GUI Design and Java - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GUI Design and Java


Toolkit kit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension screenSize = kit.getScreenSize ... You can get a Array of Strings with all the available fonts with the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: chrisf2
Tags: gui | design | java


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: GUI Design and Java

GUI Design and Java
  • So far, we havent talked about GUI stuff at all
    were only used the console for input/output.
  • This is not what Java was designed for.
  • One of the truly nice things about Java is the
    ability to create fairly complex GUIs pretty
  • Java 1.0 introduced AWT Abstract Window Toolkit
  • AWT was peer-based. It used the operating system
    to draw the various entities (sliders, buttons,
  • This was nice because it was fairly fast, but it
    had a lot of drawbacks to it

AWT Drawbacks
  • Different GUI elements look different on
    different platforms.
  • So, when youre sizing and testing something on
    System A, and you move it to System B, it may
    look different. Write Once, Run Anywhere ? Write
    Once, Test Everywhere.
  • Not all OSs have all the GUI elements that
    others do (some older unix platforms are pretty
    limited vs. Windows/MacOS)
  • The lead to developing for the Lowest Common
    Denominator the OS with the least powerful GUI

  • So, Java 2 introduced another set of graphical
    routines called SWING, which takes a different
  • Swing was actually developed by Netscape (called
    Internet Foundation Classes), who later worked
    with Sun to get it working well
  • Instead of relying on the OS to draw the various
    GUI elements, Swing draws them.
  • This is slower, but it is way more consistent.

  • Swing does not replace AWT
  • AWT is still used, for instance, in the Event
    Model, and a lot of Swing is built upon AWT
    (JFrame, the top level container, inherits from
    AWTs Frame)

  • A JFrame is a Top Level container in Java (along
    with JDialog and JApplet)
  • For a GUI element to appear on screen, it must be
    a part of a containment hierarchy, in which a Top
    Level container is the root.
  • Each top-level container has a content pane that,
    generally speaking, contains (directly or
    indirectly) the visible components in that
    top-level container's GUI.
  • Each GUI component can be contained only once. If
    a component is already in a container and you try
    to add it to another container, the component
    will be removed from the first container and then
    added to the second.

  • You actually add the GUI elements (buttons, text
    fields, checkboxs, etc.) to the content pane

Simple Frame Example
  • To pop up a simple frame with nothing on it is
    fairly easy..
  • import javax.swing.
  • public static void main(Strings args)
  • JFrame myframenew JFrame()
  • myframe.setSize(300,300)
  • myframe.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_O

Some key points here
  • JFrame inherits most of its methods from its
    superclasses. Some of interest are (Also, read
    the API there is a lot you can do with these)
  • setSize
  • setLocation
  • setDefaultCloseOperation
  • show
  • dispose
  • add

  • Anyone see a problem with the arbitrarily setting
    the size of a frame?
  • We can find out the screen resolution by using a
  • import java.awt.
  • import java.awt.event.
  • import javax.swing.
  • Toolkit kit Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()
  • Dimension screenSize kit.getScreenSize()
  • int screenHeightscreenSize.height
  • int screenWidthscreenSize.width
  • myframe.setSize(screenWidth,screenHeight)

Panes (Pains ? )
  • A JFrame is made up of multiple Panes.
  • This is what content gets added to (it is
    possible to add components directly to a JFrame,
    but this is bad programming practice.

Layered Panes
  • This is a pane that has different layers
    (Depths), which is useful for controlling things
    is a particular way (which components overlap

Glass Panes
  • Glass panes are the top level of panes.
  • Glass panes are normally invisible
  • These are useful for intercepting Events (Mouse,
  • Also useful for drawing on top of multiple

Content Panes
  • This is the layer that holds the UI components.
    This is primarily what we will be concerned with.
  • We generally add UI components (Images, Buttons,
    CheckBoxes, TextFields, etc.) to a General
    Purpose Container, such as a JPanel (more on them
    in a second), which is turn is added to the
    Content Pane of the JFrame.

  • JPanels are UI Components with two special
  • You can draw things on them
  • You can add things to them (they are containers
  • Lets see some examples..

  • This is an example of displaying a Frame, with a
    Label on it. (if you run this, remember to import
  • JFrame exampleFramenew JFrame() //Create a
    new frame
  • exampleFrame.setSize(400,400) //Set the size as
    400x400 pixels
  • exampleFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT
  • JPanel examplePanelnew JPanel() //Create a new
  • JLabel exampleLabelnew JLabel(This is a
  • examplePanel.add(exampleLabel) //Add the
    label to the panel
  • exampleFrame.getContentPane().add(examplePanel)
    //Add the Panel to the content pane
  • //Call the show method

Drawing on a Panel
  • To custom draw on a panel, you should
  • Define a new class that inherits from JPanel
  • Override the paintComponent() method
  • This allows you to do custom painting generally
    you only need this to draw shapes
  • UI Components (Checkboxes, Labels, etc) included
    with Swing know how to paint themselves you
    dont need to redefine paintComponent unless you
    do something special (and be sure to call the
    superclass paintComponent if you do!)

Drawing on a Panel
  • class MyPanel extends JPanel
  • public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
  • super.paintComponent()
  • g.drawLine(0,0,100,100) draw a line from 0,0
    to 100,100
  • As you see, it takes on parameter, a Graphics
    object, which is a collection of settings for
    drawing images and texts all drawing must go
    through one of these objects

Drawing on a Panel
  • On the previous slide, we drew a line by
  • g.drawLine(0,0,100,100) //draw a line from 0,0
    to 100,100
  • I know what youre thinking. That isnt a very
    Object Oriented way to do things (ok, youre not
    thinking that. But someone at Sun was)
  • Java 2 introduces a collection of 2D Shape
  • Line2D
  • Rectangle2D
  • Ellipse2D

2D Objects
  • Since these 2D objects are somehow different, we
    need to interact with them through a Graphics2D
  • To do this, we simply take the graphics object in
    paintComponent and cast it to a Graphics2D
    object. (We can do this because, as of Java2,
    the object getting passed in actually IS a
    Graphics2D object)

2D Objects
  • public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
  • Graphics2D g2 (Graphics2D)g
  • Line2D aLinenew Line2D.Double(1.0,1.0,2.0,2.0)
  • g2.draw(aLine)
  • Couple of points here the 2D Shapes all belong
    to the package java.awt.geom import this if you
    want to use it
  • All these 2D Objects come in two flavors
    whatevershape.Double and whatevershape.Float
  • There is no difference between these objects,
    except for the kind of objects passed to the
    constructor after that, there is no difference

Java Dumb-ism
  • Just in case you run into this, look out for it.
  • Say, for whatever reason, you need to use a
    floating point version of one of these, and want
    to pass it a number not contained in a variable
  • But, Java is strongly-typed, an any of these
    numbers you pass are considered Doubles
  • To solve this, add an F after the number. This
    will tell the compiler you want it to be a float
  • float f1 1.0 //This actually doesnt work
  • float f2 1.0F //This does

  • When drawing, we may want to set the drawing
    Color. To do so, we use a Color object.
  • There are 13 predefined colors you can use
    agenta,orange,pink,red,white,yellow) or you can
    create your own, using the by setting the RGB
    values in the constructor
  • g2.setPaint( //or Color.RED use
    lowercase for backwards compatiblity
  • g2.setPaint(new Color( 0, 128, 128)) //a
    blue-greenish color

  • You can create Font objects, which represent
    Fonts available on the system, for use in Labels
    and anything else that displays Text
  • There are 5 Fonts which are always available
    SansSerif, Serif, Monospaced, Dialog, DialogInput
  • Fonts objects take 3 arguments in the constructor
  • The Font name, as a String
  • a Font class constant that describes the style
    (bold, italic, etc.)
  • The Font size, in points

  • So, you can create a Font object, and assign it
    to various UI components that display text, or to
    a Graphics object
  • Font cn14
  • new Font(Courier New,Font.BOLD,14)
  • Font tnr12
  • new Font(Times New Roman,Font.ITALIC,12)
  • JLabel someLabelnew JLabel(Wassabie)
  • someLabel.setFont(tnr12)

  • Be happy this class is being taught with Java
    1.4.x instead of 1.3.x
  • Loading and saving images used to be a real pain.
  • You used to have to load an image using a the
    Toolkits getImage command, which would spawn
    another Thread to load the image and return
    before the image was loaded. So if you wanted to
    wait until it was done loaded, youd have to
    attach a MediaTracker object and call the
    waitForAll() method inside a try/catch block.
    This was even worse pre-Swing. Forget about
    writing an image out to disk unless you wrote the
    code for it yourself.

  • It couldnt be any more simple now
  • import javax.imageio.
  • Image image
  • try
  • image File(somefile.jpg))
  • g.drawImage(image, x, y, null)
  • catch (IOException exp)
  • //Will throw an IOException if the image cant
    be loaded

  • Writing images to a file is almost as easy
  • File f
  • String format JPG
  • ImageIO.write(image, format, f)

  • Java provides an a class, GraphicsEnvironment,
    that provides some useful system information
    (Read its API to find out all it can do)
  • We can use this to find which Fonts are installed
    on the system
  • You can get a Array of Strings with all the
    available fonts with the following call
  • String fontNames GraphicsEnvironment
  • .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()
  • .getAvailableFontFamilyNames()
  • You can search through this to see what Fonts are
    installed on the system, or to propagate a
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