Title: AHIP
1AHIP Womens Survey Key Findings
Women aged 30-59 n1,010 total interviews
(Margin of Error 3.1 in 95 out of 100
cases) n751 representative sample of US women
aged 30-59 n259 oversample of unmarried US women
aged 30-59 Telephone Data collected from
November 6 24, 2008
3Financial Confidence Women are not entirely in
control of their financial future.
Please tell me how strongly you agree or disagree
with each of these items.
4Retirement Preparedness A majority of women feel
financially prepared for retirement.
Thinking about the future, how financially
prepared do you feel for retirement?
5Financial Empowerment Only 35 of women agree
they have actively thought and planned for their
long-term care.
I have actively thought about and planned for my
long-term care, such as care in a nursing home,
assisted-living facility or home health care
Please tell me how much you agree or disagree
with the following statement, I have actively
thought about and planned for my long-term care,
such as care in a nursing home, assisted-living
facility or home health care services.
6Preparing to Finance Long-Term Care Many women
are not financially prepared for long-term care
Still thinking about the future, how prepared
would you say you are for long-term care, should
you need it?
7Economys Impact on Long-Term Care
Planning Current economic circumstances are
limiting womens ability to plan for long-term
care costs 60 report that the economy has
impacted their ability to plan for their future
Considering the current economic situation in the
United States, what impact has the economy had on
your ability to plan for your future long-term
8Likelihood of Long-Term Care Three in four women
believe they will need long-term care services in
the future.
- High school or less 29
- 45-49 years old 29
- 150K earners 36
- Under 25K earners 32
What do you believe your chances are of ever
needing long-term care services such as nursing
home care, home health care services, or an
assisted living facility for more than six months?
9Coverage While a majority of women have health
and life coverage, four in five women say they
dont have long-term care insurance.
If you do not own LTCI, do your current insurance
policies provide coverage for long-term care,
such as in-home care, assisted living facilities,
or nursing homes that would provide care for you
if you had a debilitating disease and could not
care for yourself?
Which of the following insurance products do you
currently own, if any?
10Long-Term Care Funding Of women who do not have
long-term care insurance, a majority plan to rely
on government programs, such as Medicaid, to pay
for long-term care services.
If you needed long-term care, how would you pay
for these costs?
11Catalysts to Purchase The ability to deduct
premiums from income tax leads over half of women
surveyed to be more likely to purchase LTCI.
How much more likely would you be to purchase
long-term care insurance if the following
benefits were available?
12Knowledge of Long-Term Care Insurance Half of
respondents reported little to no knowledge of
long-term care insurance.
Trends Information levels grow parallel with
age, income and education levels. The older,
wealthier, more educated the respondent, the more
she knows about long-term care insurance.
Please tell me how much you know about long-term
care insurance.