1World Trade Organization Geneva, Switzerland 24
May, 2007
Andrew Sharpless Chief Executive Officer Oceana
2Big Fish Are All Gone (catch per hundred hooks)
Source Myers, R.A., and B. Worm, Nature. 2003
3Declines in Fish Populationsin the North Atlantic
Source Christensen, V., S. et al. Fish and
Fisheries. 2003
4Fish Populations in North Africa
(Fish populations per square km)
Source Pauly, D., Symposium on Marine fisheries,
ecosystems and societies in West Africa half a
century of change held in Dakar, Senegal, June
24-28 2002
5have also declined
(Fish populations per square km)
Source Pauly, D., Symposium on Marine fisheries,
ecosystems and societies in West Africa half a
century of change held in Dakar, Senegal, June
24-28 2002
6The situation is similar in Southeast Asia
Source Christensen et al. 2003
7Same thing in North West Africa, here largely
due to Distant Water Fleets
Source Christensen et al. (in press) Dakar
Conference Proceedings
8Global Catch Over Time
Source Watson and Pauly, Nature, 2003 (catch
data excludes Latin American Anchoveta)
9Fisheries Collapse Over Time
Source Boris Worm, et al, Science, 2006 Impacts
of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem
Services (Diamonds show collapses by year
triangles cumulative collapses black are all
large marine ecosystems blue are species poor,
red are species rich)
10(No Transcript)
11Decrease in Trophic Level
Trophic Level
Source Pauly, D., et al. Science. 1998
12Jellyfish Fisheries
Source LA Times, 2006, Altered Oceans, by Ken
13State of European Marine Fish Stocks
Source ICESÂ Biological advice for 2006 Western
waters and North Sea
14State of the World Marine Fish Stocks
Source FAO. 2004
15Potential WTO Legacy