Title: Extended School Progress System
1Extended School Progress System
September 2005
2Overview of Extended School reporting cycle
LA Approach Page
- Metrics
- Background/history
- Current issues
- ESRA actions
- NRT RA actions
- NRT central actions
- Traffic lights
3Summary LA profile
Extended Schools
Contact information
Progress overview
School overview
Extended Services Progress
Change Procress
Other core
- Overall Status
- Engagement
- Grouping High
- Full core offer delivery
- Sept 2006 10
- Sept 2007 20
- Sept 2008 30
- Sept 2009 15
- Sept 2010 5
LA Anyshire Region East Contact Joan
Smith Tel 0104 6329
Schools 240 Pupils 1200k Primary
180 Secondary 45 Special 10 Other
Sustainable 2 1 Full 8
5 Partial 15 17 Not Known 65 69 Assessment
Sustainable 2 Developing 35 Aware
5 Not Known 58
Yes No Not Known
3-4 offer 50 10 40
Basic contact information
Basic school statistics
Overall status
Progress on deliverables
Progress on process
4My School Entry Extended Services - proposed
In this school
Sustainable Full access Full term, some
holidays Full term Some term, some
holidays None Not Known
Sept 2006 Sept 2007 Sept 2008 Sept 2009 Sept
2010 Not Known
Sustainable Developing Aware Not Known
Yes No N/A Not Known
Sustainable Full Some None Not Known
Sustainable Full Some None Not Known
Sustainable Full Some None Not Known
Sustainable Full Some None Not Known
5Definitions characteristics of meeting
- Childcare Deliverables
- Primary schools
- All parents of primary aged children will be able
to access affordable childcare at or through
their school from 8am to 6pm, all year round. - Secondary schools
- All secondary schools will be open from 8am to
6pm all year round, offering a range of
activities for young people such as music, sport
and holiday activities.
- Other Core Offer Deliverables
- Varied menu of activities
- A varied menu of activities to be offered beyond
school hours which includes homework clubs and
study support, sport (at least two hours a day
for those who want it), music tuition, dance and
drama, arts and crafts, special interest clubs
such as chess and first aid courses, visits to
museums and galleries, learning a foreign
language, volunteering, business and enterprise
activities - Parenting support
- Parenting support including information sessions
for parents at key transition points, parenting
programmes run with the support of other
childrens services and family learning sessions
to allow children to learn with their parents. - Swift and easy referral
- Swift and easy referral to a wide range of
specialist support services such as speech
therapy, child and adolescent mental health
services, family support services, intensive
behaviour support, and sexual health services.
Some may be delivered on school sites. - Community access
- Providing wider community access to ICT, sports
and arts facilities including adult learning
- Co-located Nursery Schools
- Co-located nurseries offering services for 3-4
year olds
Source NRT Extended Schools Remodelling
Programme - Launch Pack
6Definitions levels of service access
- Childcare
- This covers primary and secondary schools. In
secondary schools the offer may be described as
the Youth offer or things for young people to
do - Sustainable
- The school has implemented full access to
childcare and has the management, relationships,
resources and financial arrangements in place to
ensure sustainability - Full access
- Normally 8-6 48 weeks a year or full access in
response to the needs of the local community - Full term time some holidays
- Term time access from 8-6pm and some access
during the holidays - Full term time
- Term time access from 8-6 only
- Some term time, some holiday
- The school is offering some childcare provision
probably during term time (eg breakfast clubs)
and perhaps during holidays as well
- Parenting Support
- Sustainable
- The school has implemented full access to
parenting support and has the management,
relationships, resources and financial
arrangements in place to ensure sustainability - Full
- Provides access to parenting groups using
structured manual-based parenting programmes - Offers information sessions for parents of pupils
joining Reception /Year 7 as applicable - Offers information about locally available
sources of information, advice and support - Offers information about nationally available
sources of information, advice and support - Some
- Offers one or more, but not all aspects of
parenting support - None
- The school does not provide access to parenting
support - Not known
7Definitions levels of service access
- Other
- Sustainable
- The school has implemented full provision of the
extended school core offer, and has the
management, relationships, resources and
financial arrangements in place to ensure
sustainability - Full
- The school, either provides access to all aspects
of the extended service either in house, or in
partnership with another school or third party. - Some
- The school is provides access to some aspects of
the extended service, but not all - None
- The school does not provide access to this
extended service - Not known
- The Local Authority is unclear about the level of
accsss to the service at this school. This is
the default assessment.
8Proposed schools event questionnaire
School name
Unique DfES identifier
Event title
Your position
Current position
1. Please indicate the level of access to
extended services your school currently offers,
by ticking one box under each heading
Varied menu of activities
Community use of school facilities
Parenting support
Swift and easy referral
Sustainable Full access Full term time some
holidays Full term time Some term time or
holidays None
Sustainable Full Some None
Sustainable Developing Aware
Does your school deliver the 3-4 nursery offer?
2. Please indicate where you are in planning the
full implementation of the extended schools
4. Please indicate when you anticipate full
extended services will be accessible
3. With regard to childcare indicate how the
service will be delivered
Still consulting Plan in place Management team in
In this school Somewhere else
Childcare Other services
6. With regard to CHILDREN please rank the
following criteria in terms of where you believe
the benefits have or will arise (1 is the highest
rank, 5 the lowest. Please do not give equal
5. Please indicate the level of benefits you
expect, or have achieved, from providing access
to extended services for
The community
Made things worse No difference Some
benefit Considerable benefit Transformed their
Be Healthy Stay Safe Enjoy and achieve Make a
positive contribution Achieve economic well-being
7. Please write a single keyword or short phrase
to indicate what you consider to be the main
impediment to delivering access to extended