Title: Your Boats Radio
1Your Boats Radio
Chapter 16
2Your Boats Radio
3Lesson Objectives
- Types of Radios
- Functions and use of radios
- Necessity of station license
- Radio operators license
- Buying a radio
- Radio limits
- Antenna selection
- Radio check
- Distress calls
Courtesy of Standard Horizon
4Communications on the Water
- Coastal and inland
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of VHF
radios, Citizen Band radios and cellular
Courtesy of Standard Horizon
5Communications on the Water
- Offshore
- Single-sideband radios
- Amateur radios
- Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacons
Reprinted with permission from Rough Weather
Seamanship for Sail and Power by Roger Marshall
6Function of Radio Telephones
- Who recalls the three functions of the VHF and
SSB marine radios?
- Station license
- Operator permit
8Selecting Your VHF-FM Radio
- What are the advantages of the Global Maritime
Distress and Safety System available in
fix-mounted VHF radios manufactured since 1999?
9Selecting Your VHF-FM Radio
- Sensitivity
- Selectivity
- Audio output
- Signal strength
- Signal suppression
10Selecting Your VHF-FM Radio
- Line of sight transmission
- Available channels
- Channel selector
- What are some important considerations when
installing a VHF radio and antenna?
12Operating Your VHF-FM Radio
- What are the important caveats to remember when
using a marine radio?
13Selecting Your VHF-FM Radio
- Radio watch
- Radio station log
- Special purposes of channels
14Copies of the Rules
- Where to obtain
- Rules violations
15Calling Another Station
- Check power
- Listen
- Press microphone button
- Normal tone
- Pro-words to use
16Phonetic Alphabet
17Distress, Urgency, and Safety Calls
- Distress signal Mayday
- Urgency signal Pan-Pan
- Safety signal Securite (Use French secur-i-tay)
18Crew Training
- Why is it important for a crewmember to be
familiar with how to operate the VHF-FM radio?