THE PURPOSE OF THE CHURCH 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Clear expectation in the Jewish religion. It gave hope and aspirations to the nation. ... saying, Receive the Holy Spirit!.' (John 20:21-22) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • We shall follow this theme in three sessions
  • Church continuing the ministry of Jesus Christ in
    the world
  • Church continuing the ministry of Jesus Christ
  • Church offering worship and service for the glory
    to God.
  • Today we shall be considering the Church
    continuing the
  • ministry of Jesus Christ in the world. To start,
    a short
  • worship period.

  • Hymn All hail, the power of Jesus name
  • Reading Psalm 1451-13
  • Prayer All your creatures praise you, Lord,
  • and your loyal servants bless you.
  • They talk of the glory of your kingdom,
  • and tell of your might,
  • to make known to mankind your mighty deeds,
  • the glorious majesty of your kingdom.
  • Our Father, we come together to praise and bless
    you and to learn about the glory of your
    kingdom, to speak about your power and might in
    order to make known your acts to this
    generation, within this community and beyond.
    May we praise you may your spirit be upon us,
    so that our life in every sphere be an
    expression of your wonder and greatness at all
    times, Amen.

  • The New Testament speaks of a new order breaking
    into the life of
  • the world in Jesus of Nazareth
  • At his birth wise men saw cosmic signs,
    shepherds travelled, angels faced the earth.
  • Matthew says that here is one greater than the
    temple and the Sabbath here (121-8)
  • Luke saw the new order as promised through the
    Prophet Isaiah, (416-19)
  • John spoke of God making himself known to the
    world through Jesus Christ. (John 11-5, 14-18)
  • Paul said if anyone is in Christ he is a new
    creation (2 Cor5-17)
  • Revelation And now I make all things new.

  • The life and work, the death and resurrection of
  • Jesus realising the hopes of Old Testament
  • religion
  • John the Baptist Prepare the way of the Lord
    (Luke 31-6)
  • Events fulfilling the promises of the prophets,
    e.g. Matt. 1215 814-17
  • The words of Jesus You have heard but now I
    tell you (Matthew 5 21-28)
  • The New Covenant (1 Cor 1123-26)

  • In Jesus the nature and quality of the life of
    the Living God appeared in its fullness. The
    rule of God came amongst his people in a new way
    God with us.

  • We consider further
  • Jesus people
  • Jesus message
  • Jesus actions
  • Jesus Death

  • Jesus sought to reach out to all people
  • Fishermen were his first disciples (Mark 116-20)
  • He shares table with the tax collectors and
    sinners (Luke 191)
  • Bartimaeus the poor blind person (Mark 1046)
  • A woman from the town (prostitute?) Luke 737
  • A woman from Syrophenicia (Mark 724)
  • A woman from Samaria (John 4)
  • Nicodemus, the Pharisee (John 3)
  • Roman Centurion (Matthew 85-13)

  • They came to Jericho and as he was leaving the
    town, with his disciples and a large crowd,
    Bartimaeus (that is, son of Timaeus), a blind
    beggar, was seated at the roadside. Hearing that
    it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, Son
    of David, Jesus, have pity on me! Many of the
    people told him to hold his tongue but he
    shouted all the more, Son of David, have pity on
    me. Jesus stopped and said, Call him so they
    called the blind man Take heart, they said.
    Get up, he is calling you. At that he threw
    off his cloak, jumped to his feet, and came to
    Jesus. Jesus said to him, What do you want me
    to do for you? Rabbi, the blind man answered,
    I want my sight back. Jesus said to him, Go
    your faith has healed you. And at once he
    recovered his sight and followed him on the road.
    (Mark 1046-52)
  • Members may prefer to read quietly from their
    own Bibles.

  • We pause here for individuals or groups to
  • The story from the perspective of Bartimaeus
  • Who was he, what was his condition?
  • What was his cry and need
  • How did Jesus approach him.
  • The story from the perspective of Jesus
  • - The location of the story close of chapter
  • The people around him their response
  • Jesus response

What is the message?
  • A blind beggar at the roadside is so valuable.
  • Value of persistence and perseverance.
  • The power of Gods reign restores and sets
    Bartimaeus free.
  • The need to open peoples eyes to comprehend and
    to respond to the power at work in Jesus.

  • Meanwhile a Samaritan women came to draw water,
    and Jesus said to her, Give me a drink. The
    woman said, What! You, a Jew, ask for a drink
    from a Samaritan woman? (Jews do not share
    drinking vessels with Samaritans.) Jesus
    replied, If only you knew what God gives, and
    who it is that is asking you for a drink, you
    would have asked him and he would have given you
    living water. Sir, the woman said, you have
    no bucket and the well is deep, so where can you
    get living water? Are you greater than Jacob
    our ancestor who gave us the well and drank from
    it himself, he and his sons and his cattle too?
    Jesus answered, Everyone who drinks this water
    will be thirsty again but whoever drinks the
    water I shall give will never again be thirsty.
    The water that I shall give will be a spring of
    water within him, welling up and bringing eternal
    life. (John 47-14)
  • Members may prefer to read quietly from their
    own Bibles.

  • What is the significance of Samaria and the
    woman from Samaria to the story.
  • What is the living water? For whom?
  • Consider are you greater than our father

  • The living water is the love of Christ within us.
  • It breaks humanitys thirst for true life.
  • It destroys boundaries and old dividing lines.
  • It creates a new human community.
  • But the message is challenging it demands a

  • 1 One of the Pharisees, called Nicodemus, a
    member of the Jewish Council, 2 came to Jesus
    by night, Rabbi, he said, we know that you are
    a teacher sent by God no one could perform these
    signs of yours unless God were with him. 3
    Jesus answered, In very truth I tell you, no one
    can see the kingdom of God unless he has been
    born again. (John 31-3)

  • Consider
  • The significance of Nicodemus THE PHARISEE
  • Nicodemus confession v.2
  • Jesus response v.3

  • We learn
  • Old Testament faith is inadequate. The new has
  • Mind and heart need to be open to Gods new order
    is in Jesus
  • Receiving the power of Gods love is the mark of
    fulfilling the old and receiving the new.
  • The Church thus is
  • The community of new life eternal life
  • Its purpose is to live and proclaim the life of
    Gods reign as a foretaste of its coming in its

  • As Jesus entered Capernaum a centurion came up to
    ask his help, Sir, he said, my servant is
    lying at home paralysed and racked with pain.
    Jesus said, I will come and cure him. But the
    centurion replied, Sir, I am not worthy to have
    you under my roof. You need only say the word
    and my servant will be cured. I know, for I am
    myself under orders, with soldiers under me. I
    say to one, Go, and he goes to another, Come
    here, and he comes and to my servant, Do
    this, and he does it. Jesus heard him with
    astonishment, and said to the people who were
    following him, Truly I tell you nowhere in
    Israel have I found such faith. 13 Then Jesus
    said to the centurion, Go home as you have
    believed, so let it be. (Matthew 85-10, 13)

  • Consider
  • Is the reference to Capernaum and Centurion
  • What impressed Jesus about the centurion?
  • What is the significance of verse 13?

  • The purpose of the Church is to continue the
  • of Jesus earthing to life Gods reign in the
  • By living in the power and energy of Jesus love.
  • Providing space for and bestowing worth on each
  • Developing an inclusive approach to its task
  • Manifesting clearly the priorities and values of
    Gods Reign
  • Challenging and calling humanity to experience
    and submit to the life of his reign.

  • In Jesus the power of Gods reign became alive
    and real in His world. Jesus issues an
    invitation to live in that power making life
    whole is its aim.
  • The church exists to extend that invitation to
    all people.

  • The miracles or powerful acts of Jesus provide
  • further indication of the power of Gods
  • kingly reign dawning upon the life of the world
  • Healing of illnesses
  • Release from evil spirits
  • Restoration of sight and hearing
  • Feeding multitudes.

  • John, who was in prison, heard what Christ was
    doing, and sent his own disciples to put this
    question to him Are you the one who is to come,
    or are we to expect someone else? Jesus
    answered, Go and report to John what you hear
    and see the blind recover their sight, the lame
    walk, lepers are made clean, the deaf hear, the
    dead are raised to life, the poor are brought
    good news and blessed are those who do not find
    me an obstacle to faith.
  • Matthew 11 2-6

  • Consider
  • How do you understand Johns question?
  • How does Jesus deal with the question?
  • What is the challenge?
  • What does the episode tell us about the purpose
    of the Church today?

  • We note
  • What Jesus does as well as what he teaches
    heralds the breaking in of the reign of God upon
  • His powerful acts are signs of Gods power at
    work in Jesus Christ.
  • The purpose of the Church is to make real the
    challenge of his reign, bringing healing and
    wholeness to individuals, communities and nations?

  • Miracles contain spiritual significance.
  • Read Matthew 1413-21
  • Consider
  • The significance of compassion (v.14)
  • The bread in the wilderness?
  • The sacramental nature of the miracle

  • Message
  • The feeding miracles are signs of
  • - the Messiah wonder and mystery
  • - promise fulfilled
  • - needs met

  • The Church is in the world to share the bread of
    life and bring wholeness and fulfilment to all
    people, individuals, communities and nations.
  • You give them something to eat

  • No wonder-worker!
  • Some miracles contain action
  • - Jesus extending his hand to the leper,
  • touching him (Mark141)
  • - Took Jairus daughter by the hand (Mark
  • 541)
  • - Touches diseased part deaf mute (Mark
  • 731)

  • Some miracles contain no action merely the
  • spoken Word.
  • Jesus casts out demons with a word (Luke 435)
  • Jesus calms the storm (Luke 824)
  • Jesus cures the blind man (Luke 1842) or the
    withered hand (Luke 610)
  • Message Both actions and word express the
    creative power at work in Jesus.

  • 14 He was driving out a demon which was dumb
    and when the demon had come out, the dumb man
    began to speak. The people were astonished, 15
    but some of them said, It is by Beelzebul prince
    of demons that he drives the demons out. 16
    Others, by way of a test, demanded of him a sign
    from heaven. 17 But he knew what was in their
    minds, and said, Every kingdom divided against
    itself is laid waste, and a divided household
    falls. 18 And if Satan is divided against
    himself, how can his kingdom stand since, as
    you claim, I drive out the demons by Beelzebul?
    19 If it is by Beelzebul that I drive out
    demons, by whom do your own people drive them
    out? If this is your argument, they themselves
    will refute you. 20 But if it is by the
    finger of God that I drive out the demons, then
    be sure the kingdom of God has already come upon
    you. 21 When a strong man fully armed is on
    guard over his palace, his possessions are safe.
    22 But when someone stronger attacks and
    overpowers him, he carries off the arms and
    armour on which the man had relied and
    distributes the spoil. 23 He who is not with
    me is against me, and he who does not gather with
    me scatters. (Luke 1114-23)

  • How do you understand the charge against Jesus in
    verse 15?
  • How do you understand Jesus defence in 17-18 /
    19 / 20-21
  • - kingdom divided
  • - the source of his power Beelzebul?
  • - the source of his stronger power it is
    from God!

  • Two final points
  • Need for discernment and understanding of whom
    Jesus is, i.e. faith
  • The women with an issue of blood (Matt.922)
  • The Blind man (Mark 1052)
  • The Leper (Luke 1719)
  • Means of forgiveness
  • The healing of the paralytic (Mark 21-12)

  • His mighty acts are encounter with Jesus
  • His power to meet and fulfil human need.
  • To make whole broken lives.
  • To make possible a transforming relationship with
    God himself.
  • They are means of revelation
  • Who is Jesus?
  • His possession of Gods creative, restorative
    power of Love
  • Signs of the dawn of his reign.

  • For the Church they are confirmation of her
  • Affirmation of Christ as Lord, a sign of the
    kingdom which is coming.
  • Material for teaching and instruction, in
    restoration, healing and making whole.
  • Reminds her of the need to express faith with
    prophetic action in His power.

  • The central concept of Jesus life is
  • The Kingdom or the Reign of God
  • It links together into an unity
  • His people
  • His powerful acts
  • His message

  • The roots of the concept of Gods Reign
  • - Deep in the history and religion of the Old
  • Clear expectation in the Jewish religion
  • It gave hope and aspirations to the nation.

  • The New Testament message is
  • Fulfilment of these hopes and aspirations in
    Jesus of Nazareth.
  • The Kingdom has come in Jesus he is its
  • But it is yet to come in its fullness.
  • The now is critical
  • To the church
  • To the world

  • The teaching of Jesus speaks to us about
  • The nature of the God who reigns
  • The intentions of the God who reigns
  • The call of the God who reigns

  • The Nature of God
  • Again he said There was once a man who had to
    sons and the younger said to his father,
    Father, give me my share of the property. So
    he divided his estate between them. A few days
    later the younger son turned the whole of his
    share into cash and left home for a distant
    country, where he squandered it in dissolute
    living. He had spent it all, when a severe
    famine fell upon that country and he began to be
    in need. So he went and attached himself to one
    of the local landowners, who sent him on to his
    farm to mind the pigs. He would have been glad
    to fill his belly with the pods that the pigs
    were eating, but no one gave him anything. Then
    he came to his senses How many of my fathers
    hired servants have more food than they can eat,
    he said, and here am I, starving to death! I
    will go at once to my father, and say to him,
    Father, I have sinned against God and against
    you I am no longer fit to be called your son
    treat me as one of your hired servants. So he
    set out for his fathers house. But while he was
    still a long way off his father saw him, and his
    heart went out to him he ran to meet him, flung
    his arms around him, and kissed him. The son
    said, Father, I have sinned against God and
    against you I am no longer fit to be called your
    son. But the father said to his servants,
    Quick! Fetch a robe, the best we have, and put
    it on him put a ring on his finger and sandals
    on his feet. Bring the fatted calf and kill it,
    and let us celebrate with a feats. For this son
    of mine was dead and has come back to life he
    was lost and is found. And the festivities
    began. (Luke 1511-24)

  • Consider
  • The younger sons desire to see the world was
    it an adventure, carefree, understandable,
  • Why did he fall?
  • It is decision and action in returning home
  • Make a list of the fathers detailed response as
    he saw him returning home (verses 20-24)
  • Why the fathers response as compared to the
    elder brothers?

  • The message
  • Love forgiveness reconciliation
  • New relationship
  • Jesus said God is like that
  • that is what he does

  • There are other parables that illustrate love in
    action, e.g. read
  • the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 1025-37)
    notice how
  • bold Jesus is
  • Uplifting a Samaritan as a pattern not the
    priest or levite.
  • The details of the Samaritans action after hed
    seen the victim
  • - came off his animal
  • - dealt with the wounds
  • - took him to the inn
  • - paid for his stay
  • Love and compassion demolishes dividing walls,
    broaden vision, creates new community, and
    encourages inclusive attitude towards humanity
  • WHY?
  • That is how God himself does things

  • Are there other references of Jesus that
    emphasise love reconciliation
    justice new relationship
  • The Lords Prayer Matthew 69-14
  • Before offering authentic worship Matthew
  • forgiveness without bounds Matthew 1821

  • Jesus greets God as Abba and encourages us to
    do likewise.
  • He interprets the law through love (Matthew
    223-28 Mark 31-6)
  • The command to love is simple that is what God

  • Gods intentions
  • Listen! a sower went out to sow. And it
    happened that as he sowed, some of the seed fell
    along the footpath and the birds came and ate it
    up. Some fell on rocky ground, where it had
    little soil, and it sprouted quickly because it
    had no depth of earth but when the sun rose it
    was scorched, and as it had no root it withered
    away. Some fell among thistles and the thistles
    grew up and choked the corn, and it produced no
    crop. And some of the seed fell into good soil,
    where it came up and grew, and produced a crop
    and the yield was thirtyfold, sixtyfold, even
    hundredfold. He added, If you have ears to
    hear, then hear. (Mark 43-9)

  • Consider the act of sowing
  • It is intentional
  • Loss or waste is inevitable
  • Success is certain
  • Compare with Mark 426-29
  • Mark 430-32

  • The Kingdom of love is here to stay
  • God intends his work to succeed in order to
    transform the life of the world as a whole.
  • This requires concentrated and relentless effort
    despite failure.

  • Read Matthew 2531-46
  • Note - the Kingdom is to come in its
    fullness (31)
  • - it is a worldwide reign (32)
  • - the decisive principle is meeting the
    needs of people
  • - uplifting life and making it whole
  • - urgent need to respond (see Matthew

  • Jesus said
  • God is LOVE
  • - It is in love he acts for the benefit of
    humanity and creation.
  • - In loving, he makes reconciliation possible
  • - he acts justly
  • - he makes life whole throughout creation
  • This is the GOOD NEWS in which Jesus trained
  • disciples and sent them out to live and share.

  • The experience of those nearest to him is that he
    is so unusual so that the living God shines
    through him thus the only appropriate title for
    him is Son of God.
  • And again, he is so close to them, identifies
    himself so much with them and with humanity,
    that the other appropriate title is Son of Man.

  • To give herself
  • in love to the world and its people
  • tirelessly
  • relentlessly
  • without counting the cost
  • like Jesus himself

  • Such revolutionary ministry was so challenging
  • Tradition, custom, contemporary culture
  • Understanding of God and his ways
  • Status and authority the Pharisees scribes etc.

  • So that suspicion of him
  • enmity towards him
  • plotting against him
  • (Matthew 1214)

  • Maybe Jesus interpreted his ministry in terms of
    the Servant of the Lord (Isaiah 531-12)
  • Through his unwavering commitment to Gods
  • His death a sacrifice that confirms Gods
    commitment in love to his creation and people
  • His love is a means of cleansing, purifying and
  • Through his stripes we are healed

  • The unexpected happened in the resurrection of
  • We note - the variety of resurrection appearances
  • - the variety of experiences received
  • The resurrection is entirely consistent with the
    life, work and teaching of Jesus
  • - that the reign of God is more powerful than
    the worst of human plotting
  • - that the love that gives itself in Jesus
  • the depth of rejection.

  • The power of Gods love has been released
    throughout the whole creation and is here to stay
    to transform its whole life into his reign.
  • It affirms totally Jesus life as a whole
  • - there would be no message
  • - there would be no Church
  • without the Christ who died and is raised

  • We can speak of the Christ who goes ahead of his
    people to all places at all times because of his
    resurrection (Matthew 2810)
  • Following the resurrection Jesus breathed his
    energy upon his disciples and sent them to the
    world as apostles to make disciples of all
    nations. (Matthew 2816-20)

  • Jesus said again, Peace be with you! As the
  • sent me, so I send you. Then he breathed on
  • saying, Receive the Holy Spirit!. (John
  • Who said Peace unto you, when, to whom and to
    mean what?
  • The meaning of the word send he had previously
    called them, why is he now sending them?
  • What is the significance of the word breathed

  • Summary
  • In the gospels we see Jesus
  • Calling his disciples
  • Training them through word and deed thus ...
  • Giving them a living and personal experience of
    his message and work.
  • Opening their lives to his power and purpose.
  • ... and after the trial of the cross and

  • Sending his disciples the apostles
  • As Gods new Israel, Gods new creation to the
    task of living and spreading the life of his
  • With
  • New life-giving power, the power of Christs life
  • To enable them to fulfil the task.
  • ... And so ...

  • Jesus people are called and sent people.
  • Sometimes the word elect is used to describe
    them indicating
  • - responsibility as well as privilege
  • - purpose as well as honour
  • - being the Lords people, being light,
    being a blessing, being hope.
  • This is the Church of Christ

  • There are four emphases that need to be unpacked

  • i) continue in fellowship with the living
  • ii) living in faith and obedience to the life of
    Gods reign through
  • iii) Witnessing in thought, word and deed to the
    Kingdom of love which has come and is to come in
    its fullness make Christ-like disciples.
  • iv) Like Jesus, to offer her life to God in
    worship and service, to his glory.
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