Title: GWAVA AntiSpam Information
1GWAVA Anti-Spam Information
- Presented by
- Homer W. Ellis
- Thanks to the District 5 Technology Coordinators
for their assistance.
- GWAVA is a new program the district has purchased
that should help with the spam problems that we
have been experiencing. Please do not expect it
to be foolproof some spam will get through no
matter what protection we have.
3Information 3
- If you do not use the Junk Mail Handling feature
of GroupWise skip from this slide 3 to slide 11
Set up GWAVA for viewing.
4Junk Mail Handling 4
- First you need to set up your Junk Mail Handling
differently by disabling your Block Mail folder.
- Go to Tools - Junk Mail Handling and this screen
will open. It should look exactly like this. If
you had previously enabled your - Block List, you need to uncheck this box.
- Then click the Block List tab.
5(No Transcript)
6When this window pops up, choose either to Junk
email from the domains or addresses, Apply. 8
7You should not block from standard domains like
charter.net, aol.com, spart5.k12.sc.us, etc. 9
- After you have done these steps, the GWAVA
software will send all your blocked email to you
in a digest. Look through the digest and see if
there is something that you did not want the
software to block. You can release that
particular email and it will come to your inbox.
8You will receive the digest like this10
9Set up GWAVA for viewing. 11
- When you open this e-mail it will ask you to set
html. Go to View and check HTML. - To set HTML as your default view do the
following - Open GroupWise
- Click on Tools
- Click on Options the bottom item.
- Click on Environment Top left item.
- Click on View the second TAB
- Click on the HTML under Default Read View
- Leave Compose View as Plain Text
10And it will look like this when opened. If you
see anything that you want to keep, click the
Release button and it will go to your inbox. If
the released email goes to your junk mail folder,
right click on it, choose Junk Mail Handling,
then Trust Sender. 12
11GWAVA digest release window Click OK to release
the e-mail you want to let through. It will show
up in your mailbox shortly. 13
12Click on Yes give it a little time and the
e-mail should come to your inbox. If another
window appears you will need to write down the
file info and get it to me. 14
13Any Questions? 15