Title: New Tools for Measuring Online PR
1 New Tools for Measuring Online PR
Were Definitely Not In Kansas Anymore
Howard Kaushansky President and Founder
Proprietary and Confidential
2ConsumerOpinionMarketersCant Ignore
Word of Mouth Media Unstructured conversation in
the blogosphere and online forums
Traditional Forums Outbound, controlled
panel data industry pubs surveys custom
research Syndicated business pubs
blogs opinions sites message boards forums
Proprietary and Confidential
3Why Should You Care?
71 million blogsdoubling every six
months1 Blogs becoming part of mainstream media
12 of top 100 and growing 40 of internet
users in US read blogs 10 regularly post to a
formal blog More than 1 out of 2 people under
30 1 out of 3 over 30 years old2 100,000 blog
posts a day one per second Hundred of thousands
of message boards and forums
of Broadband Users Post Content2
Sources 1. Technorati State of the Blogoshpere,
October, 2006 2. Pew Report on Broadband Usage
Proprietary and Confidential
4Why Else Should You Care?
But 92 trust word of mouth for product decisions
75 of people report not believing marketing
But 92 trust word of mouth for product decisions
Proprietary and Confidential
5Whats It All Mean?
6Whats It All Mean?
- The power is with the consumer..
- Consumers are beginning in a very real sense to
own our brands and participate in their
creation.. - We need to begin to let go..
A.G. Lafley CEO Procter Gamble
7What Can You Measure?
Contextual accuracyCoke the soft drink vs
coke the drug Topics and Subtopics Supervised
and unsupervised clustering Trending of sentiment
(Pro/con) over time Segmentation Age
group, gender and other segmentation New and
Unique VoicesTrack interest build and
intensity Clean DataSpam filtering is critical
Proprietary and Confidential
8How Polluting?
Overall By Gender By Generation
Spam blogs inflated results for Brand B by over
300. In reality, Brands A and C were the most
mentioned. Filtering spam blogs is CRITICAL for
making the right decisions.
9How Enterprising?
10What Can You Learn?
Is marketing having an impact? With what types
of customers? What themes are resonating? How
does the competition stack up? Where are they
strong / weak? What irritates people most about
us, our offerings, our competition? Is there a
mushroom cloud forming or a blimp disappearing
back into the noise Are you squelching or
pouring gasoline on a fire?
Proprietary and Confidential
11Case Study Burger Kings Coq Roq Campaign
12The Chicken or the Egg?
Campaign launch
13Demographic Approval
Big Hit with Gen Y Males
14 Questions hk_at_umbrialistens.com 303.217.8240
Proprietary and Confidential