Five College appointment, per
agreement by the Deans.)
- Extra compensation
- Teaching and service responsibilities
- Technology - different systems
- Communications among departments and
departmental assistants
21Current and Past Five College Joint Faculty
- Total joint appointments 1973 present 80
- Current appointments 20 6 tenured or
long-term 2 positions renewable - Still holds appointment at one of the
institutions 18 - Number of fields 33 From African Studies to
Dance to English to Film and six different
22For further information and a complete set of
Five College Joint Faculty Appointment
guidelines, contact
- Lorna M. Peterson
- Executive Director
- Five Colleges, Incorporated
- 97 Spring Street
- Amherst, MA 01002
- lmpeterson_at_fivecolleges.edu