Before Each Class Period - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Before Each Class Period


1:1,2 Greeting. 1:3-20 Charge Concerning Sound Doctrine. 1:3-11 ... 4:19-22 Greetings & Instructions. 7. A Brief 'Life of Paul' Year Event Reference Letters ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Before Each Class Period

Before Each Class Period
  • 1. Make sure you have a lesson sheet. Get
    copies in advance if you are to be absent.
  • 2. Read all texts in each lesson.
  • make notes about key points in each passage.
  • note words/phrases you don't understand, be
    prepared to ask about them
  • 3. Memorize the memory verse.
  • 4. Write down learn Facts to Remember.
  • Answer questions on the Lesson Sheet
  • Read through application questions, be prepared
    to discussed them in class.

During Each Class Period
  • 1. Bring your Bible (NKJ version), lesson
    materials, extra paper, something to write
  • 2. Correct answers on your lesson sheet as they
    are discussed.
  • 3. Participate fully in all exercises.
  • 4. During discussion of application questions
    make plans to change your life, based on what you

Topics inI II Timothy Titus
  • Spring, 2003
  • Embry Hills Church of Christ

Topics in I II Timothy Titus
  • 1 Introduction and Background
  • Timothy's Work as an Evangelist
  • Living in a World of Sinners
  • Roles in the Church Men Women
  • Roles in the Church Old Young
  • Roles in the Church Elders Deacons
  • Personal Admonition Purity
  • Personal Admonition Development
  • Lessons to Servants Rich
  • Dealing with Sinful Men in the Church

Outline of I Timothy
  • 11,2 Greeting
  • 13-20 Charge Concerning Sound Doctrine
  • 13-11 Danger of False Teachers
  • 112-20 Pauls Experience Exhortation
  • 21-316 Conduct in the Church
  • 21-7 Prayers for All
  • 28-15 Men Women
  • 31-13 Elders Deacons
  • 314-16 Summary Doxology
  • 41-5 Prophecy of False Teachers to Come
  • 46-16 Qualities of a Good Minister
  • 51-62 Treatment Teaching for Various Members
  • 51,2 Old Young
  • 53-16 Widows
  • 517-25 Elders
  • 61,2 Slaves
  • 63-10 Warning Against Wrong Motives
  • 611-21 Final Instructions to Timothy
  • 611-16 Personal Virtue

Outline of II Timothy
  • 11,2 Greeting
  • 13-18 Exhortation to Loyalty
  • 13-5 Timothys Past
  • 16-14 Pauls Example
  • 115-18 Deserters Loyal Friends
  • 21-26 Duties of a Minister
  • 21-13 Strength through Hardship Soldiers,
    Athletes, Farmers
  • 214-26 A Diligent Workman Reminding,
    Shunning, Cleansing, Correcting
  • 31-45 Perilous Times to Come
  • 31-9 Dangerous Men Described
  • 310-17 Character Required to Overcome
  • 41-5 Charge to Preach
  • 46-22 Pauls Farewell
  • 46-8 Pauls Fight Reward
  • 49-18 Pauls Friends Forsakers
  • 419-22 Greetings Instructions

A Brief Life of Paul
  • Year Event Reference Letters
  • 36 Conversion Acts 9
  • 40 First Jerusalem Visit (w/ Barnabas) Acts
  • 41-43 In Tarsus Acts 930
  • 44-45 In Antioch with Barnabas Acts 1125, 26
  • 45 Second Jerusalem Visit (w/ Gifts) Acts
  • 46-47 First Journey (w/ Barnabas) Acts 13,14
  • 48-49 In Antioch Acts 1426-28
  • 50 Third Jerusalem Visit (Conference) Acts 15
  • 50-53 Second Journey (w/ Silas Timothy) Acts
    15-18 I, II Thess
  • 53 Fourth Jerusalem Visit (the Church) Acts
  • (To Antioch) I, II Corinthians
  • 54-58 Third Journey Acts 1823-2114 Galatians
  • Romans
  • 58 Fifth Jerusalem Visit (Imprisoned) Acts
  • 58-60 Imprisoned in Caesarea Acts 23-26
  • 60-61 Taken to Rome (Fourth Journey) Acts
    27,28 Col., Philemon,
  • 61-63 Early Imprisonment in Rome Acts
    2816-31 Eph., Philip.
  • I Tim, Titus

(No Transcript)
Pauls Second Journey
Pauls Second Journey
(No Transcript)
Lesson 1 Memory VerseII Tim 316,17
  • All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and
    is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
    correction, for instruction in righteousness,
    17that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly
    equipped for every good work.

Lesson 2 Memory VerseII Tim 41-5
  • Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of
    season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all
    longsuffering and teaching. 3For the time will
    come when they will not endure sound doctrine,
    but according to their own desires, because they
    have itching ears, they will heap up for
    themselves teachers 4and they will turn their
    ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to

Lesson 3 Memory VerseII Tim 312
  • Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ
    Jesus will suffer persecution.

Lesson 4 Memory VerseI Tim 21,2
  • Therefore I exhort first of all that
    supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving
    of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all
    who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet
    and peaceable life in all godliness and

Lesson 5 Memory VerseTitus 27,8
  • In all things showing yourself to be a pattern
    of good works in doctrine showing integrity,
    reverence, incorruptibility, sound speech that
    cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent
    may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you.

Words for Timothys Job
  • Evangelist (II Tim 45 see Eph 411) -
    Messenger of Good
  • Preacher of the Gospel
  • Preacher (II Tim 42) - A Herald One who
    proclaims formally
  • Of Paul I Tim 27, II Tim111
  • Minister (I Tim 46, II Tim 45) - Servant,
    Attendant, Deacon
  • Serving Jesus Christ
  • Of Paul I Tim 112
  • Teacher (I Tim 411 II Tim 42) One who
  • Of Paul I Tim 27
  • Responsibility (224) that can be transferred to
    others II Tim 22
  • PositionImplying Authority I Tim 17 212,
    see Eph 411
  • Charge (I Tim 13, 617) Pass on/transfer a
  • From Paul to Timothy I Tim 15, 18 613
  • Charge (I Tim 214 41) - Solemn Witness, Charge
  • From Paul to Timothy I Tim 521
  • Instruct (I Tim 46) Remind, Point Out

Timothys Work Words (II Tim 42)
  • Preach Herald, proclaim with authority
  • Ready Urgent (ASV), Instant (KJV), standing
    by, present, at hand, coming upon
  • Convince Convict, refute, confute (suggests
    shame of person convicted) bring to light,
    expose find fault with, correct demand
  • Rebuke Reprimand strongly warn chide
    adjudge, (Jesus did this to demons storm)
  • Exhort Call on, entreat, beg, encourage urge
    to pursue course of conduct.
  • Longsuffering Great patience, endurance,
  • Teaching That which is taught, doctrine (see
    Tit 19)
  • Teaching (v 3) Act of teaching, instruction
    (see I Tim 413)

Character and Consequence(I Tim 28-12, I Pet
I Peter 31-6
Elders Qualifications
  • Holy
  • Self-Controlled
  • Holding Fast the Faith
  • Good Behavior
  • Able to Teach
  • Gentle
  • Not Quarrelsome
  • Not Covetous
  • Rules Own House Well
  • Children in Submission
  • Not a Novice
  • Good Testimony from Those who are Without
  • Blameless
  • Husband of One Wife
  • Faithful Children
  • Not Accused of Dissipa-tion or Insubordination
  • Not Self-Willed
  • Not Quick Tempered
  • Not Give to Wine
  • Not Violent
  • Not Greedy for Money
  • Hospitable
  • Lover of What is Good
  • Sober-Minded
  • Just

Deacons Qualifications
  • Reverent
  • Not Double-Tongued
  • Not Given to Much Wine
  • Not Greedy for Money
  • Holding the Faith with a Pure Conscience
  • Tested Found Blameless
  • Husbands of One Wife
  • Ruling their Children Houses Well
  • Reverent
  • Not Slanderers
  • Temperate
  • Faithful in All Things

Outline of Titus
  • 11-4 Greeting
  • 15-16 Care of the Church
  • 15-11 Elders Qualifications
  • 112-20 False Teachers
  • 21-15 Instructions to Church Members
  • 21-3 Older Men Women
  • 24-8 Younger Women Men
  • 29,10 Slaves
  • 211-15 Motive for Godly Living
  • 31-11 General Conduct of Christians
  • 31,2 As Citizens
  • 33-7 Past Present Character
  • 39-11 Avoiding Divisiveness
  • 312-15 Final Instructions to Titus

Lesson 6 Memory VerseI Tim 31
  • This is a faithful saying If a man desires the
    position of a bishop, he desires a good work.

Lesson 7 Memory VerseI Tim 31
  • For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of
    power and of love and of a sound mind.

Flee These Things (I Tim 6)
(In Context) What Timothy was to Flee
Desire to be Rich
Pride, Obsession with Disputes
Harmful Lusts
Lust of the Eyes
Pride of Life
  • Lust of the Flesh

What Timothy was to Pursue
Godliness, Faith
Love, Patience, Gentleness
God-Directed Behavior
God-Directed Thought
God-like Care for Others
Fear Shame (II Tim 1)
  • Stir up the Gift of God (v 6)
  • Do not have a Spirit of Fear (v 7)
  • Do not be ashamed of the Lords Testimony (v 8)
  • Do not be ashamed of Paul (v 8)
  • Hold Fast the Pattern of Sound Words (v 13)
  • Keep (by the Holy Spirit) the Good thing
    Committed to you (v 14)

The Antidote for Fear A Spirit of
Sound Mind (Discipline)
Backed, Protected by Power
Not Concerned for Self (Ready to Suffer)
Stirred-up Gifts Activities
Lesson 8 Memory VerseI Tim 48
  • For bodily exercise profits a little, but
    godliness is profitable for all things, having
    promise of the life that now is and of that which
    is to come.

Transitive Property of Teaching
I Write to you (I Tim 315)
You know How to Behave
Instruct the Brethren in These Things (I
Tim 46)
Meditate on these things (I Tim 4 15)
Save Both Yourself
Those who hear you.
Things you Heard from me (II Tim 22)
Commit to Faithful Men
Who Will Teach Others Also.
Lessons from Soldiers Others
  • Endure Hardship (v 3)
  • Do Not Become Entangled in Other Affairs (v 4)

  • Compete According to Rules (v 5)

  • ? Hardwork (v 6)
  • Be First to Benefit from Work (v 7)

Principles of Training
  • Its hard to get started (But it gets easier).
  • The longer you wait, the harder it is to start.
  • No Pain, No Gain. (There have to be sacrifices.)
  • Progress sometimes seems slow.
  • You have to set goals along the way.
  • Obvious progress is a great motivator.
  • Training must be regular.
  • Discipline good habit-building are essential.
  • You will lose ground quickly when you stop.
  • It helps to have a partner.
  • Trainers who challenge us are helpful.
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