Title: RIT Pack System
1 RIT Pack System
Sam Myers
2 RIT System Highlights
- Scott SCBA RIT-PAK II (Scott Part 200223-04)
- RIT-PAK includes
- Pressure reducer assembly
- 20 low pressure line assembly
- 5 Universal Air Connection Hose assembly
- Duel EBSS Manifold
- Carrying Bag
4 RIT Air Bag
- Drag-U-Safe (7, 1 tubular webbing in a fast
access pouch) - Kevlar Aramid Strap
- Streamline design
- 20 Low pressure line with dual EBSS connection
5 RIT Air Bag
- 1 Hour Cylinder
- Single stage pressure reducer
- Low pressure Dual EBSS line
- High pressure UAC line
6 RIT Air Bag
- Different color strobes for Air Bag, Low pressure
Line and Rope bag - Air Bag-Blue Strobe
- Low pressure Line- Green Strobe
- Rope Bag-Red Strobe
7 RIT Air Bag
- Scott regulator with Quick connect fitting
- SCBA mask (Scott AV3000, Large)
- 5 line with UAC connection
8 RIT Air Bag
- Additional Items
- 2 Carabiners
- Drag-U-Safe (7, 1 tubular webbing in a fast
access pouch) - Strobe Light
9Dual EBSS
Additional fitting for EBSS to Low pressure
10 Air Options
- The UAC Connect the 5 ft. quick air line from
the RIT Pack to the UAC of the downed firefighter - The Dual EBSS Connection 1 use the male end of
the dual connector to supply the downed
firefighters EBSS line - The Dual EBSS Connection 2 use the female end of
the dual connector to supply the downed
firefighters face piece mounted regulator
11 Air Options Cont
- Other options include
- Complete transition to RIT Air bag using
face-piece and regulator. - Preferred method would be to connect to downed
FFs regulator/face-piece via the dual EBSSs
female connection. - Note When connecting via downed FFs
buddy-breather System must be bled down prior
to connecting if you want to remove cylinder for
reduced profile
Option One
UAC FITTING The UAC is found on the lower left
side of the back of the SCBA assembly.
- The quick connect allows for the trans-fill of
air from the RIT air supply cylinder to the
target cylinder.
- The system takes advantage of the fact the areas
of high pressure move towards areas of low
pressure until the pressures equalize.
- When the pressures in the RIT air cylinder and
the victims cylinder equalize the trans-filling
is done. -
- This process takes about 30 seconds.
Connect the 5 foot, quick connect air line to
the UAC on the back of the SCBA harness
- The dual EBSS connection adapted by the SCBA
shop. - It replaces the old system shown to the left.
- The new set-up allows you to charge the RIT Air
cylinder before entering the structure as
preparation for RIT Ops. -
Remember with the old system if you charged the
cylinder before you hooked up to the downed
firefighter all of your air bled out through the
double male connection.
- Connect the male portion of the RIT Air line to
the female buddy Breather end of the downed
- OPTION Three
- Connect the face piece mounted regulator of the
downed fire fighter to the female EBSS connection
23RIT FF Packaging Options
- Connect RIT Air Bag to FFs SCBA via Carabiners.
- Connect RIT Air Bag to FF legs via pack strap.
- One FF follows behind with bag while team pulls
downed FF to safety (20 foot airline allows for
the separation). - Other options are limited by your imagination.
24 RIT Rope Bag
- 200 ft 6.8mm RIT 900 Rope (rope rated at 4,200
lbs and has a temperature rating of 932 degrees
F.) - Tools and extra carabiners
- 2-50 ft search bags
- Can clip to main RIT bag
- 200 ft search line with tag to be anchored off
prior to entering search area
200 6.8mm RIT 900 Rope
5 Glow Sticks
20ft 2 Webbing
3 Carabiners
Lineman Cutters
Box Knife
26Search Bags
27Search Bags
50 6.8mm RIT 900 Rope
- Same rope as 200 foot main line (6.8 mm RIT 900
rope). - Has capability to go 50 feet, though butterfly
knot at 25 foot (ideal for use with Large Area
Search). - Two bags used for conducting secured search
28Search Bags
- If full 50 feet is needed, simply unhook from
search bag (clip on inside of bag). - When using with L.A.S., wrap bag/rope around
wrist, may connect to SCBA but not recommended
29Search Bags
- Main search line has metal ring at every 25ft
increment - Each increment is denoted with knots just prior
to the ring. 1 knot 25ft, 2 knots 50ft, 3
knots 75ft, etc - 50 ft search lines can be locked into rings for
sweeps on either side of the main search line.
30Large Area Search Technique
- Red RIT Auxillary bag is used when conducting a
large area search. - System designed to work optimally with 4 members,
though if only 3 are available the system will
still work (positions explained later). - Recommended tools to carry along with RED and
BLUE Rit bags are - - Flashlights
- - Handtools (to include a haligan bar)
- - Thermal Imager with Officer
- - Portable radios (monitor Tac. Channel, RIT
channel, L.A.S. channel.)
31L.A.S. Technique
- 4 member team position (preferred).
- Officer TIC, RED bag, radio, flashlight.
Monitors conditions, finds best entry point,
connects rope to outside fixed object, provides
reports as necessary. - 1st FF Hand tool, flashlight, radio, BLUE bag.
Follows behind Officer, will search to left,
leaves BLUE bag with Officer. - 2nd FF Hand tool, flashlight, radio. Follows
behind 1st FF, will search to right. - Driver (or 4th member) stays at Rescue Teams
entry point, monitors radio (may act as a
repeater to command), full PPE in case needed
inside, tracks team time and air supply using
LCFR control board. Provides light at entry point
32L.A.S. Initial Operations
33L.A.S. Initial Operations
- Coordinate with the Incident Commander.
- Find fixed point to attach at entry
- Control Person tracks entry time, air supply,
full PPE, and provides light at entry point
34 Control Board
35L.A.S. Initial Operations
- Officer hangs bag over front of body to control
rope as it is deployed (can also feel for the
knots and rings) - Members follow behind Officer on line
36L.A.S. Entry Operations
37L.A.S. Entry Operations
- Officer monitors conditions (TIC aids in process)
- Once search area is determined (hears PASS device
of downed FF, sees possible location of victim,
etc), BLUE bag is staged with Officer
38L.A.S. Entry Operations
- line pulled tight, and searchers attach to ring
- Searchers may connect search bag to body, though
recommendation is to hold with one hand or simple
wrap around wrist
39L.A.S. Search Operations
40L.A.S. Search Operations
- Officer ensures main line is low to ground and
pulled tight.
41L.A.S. Search Operations
- Search members (going left and right), follow
straight back on main line and then search out
(half moon search) - Rope will snag on object, making the searcher
follow rope to object and investigate
42L.A.S. Search Operations
- Must keep tag line pulled tight and low to
ground. Rope will snag on object, making the
searcher follow rope to object and investigate - Correct
- In-Correct
43L.A.S. Misc. Info
44L.A.S. Misc. Info
- Once search members complete half moon search,
stay on main line, Officer will disconnect from
ring and stretch main line to their position and
45L.A.S. Misc. Info
- Various ways to remove downed FF once located.
Photos shown are using main line as a haul line
to remove FF (pulling rope through carabiner,
making 21 mech. Advantage)
46L.A.S. Misc. Info
- Search conducted same way every time. Officer
needs to ensure search members are following main
line straight back and fanning out each time
(prevents snowman effect). - If allotted time for search team expires and they
must leave area, leave BLUE and RED bag in
location where search last ended (new team will
starts from this point).
47 RIT Pack System