Title: On Being Young, Gifted, and Black:
1On Being Young, Gifted, and Black
- A reflection on my lifes lessons and challenges
- Audrey Ellerbee
- 2007 Global Marathon
- March 22, 2007
2my (hi)story
- Lessons from mom and dad
- Education is valuable
- Try your best never quit
- Think long-term
Being gifted is NOT fun
3. . .
1986 (1)
1988 (4)
1989 (5)
being gifted requires sacrifice, being gifted
means leaving others behind being young is not
an advantage, being gifted means leaving others
behind being Black is a daily reality, being
gifted means leaving others behind being a
minority is an advantage, being gifted is means
leaving others behind not everyone expects you
to succeed, competing pressure to please others
vs. self
1993 (9)
. . .
1997 (12)
4lessons from college
4 lessons I am intelligent I am distinctive I am
conscious I am NOT invincible
5taking time to breathe
You can be an agent of change to those around you.
6the graduate years
- the anti-graduate experience
- majoring in extra-curriculars
- Jack of all trades master of ???
- learning to see what others see
student council
duke basketball
La plaza de España
7how life challenges the YGBs
- dearth of mentors and role models
- familys success your success
- representation of the RACE vs. self
- prejudice is real, alive and well
- affirmative action helps and hurts
- obligations to the community