Title: Planning for personalised online learning
1- Planning for personalised online learning
- BETT 2007
- Robin BallManager Learning ServicesJohn
MorrisHeadteacher, Ardleigh Green Junior School
2The e-strategy
- ICT assumptions in
- DfES 5 year strategy, Every child matters
- Connecting the UK
- New relationship with schools.
- Good outcomes from early adopters
- ICT now underpins Government strategy
- Harnessing technology
- Higher standards better schools for all.
3The e-strategy
Learner-centred personalised learning Access to
online learning space by 2007-08 Learning
platforms embedded in schools Get best
value Affordable and sustainable services Fully
integrated, robust systems.
4In a nutshell?
- The initial provision objective is access to
- a personalised online learning space with the
potential to support e-portfolios available to
every school by 2007-08
5In a nutshell?
- The aspiration is that by 2010 all schools will
have - Integrated learning and management systems.
- Schools and local authorities should be planning
towards an integrated learning and management
solution that provides the full range of
functionality across every aspect of school life.
6The e-strategy
- One size wont fit all
- National strategy, ideally delivered at regional
or local level - Affordability economies of scale
- Reduced technological burden
- Local authority/regional broadband consortium
initial provision.
7What is a learning platform?
- Simple web-based learning content systems
- Internet-based
- Upload/download of files
- Basic communication tools
- Message boards/chat.
8What is a learning platform?
- More advanced systems such as Virtual Learning
Environments (VLEs) - Learner support
- Learner tools
- Management tracking of learner activity
- Assessment.
9What is a learning platform?
- Comprehensive Managed Learning
- Environments (MLEs)
- Share and exchange data
- Links to management information
- Include staffing, finance etc.
10What will it mean for my school?
- Tailoring content to user needs and learning
styles - breadth and flexibility of resources
- customising learning
- student engagement.
- Enabling peer/mentor dialogue
- sharing, adapting and repurposing
- spreading exemplar and innovative practice.
11What will it mean for my school?
- Supporting anytime, anywhere learning
- remote access
- removing boundaries
- re-engaging disaffected students.
- Continuity of learning and out of hours learning
- home learning
- parental involvement
- access to performance information.
12What will it mean for my school?
- Assessment for learning
- share aims of learning with students
- monitor progress
- planned interventions.
- Involvement of pupils in their own learning
- ownership of learning
- increased motivation
- anytime, anywhere learning.
13Planning strategically
- Defining institutional readiness
- Where are we now?
- Where do we need to be?
- What needs to be in place?
- Measuring progress.
- Cultural change and change management
- new ways of thinking
- new ways of doing
- planning for change
- involving everyone.
14Planning strategically
- How do you make it happen?
- Infrastructural change
- Involving everyone
- Investing in new skills
- Continuing professional development.
- Support for change management
- National Remodelling Team resources, Touching
tomorrow - National College for School Leadership Strategic
Leadership of ICT (SLICT) programme - Bectas self-review framework.
15Planning strategically
- School development planning
- constantly under review
- exploiting new technologies
- continuous improvement
- short, medium long-term sustainable investment.
- Building in accessibility
- from inception
- a constant.
16Planning strategically
Implementation model based upon BT developments
17Dimensions of change
Jacqueline S. Thousand Richard A. Villa
Managing Complex Change 2001
18- John Morris - Headteacher
19(No Transcript)
21Key Questions
Do you know where you are?
Do you know where you are going?
23The Potential of Personalised Learning
Enhanced, Extended Enriched learning
- The learning station helps you to revise and
its good that you can add your own stuff to the
pages - Its fun to use and you learn at the same time
24The Potential of Personalised Learning
Engaged, Excited Enthused Pupils
- I like the learning station because you are in
charge of what you do and when you do it! - I like the learning station because you can
choose you dont have someone telling you!
25A video clip is available to watch this please
download the Zip file from the web page
26(No Transcript)
27So what should I look for?
- Most learning platform systems will offer a
variety of functions in a number of ways, from
basic, hosted systems to fully integrated,
managed systems. - There is no one size fits all solution, and
success will be determined by ensuring a coherent
match of learning services.
28Forget labels and acronyms!
- Think about your requirements and look at
available functionality - Communication and collaboration
- Content sourcing and delivery
- Content repurposing and sharing
- Curriculum mapping
- Assessment and recording
- Accurate intervention and reporting
- Effective administration.
29Forget labels and acronyms!
- Think about your requirements and look at
available functionality - Data transparency (adherence to
- agreed standards)
- Connectivity
- Security
- Support and maintenance
- Training.
30Local authority initial provision
- To provide access to
- communication communication and collaboration
tools to enable both peer - peer and peer -
mentor dialogue.
31Local authority initial provision
- To provide access to
- individual working space individual online
working spaces, for the school workforce and
32Local authority initial provision
- To provide access to
- management tools to enable teachers to create
and manage digital content to match user needs
and learning styles and to report on usage.
33Local authority initial provision
- To provide
- access safe and secure, anytime, anywhere access.
34Local authority initial provision
- Focus on the initial local authority provision
- communication and collaboration tools
- individual online working spaces
- tools to enable teachers to create and manage
digital content - safe and secure, anytime, anywhere access.
35Support from Becta
- Planning for personalised online learning,
available from the Becta website at - http//www.becta.org.uk/publications
36Support from Becta
- Making the most of your investment in ICT,
available from the Becta website at - http//www.becta.org.uk/publications
37Support from Becta
- Functional specifications
- defining levels of functionality for learning
platform technologies - created in collaboration with industry and
practitioners - available from Bectas Schools website
38Support from Becta
- Functionality Matrix
- online interpretation of functional
specifications - enables management to establish current position
and create action plans for future investment - links to Bectas self-review framework
- http//matrix.becta.org.uk/selfreview
39Support from Becta
- Practitioner stakeholder group
- Online community to share experiences
- Develop collaborative approaches and partnerships
- Involved in developing messages
- Support, advice guidance
- To join go to Becta Communities
40Support from Becta
- Becta View publications
- ICT and inclusion
- ICT and home-school partnerships
- Interoperability of content and data services
- Authentication
- Improving learning and teaching with ICT
- E-assessment and e-portfolios
- Assistive technologies.
41Preparation for learning platforms
- Develop a vision for teaching and learning
through engagement with senior management team,
teachers, governors, parents and learners. - Use the Learning platform functionality tool and
the self-review framework to help gain an
understanding of your current position and what
actions you need to take in order to realise your
vision. - Learning platform functionality tool
http//matrix.becta.org.uk gt ICT infrastructure - Self-review framework http//matrix.becta.org.uk/s
42Procurement of learning platforms
- Procurement framework agreement
- Supports aggregated purchasing
- Based on specifications
- Robust evaluation process
- Becta will not recommend any oneparticular
approach, and stresses the need for a five-point
plan - The product(s)
- Installation
- Maintenance
- Support
- Training.
43Procurement of learning platforms
- Some level of aggregated purchase is likely to
achieve best value for money, reduced technical
and support burdens and easy migration of data. - Consult with your local authority and explore
their options under the initial provision.