Title: Matthew C. Nisbet, Ph.D.
1Communicating about Poverty and Low Wage Work
- Matthew C. Nisbet, Ph.D.
- School of Communication
- American University
- December 7, 2007
- GIST Conference
- Washington, DC
2A Perceptual GroundHog Day? Public Opinion about
Poverty Little Different from 1980s
- Americans
- Remain ambivalent
- Do not view as a top priority
- See as isolated issue
- Still hold strong racial stereotypes
Source Nisbet, 2007. Report to Inclusion and
Joyce Foundation.
3Enduring Perceptual Screens
- What Structures Public Opinion?
- Belief in Individualism
- Preference for limited government
- Belief in a just world
- Racial stereotypes
- Reinforced by media portrayals and political
Source Nisbet (2007). Report to Inclusion and
Joyce Foundation.
4Shifting Public Perceptions Contract with
America and Welfare Reform
5Shifting Public PerceptionsBi-Partisan
Communication Campaign on Welfare
Network Evening News
Negative coverage
Positive coverage
Source Schneider Jacoby, 2005. Political
Research Quarterly.
6Shifting Public Perceptions
The Impact of the Campaign
National Election Study Combination of answers
to three survey questions asking support for
spending on food stamps, welfare, and programs to
help the poor. Higher scores reflect stronger
Source Schneider Jacoby, 2005. Political
Research Quarterly.
7Shifting Public Perceptions
Normalization to pre-1990s Opinion
Source Schneider Jacoby, 2005. Political
Research Quarterly.
8Innovative Ideas, Old Language
- Argues for re-establishing the dignity of work
and ending dependency by restoring personal
responsibility through a program that
incentivizes personal decisions.
NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Source Address to Brookings Institution, Aug.
28, 2007
9What Needs to Be Done?Effective Communication is
a Science
- Systematic review and synthesis of historical
polling record - Consistency and validity in trends
- Key sub-group analysis
- Question wording effects
- Focus group and survey work
- New trains of thought that break old mental boxes
- Effective language, metaphors, frame devices, and
opinion leaders - Social inclusion Lessons from the UK?
- Engage non-traditional publics
- Five to ten year focus
- Breaking the tyranny of the news peg
- How can anti-poverty advocates collaborate with
journalists on better coverage? - Communication Summits and Message Discipline
Source Nisbet, 2007. Report to Inclusion and
Joyce Foundation.