Title: BGP Security
1BGP Security
- CS2520 -TELCOM2321
- Wide Area Networks
- KyoungSoo Park
- University of Pittsburgh
- Many slides borrowed from Dr. Jen Rexford
- Security goals for interdomain routing
- Secure message exchange
- Prefix ownership and attributes
- Agreement with the forwarding path
- Preventing resource exhaustion
- BGP (in)security today
- Best common practices
- Proposed security enhancements
- Secure BGP (S-BGP)
- Anomaly-detection schemes
3Security Goals
4Secure Message Exchange Between Neighbors
- Confidential BGP message exchange
- Can two ASes exchange messages without someone
watching? - No denial of service
- Prevent CPU overload, session reset, and tampered
BGP messages?
5Validity of Route Announcements
- Origin authentication
- Is the prefix owned by the AS announcing it?
6Validity of Route Announcements
- AS path authentication
- Is AS path the sequence of ASes the BGP update
4 6
7 5 6
7Adherence to Business Contracts
- AS path policy
- Does the AS path adhere to the routing policies
of each AS? - Is a path announced when it should be?
8Correspondence to the Data Path
- Agreement between control and data plane
- Does the traffic follow the advertised AS path?
4 5 6
7 5 6
9Preventing Resource Exhaustion
- Limiting the size of the BGP table
- Can the router run out of memory?
- Storing routes for many prefixes, with long
paths? - Limiting the number of BGP messages
- Can the router run out of CPU and bandwidth?
- Due to flapping prefixes, duplicate messages, etc.
BGP sessions
10BGP (In)Security Today
11BGP Security Applying Best Common Practices
- Securing the BGP session
- Authentication, encryption, TTL tricks
- Filtering routes by prefix and AS path
- Preventing your customers from hijacking others
- Resetting attributes to default values
- Preventing your peers from tricking you
- Packet filters to block unexpected BGP traffic
- Blocking port 179 from unexpected places
- Preventing resource exhaustion
- Limiting prefixes/session, and prefix lengths
12Best Practice is Not Good Enough
- Depends on vigilant application of BCPs
- By your neighbors, and your neighbors neighbors,
and your neighbors neighbors neighbors - And nobody making configuration mistakes!
- Doesnt address fundamental problems
- Cant tell who owns the IP address block
- Cant tell if the AS path is bogus or invalid
- Cant be sure data packets follow the chosen
route - Cant easily bound the memory requirements
13Security Enhancements to BGP
14Secure BGP (S-BGP)
- Address attestations
- Claim the right to originate a prefix
- Signed and distributed out-of-band
- Checked through delegation chain from ICANN
- Route attestations
- Distributed as an attribute in BGP update message
- Signed by each AS as route traverses the network
- Signature signs previously attached signatures
- S-BGP can validate
- AS path indicates the order ASes were traversed
- No intermediate ASes were added or removed
15S-BGP Deployment Challenges
- Complete, accurate registries
- E.g., of prefix ownership
- Public Key Infrastructure
- To know the public key for any given AS
- Cryptographic operations
- E.g., digital signatures on BGP messages
- Need to perform operations quickly
- To avoid delaying response to routing changes
- Difficulty of incremental deployment
- Hard to have a flag day to deploy S-BGP
- Prevents many threats
- Prefix hijacking
- Route modification
- But not others
- Collusion two ASes claiming to have an edge
- Policy violation distributing a route from one
provider to another - Data-plane attacks announcing one path but using
another - Resource exhaustion announcing too many routes
17Anomaly-Detection Schemes
- Monitoring BGP update messages
- Use past history as an implicit registry
- E.g., AS that announces each address block
- E.g., AS-level edges and paths
- Out-of-band detection mechanism
- Generate reports and alerts
- Internet Alert Registry http//iar.cs.unm.edu/
- Prefix Hijack Alert System http//phas.netsec.co
lostate.edu/ - Soft response to suspicious routes
- Prefer routes that agree with the past
- Delay adoption of unfamiliar routes when possible
- Some (e.g., misconfiguration) will disappear on
their own
18Anomaly-Detection Schemes
- Risk of false positives
- Temporarily (?) avoiding legitimate routes
- Risk of false negatives
- Possibly vulnerable to a smart adversary
- Can detect some paths S-BGP cannot
- E.g., announcing from one provider to another
- Does not prevent all attacks
- Does not prevent collusion or data-plane attacks
- More amenable to incremental deployment
- BGP is highly vulnerable
- Based on trust, even of ASes many hops away
- BGP security is a serious problem
- Blackholing, snooping, impersonating, spamming
- Defining the threat is challenging, too
- Control-plane validation or much, much more?
- Incremental deployment is a real challenge
- Bootstrapping a PKI (though this has improved)
- Still a very active area of research
20Background Materials
21Encrypting and Decrypting With Keys
- Encrypt to hide message contents
- Transforming message contents with a key
- Message cannot be read without the right key
- Symmetric key cryptography
- Same secret key for encrypting and decrypting
- makes it hard to distribute the secret key
- Asymmetrical (or public key) cryptography
- Sender uses public key to encrypt message
- Can be distributed freely!
- Receiver uses private key to decrypt message
22Authenticating the Sender and Contents
- Digital signature for authentication
- Data attached to the original message
- to identify sender and detect tampering
- Sender encrypts message digest with private key
- Receiver decrypts message digest with public key
- and compares with message digest it computes
- Certificate
- Collection of information about a person or thing
- ... with a digital signature attached
- A trusted third party attaches the signature
23Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
- Problem getting the right key
- How do you find out someones public key?
- How do you know it isnt someone elses key?
- Certificate Authority (CA)
- Bob takes public key and identifies himself to CA
- CA signs Bobs public key with digital signature
to create a certificate - Alice can get Bobs key and verify the
certificate with the CA - Register once, communicate everywhere
- Each user only has the CA certify his key
- Each user only needs to know the CAs public key