Title: Access to HE conference Thursday 25 May 2006
1Access to HE conferenceThursday 25 May 2006
2Introduction and welcomeDr Stephen
JacksonDirector ReviewsQAA
3The Access to HE Diploma the new qualification
and credit specificationsHarvey WoolfHead of
Academic Standards, University of Wolverhampton
4Differentiation of learner achievement on the
Access to HE Diploma
- QAA Access to Higher Education Conference
- 25 May 2006
- Marie Stowell, Chair ARIA
5Achievement and Recognition of Individual
Achievement (ARIA)
- QAA recommendation a national system of grading
for the access award should be developed for use
on all QAArecognised Access certificates,
through which different levels of individual
final achievement can be readily and reliably
identified - DfES request explore a range of options for
differentiating learner achievement
6Arguments for grading
- Recognition of student effort and achievement
- Progression to selecting HE institutions/courses
- Transparency and equity in HE admissions policies
and procedures - Credibility of Access qualification
- Need for reliable method for describing
differential achievement
7Key working principles
- System of grading must be based on principles of
fairness and equity, reliability and validity,
simplicity and practicability, and must be fit
for purpose - Grading should not compromise credit-based nature
of the Access qualification - Grading must take account of the flexibility and
diversity of Access to HE programmes
8Models for grading
- Grade profile
- Module/subject grades
- Unit aggregation to whole qualification grade
- Portfolio assessment for whole qualification
grade - Selective claim for higher level grading
- External assessment for Diploma grading
91 Grade Profile - Unit grading
- Single grade calculated for each (eligible) unit
using common assessment criteria - Unit grades achieved detailed on transcript
- No overall grade provided
- Full unit information stated on UCAS form
- HE offers made in terms of eg specified
proportion of units to be achieved at/above
certain level and/or specific grades for
individual units
102 Module/subject grades
- Grades calculated for clusters of units in each
of main curriculum/subject areas taken by student - Common requirements regarding clustering of
(eligible) units - Subject grades provided as supplement to Access
Diploma - HE offers made in terms of specific grades for
each subject/module
113 Whole Diploma grade - Unit aggregation
- Single grade based on aggregation of (eligible)
unit grades calculated at end of programme - Method of aggregation could be determined at
local level and approved by AVA - Single grade representing overall performance
detailed on Diploma - HE offers in terms of overall achievement in
12Whole Diploma grade - Portfolio assessment
- Single grade awarded on basis of holistic
overview of (eligible/selected) students
assessed work (portfolio) - Grade determined against broad generic national
grading criteria for pass and grades above this - Grade stated on Diploma
- HE offers made in terms of overall achievement in
135 Whole Diploma grade - selective claim
- Students wishing to claim achievement above
threshold pass, submit portfolio and/or complete
synoptic assessment to support claim - Single grade awarded on basis of evidence against
generic common criteria - Student has choice over whether to be assessed
for higher grade - Grade stated on Diploma and HE offers in terms of
requirement for pass or higher grade
146 Whole Diploma grade - external assessment
- Single grade awarded on basis of common end of
course, externally set, test - Grade on Diploma indicates performance in final
external assessment, which could be subject-based
or psychometric/aptitude based - HE offers as for other whole qualification
grading methods
15Key considerations
- What should be graded all/some units or
modules/subjects or the whole qualification? - What student work should inform grading
decisions all summative assessments or latest
and best, or additional (externally set) synoptic
assessment? - How should assessment criteria be formulated and
by whom generic criteria set nationally, or
specific criteria set locally? - What information on differential achievement
should be provided for purposes of HE admissions
unit grade profile, or aggregated subject grades,
or overall Diploma grade, or combination?
16Differentiation of learner achievement issues
for providers
- Providers may be managing two major changes
move to credit framework and grading - Local differences in Access programmes are a key
strength but could be an obstacle to
standardising or aggregating grades - Developmental nature of Access programmes
presents issues for what will count in grading - Nature of Access learners many want further
recognition of achievement but what about late
bloomers or the less confident disincentive? - For Access tutors predicting grades will be no
easier because of timing and some models may mean
a very different approach to teaching
17An HEI Perspective
- Background
- Over 60,000 applicants for 5,000 places
- Devolved admissions processes
- Actively pursuing fair and holistic admissions
- Challenge of achieving parity for all applicants
- to demonstrate their potential and
preparedness - to be considered with equal rigour and
expertise - to have learning and teaching matched to their
abilities, aspirations and expectations - Solution should
- Fit with administrative procedures
- Provide timely, sufficient but not spurious
information - Foster realistic learning and assessment
skills and expectations
18Grading in post-16 qualifications
- Some lessons for Access to HE programmes
- can be educationally useful
- using well-written grade descriptors
- internalising the standards of quality
- assessing own and others work
- does not have to be norm-referenced
- does not have to be exam-based
- can become instrumental and compliant
- need time for teachers, moderators, examiners and
students to internalise - a process of socialisation
- national standards are something of a holy
grail but systems for moderation are crucial - need to avoid bureaucratic compliance and promote
21Access to HE conferenceThursday 25 May 2006
22Pathways to Higher Education Access courses
- HEFCE Issues paper 2006/16
- Enquiries or comments to
- m.gittoes_at_hefce.ac.uk
23Key Statistics - 2006
- Kath Dentith
- Assistant Director (Access)
- Quality Assurance Agency for HE
24Key Statistics main areas for consideration
- trends in Access to HE provision
- trends in student numbers
- student profile
- student achievement
- student progression
25Trends 200005 Access to HE providers
26Trends 200005 Access to HE providers
27Trends 200005 Access to HE programmes
28Trends 200005 Access to HE programmes
29Access to HE programmes running
30Access to HE student numbers 2000-05
31Trends 2000-05 students mode of study
32Access to HE student profile age
- In 2004-05, 53 all Access to HE students (over
23,000) - were under 30. (60 of male students 51 of
female students) -
33Access to HE student profile - sex
- men women
- 00-01 27 73
- 01-02 26 74
- 02-03 27 73
- 03-04 26 74
- 04-05 25 75
34Access to HE student profile ethnicity (2004-05)
- LSC/ELWa ( excl not known)
- White 72
- Black/Black British 16
- Asian/Asian British 5
- Chinese 1
- Mixed/ any other 6
- Not known 1,210
- In AVA data, 9 not known. Most AVAs record under
10 unknown - BUT 10 AVAs lt 5
- 8 AVAs 6-15
- 4 AVAs 16-20
- 2 AVAs 33
35Access to HE student profile disability and
learning difficulty (2004-05)
- Disability/ies 3
- Learning difficulty/ies 3
- Disability and learning difficulty/ies 1
- No disability or learning difficulty 66
- No information provided 28
36Access to HE student outcomes (all students)
37Access to HE completion and achievement 2004-05
Achievement of completers
Completion of those intending to complete
38Access to HE certificates awarded and withdrawals
39Access to HE the progression story (2000-05)
40AVA certification rates ( Access to HE
certificates awarded to those registered and
expected to complete within the same year)
41(No Transcript)