Title: Discussion Document for Survey Design and Implementation
1- Discussion Document for Survey Design and
Implementation - Jennifer Lewis Priestley, Ph.D.
2Discussion Topics
- Major Decisions in Survey Design
- Key Issues and Solutions
- Good, Bad and Ugly Examples
- Guidelines for Survey Formats
- Best Practices for Increasing Response Rates
3The Major Decisions in Survey Design
- What should be asked?
- How will the results be actionable?
- How should each question be phrased?
- In what sequence should the questions be
arranged? - How should the questionnaire be pre-tested?
- Does the questionnaire need to be revised?
4Key Issues and Solutions
- Be clear and concise
- Response choices that are
- mutually exclusive
- exhaustive
- not double-barrelled
- Use conversational, familiar language
- Avoid bias
- (i.e., leading or loaded
- questions, order bias)
- Be objective
- Be open to unpopular response
- Alternate order of questions
5Key Issues and Solutions
- Offer explicit alternatives
- Avoid questions that cant or wont be answered
- Omissions
- Telescoping
- Creation
- Unaided versus Aided
- Limit recall to reasonable time periods/events
6Whats Wrong?
Q. How much red meat do you eat each day?
- On a typical day, at how many meals do you
usually eat beef, pork or lamb? - Think about the typical size of the serving of
beef, pork, or lamb you eat. Is it about the
size of a deck of cards, a small paperback book
or a hardcover book?
7Whats Wrong?
Q. When was the last time you used your wifes
- Recent studies have shown a high percentage of
men use their wives hairspray to control their
hair. Have you used your wifes hairspray within
the past week?
8Whats Wrong?
Q. If taxes must be raised to support education,
would you prefer a regressive or progressive tax?
- If taxes must be raised to support education,
would you prefer an increase in a sales tax or
property tax?
9Whats Wrong?
Q. How do you spend your leisure time, watching
TV or reading?
- How do you spend your leisure time?
10Whats Wrong?
Q. Would you support an amendment to limit the
Presidential term to one 6-year term?
- Which would you prefer for the Presidential term?
- keeping terms to 4-years, limited to 2 terms
- keeping terms to 4-years, change limit to 1 term
- changing terms to 6-years, limited to 1 term
- changing terms to 6-years, limited to 2 terms
11Whats Wrong?
- Q. At what type of restaurant do you eat?
- Inexpensive
- Expensive
- Very expensive
- All of the above
- For work or school day lunches, would you
describe the restaurants at which you typically
eat as - Inexpensive (less than 5)
- Moderately expensive (5-10)
- Expensive (more than 10)
12Guidelines for Survey Format
- Introduce the questionnaire - tell the purpose of
the studyfor mail surveys always provide a cover
letter. - Ask easy, non-threatening questions to establish
rapport. - Questionnaires should be presented in a logical
flow - finish one topic before going to the next. - Can be presented in a funnel (start general and
get narrow) or inverted funnel (provide specifics
and then ask overall) sequences.
13Guidelines for Survey Format
- Determine response format for each set of
questions - open-ended (respondent fills in
response) or closed-ended (responses are provided
for the respondent). - Screening questions should be done first - dont
work for completed questionnaires by ineligible
people. - When asking demographic questions or income
questions, always include one category higher or
lower than you think will be needed.
14Guidelines for Survey Format
- Always include adequate instructions, and be sure
they are noticeable and in the proper place. - Make the questionnaire look easy to read and
professional. - Use blank space and large type font - dont try
to crowd too many questions together to make the
questionnaire shorter. - Number the questions.
15Guidelines for Survey Format
- Never split question wording or response
categories across pages - avoid splitting groups
of questions. - Use proper response category formats - use plenty
of spacing between categories and use boxes where
possible. Using grids can save space and make
filling out the survey less complicated for the
16Guidelines for Survey Format
- Pre-code response categories and assign data
layouts before administering the survey. - Always think about how the data will be analyzed.
- Always use instructions for any possible
confusing questions and use a different typeface
to distinguish them.
17Increasing Response Rate
- Pretest!
- Exposes problems with the survey as well as
identifies possible respondent and interviewer
error issues - Two pretests should be conducted
- First pretest is done by personal interview,
regardless of final mode, to determine - Any confusing questions or instructions
- Any difficulty respondents have with generating
answers - Second pretest - done exactly as final survey
will be done - A small portion of the actual study sample
18Increasing Response Rate
- Include a postage paid, pre-addressed return
envelope. - Include a personalized, brief cover letter
explaining the purpose of the questionnaire and
how the results will be used. - Incentives (money) have proven to slightly lift
response, but more is not better. - Keep the survey to no more than two pages.
- Ensure anonymity.