Title: MeasurementBased WorstCase Execution Time WCET Analysis
1Measurement-Based Worst-Case Execution Time
(WCET) Analysis
- Guillem Bernat and Adam Betts
2- Measurement-Based Approach the Holy Grail of WCET
3The real-time constraint
- Computer market dominated by embedded systems
- Majority of embedded systems operate in real-time
- Functional and Temporal correctness required
- Failure has varying degrees of consequences
4Why real-time people are useful
- In-flight control system Death
- Video streaming Degraded picture quality
- Automotive Breakdown
- Toaster Burnt toast
- Mobile phone Angry girlfriend
5Circumventing Catastrophe
- Real-Time System broken into number of tasks
- Tasks are scheduled according to their temporal
6Basics of WCET
- Safe estimates desired
- Static Analysis uses mathematical models of both
program and processor - These data are combined using calculation methods
- Formal proofs ascertain correctness
7instruction1 instruction2 instruction3 instruction
4 instruction5 instruction6 instruction7 instructi
on8 instruction9 instruction10
8instruction1 instruction2 instruction3 instruction
4 instruction5 instruction6 instruction7 instructi
on8 instruction9 instruction10 instruction11 instr
uction12 instruction13 instruction14 instruction15
9Where Static Analysis Struggles
- Processor advancements aim to improve
average-case performance - Predictability compromised
- Features disabled or pessimistic assumptions made
- Integration of advanced features into embedded
domain gathering speed
10instruction1 instruction2 instruction3 instruction
4 instruction5
11It gets worse
- Interaction between all features yet to be fully
explored - Unrealistic assumptions about processor behaviour
- Intellectual property constrains the scope of
static analysis
12Measure, you say?
- Scepticism toward measurement-based approach
- Pure end-to-end measurement might not encapsulate
the worst-case - Instrumentation required to collect data
- Probe effect disrupts the temporal behaviour
13What we propose
- Combination of static analysis and testing
techniques - Testing measures the real behaviour of the
processor - Static analysis techniques dictate how these data
are combined to produce a final estimate
Instr2 Instr3
Instr4 Instr5 Instr6 Instr7
Instr8 Instr9
15Issues in Measurement-Based Analysis
- Well instrumented programs
- Instrumentation under constraints
- Generating test-data for temporal correctness
- Adequacy criteria for WCET coverage
- Probability that estimates are correct
- Timeliness of many embedded systems relies on
WCET analysis - Static analysis struggles with advanced processor
features - Measurement-Based approach aims to combine static
and testing techniques - Accuracy the key as wider-issue processors become
more prevalent