Title: Genetic Operators and Selection
1Genetic Operators and Selection
2Genetic Operators
- Explore new regions of search space while
retaining current information - Commonly used genetic operators
- Crossover
- Mutation
- Performed on two chromosomes as parents
- The probability of parents being crossed over is
given by crossover rate - Crossover points are randomly selected
- Exchanges genetic code between parents to create
two new chromosomes as offspring - Commonly used crossover
- One-point crossover
- Two-point crossover
- Uniform crossover
4One-Point Crossover
- Only one crossover point is selected for each
5One-Point Crossover
- Advantages
- Simple to implement
- Little disruption on evolved schemas
- Weakness
- Cannot combine many schemas
1 0 0 1 1
6Two-Point Crossover
- Two crossover points are selected for each parent
11011100 01100110
11000100 01111110
Parent 1
Offspring 1
Parent 2
Offspring 2
Crossover Points
7Two-Point Crossover
- Advantage
- More likely to combine schemas (downside more
likely to disrupt existing schemas)
1 0 0 1 1
8Uniform Crossover
- Every gene can be swapped between the parents
independent of the other genes - The probability of swapping genes is fixed at P0
- No need to select crossover points
11011100 01100110
11001110 01110100
Parent 1
Offspring 1
Parent 2
Offspring 2
9Positional/Defining Length Bias
- Defining length
- The distance of two remotest genes defined in a
schema - Formation and disruption of a schema depends on
its defining length or its locations in the
chromosome - One-point crossover has positional/defining
length bias - Schemas with longer defining length are more
likely to be disrupted - Uniform crossover has no positional/defining
length bias - Each pair of genes has the same probability of
being swapped independent of its location
Defining length 5
1 0 0 1 1
10Distribution Bias
- The number of genes to be swapped may be
distributed around a particular value instead of
uniformly from 1 to L-1 (L individual length) - One-point crossover has no distribution bias
- Crossover point is selected randomly within the
chromosome - Uniform crossover has high distribution bias
- The number of genes to be swapped depends on P0
- A result of inaccuracy in preserving and
combining schemas during crossover - Loci adjacent to good schemas are likely to be
preserved as well
Very good solution
- Involves only one chromosome
- Applies to each gene individually
- The value of a mutated gene is flipped
- The probability of a gene being mutated is
controlled by mutation rate M - The mutation rate per chromosome M L
- Low mutation rate low exploration power
- High mutation rate too disruptive
13Implementation Variations
- Varying rates of Crossover/Mutation
- Start with low mutation rate and increase
afterwards - Start with high crossover rate and decrease
afterwards - Adaptive crossover and mutation rates
- Rates are encoded in the chromosome
- Adjust rates under certain conditions, e.g.,
14Implementation Variations
- Problem dependent variations
- Example, in TSP, solution encoded as a sequence
of integers representing the cities
PMX Partially Mapped Crossover for TSP Route
A 9 8 4 5 6 7 1 3 2 Route B 8 7 1 2 3 9 5
4 6 Swap bits corresponding to the ones in the
middle segment Route A 7 _ _ 2 3 9 _ 6 5
Route B _ 9 _ 5 6 7 2 _ 3 Fill in the
rest Route A 7 8 4 2 3 9 1 6 5 Route B 8
9 1 5 6 7 2 4 3
15Implementation Variations
- Random crossover for variable length GAs
- Crossover points can be selected separately for
parents - Creates offspring with different lengths from
their parents
Offspring 1
Parent 1
Parent 2
Offspring 2
16Other Genetic Operators
4 1 2 3 0 5
2 1 4 3 0 5
4 1 2 3 0 5
3 0 5 4 1 2
- Choose the individuals to create the next
generation of population - Typically fitness-based
- High-fitness individuals have more chances to be
selected - Direct the search toward promising regions of the
search space
Search space
Promising Regions
18Fitness Proportion Selection
- Holland, 1975
- Expected number of times an individual is
selected to reproduce, E(si), is proportional to
its fitness relative fi to the average population
- Actual number of offspring may be far from
expected number
19Fitness Proportion Selection
f0 6, E0 6/5 1.2 P0 6/20 0.3 f1
2, E1 2/5 0.4 P1 2/20 0.1 f2 8, E2
8/5 1.6 P2 8/20 0.4 f3 4, E3 4/5
0.8 P4 4/20 0.2 fsum 20 favg 5
19 0
Roulette wheel selection
20Stochastic Universal Sampling
- Baker 1987
- Another fitness proportional selection method
- Decrease statistical sampling error
- Randomly select an initial pointer, then sample
at N equally spaced locations on the roulette
wheel (where N population size)
21Stochastic Universal Sampling
19 0
f0 6, E0 6/5 1.2 P0 6/20 0.3 f1
2, E1 2/5 0.4 P1 2/20 0.1 f2 8, E2
8/5 1.6 P2 8/20 0.4 f3 4, E3 4/5
0.8 P4 4/20 0.2 fsum 20 favg 5
22Stochastic Universal Sampling
19 0
f0 6, E0 6/5 1.2 P0 6/20 0.3 f1
2, E1 2/5 0.4 P1 2/20 0.1 f2 8, E2
8/5 1.6 P2 8/20 0.4 f3 4, E3 4/5
0.8 P4 4/20 0.2 fsum 20 favg 5
23Stochastic Universal Sampling
19 0
f0 6, E0 6/5 1.2 P0 6/20 0.3 f1
2, E1 2/5 0.4 P1 2/20 0.1 f2 8, E2
8/5 1.6 P2 8/20 0.4 f3 4, E3 4/5
0.8 P4 4/20 0.2 fsum 20 favg 5
24Problem with Proportion Selection Methods
- Depends on the variance of fitness in a
population - Early in search, fitness variance is large,
results in strong selection pressure and
premature population convergence - Later in search, fitness variance is small,
results in close to random selection
f0 56, E0 2.24 f1 12, E1 0.48 f2 28, E2
1.12 f3 4, E3 0.16
f0 60, E0 0.87 f1 72, E1 1.05 f2 68, E2
0.99 f3 75, E3 1.09
25Sigma Scaling
- Combine with fitness proportional selection
- Try to maintain constant selection pressure
- Define a maximum and minimum number of expected
offspring and scale with that range
E.g. FP FP w/ SS 0, 2 f0 1, E0 4 E0
2 f1 0, E1 0 E1 0.67 f2 0, E2 0 E2
0.67 f3 0, E3 0 E3 0.67
26Rank Selection
- Baker, 1985
- Rank all individuals according to fitness
- Expected number of offspring based on rank
instead of fitness - Attempts to solve the problem of fitness
proportion selection
27Rank Selection
- Eases differences in fitness early in search
Fitness proportional Rank f0 56, E0 2.24 R0
4, E0 1.6 f1 28, E1 1.12 R1 3, E1
1.2 f2 12, E2 0.48 R2 2, E2 0.8 f3
4, E3 0.16 R3 1, E3 0.4
28Rank Selection
- Enhances difference in fitness later in search
Fitness proportional Rank f0 75, E0 1.09 R0
4, E0 1.6 f1 72, E1 1.05 R1 3, E1
1.2 f2 68, E2 0.99 R2 2, E2 0.8 f3
60, E3 0.87 R3 1, E3 0.4
29Tournament Selection
- Procedure
- Each time randomly select two individuals
- Generate a random number, r, 0 r 1
- Select the better of the two individuals, if r lt
k (k is a parameter) - Select the worse of the two, otherwise
- Computationally efficient
- No need to sort all individuals
- No need to calculate expected number of offspring
- Easy to parallelize
- Selection pressure controlled by tournament size
and k
30Boltzmann Selection
- Use a continuously varying selection pressure
- Similar to the process of simulated annealing
- Early in run high temperature low selection
pressure - Later in run low temperature high selection
- De Jong, 1975
- Force GA to retain some of top individuals in
each generation - No genetic operators allowed to performed on
selected top individuals - The number or percent retained is the generation
gap - May be combined with other selection methods
32Generational GA
- All parents reproduce at the same time
- Offspring generation replaces parent generation
Parent (temporary)
33Steady State GA
- Fewer offspring generated and replace parents or
other members of population
Current population
Select parents
Generate one or more offspring
Offspring replace population member
34Infant Mortality
- More offspring generated but few survive
M offspring where M gtgt N
N offspring survive to become next generation
35Evolutionary Strategies
- 1 1 Selection
- Population size 1, 1 offspring
- Best survives
- ? 1 selection
- Population size ?, 1 offspring
- Offspring replaces worst individual
- ?, ? selection, ? gt ? 1
- Population size ?, generate ? offspring.
- Best ? offspring replace parents (not elitist).
- ? ? selection, ? gt ? 1
- Population size ?, generate ? offspring.
- Offspring selected from among best of ? and ?