Title: PowerPoint Presentation Newsletter
Phillips Elementary Hampton, VA November
2008 Volume 1, Issue 3
Anita Owens, Principal Elizabeth Franks,
Assistant Principal
Kindergarten The kids participated in a mock
election on November 3rd. On November 25th, we
will celebrate our Thanksgiving feast.
Additional information will be sent home
later. 1st Grade Were looking forward to an
exciting trip to the Norfolk Zoo on the 13th! We
will be observing animal characteristics and
participating in a class titled, "Build a Beast".
All of our classes are reading, reading,
reading! We will begin to learn our basic
addition facts in mathematics! We are concluding
our unit on map skills in Social Studies. Ask
your child if they can name all seven continents.
Thank you for your continued support!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but cold
flu season is starting, mostly colds right now.
Here are some signs symptoms to help you to
know which your child may have
3rd Grade The Third Grade is ending the first
nine weeks studying Ancient China and reviewing
the Water Cycle. We are continuing to practice
multiplication facts and number and number sense
in math. Please continue to review Interactive
Notebooks at home. 4th Grade Our students in
fourth grade have been tremendously busy
preparing for their Benchmarks. However, we are
definitely having a good time doing it! With
review Jeopardy, salt maps of the 5 regions, and
interactive games, our students are having fun
while learning. We are looking forward to our
field trip to VA. Air Space center this
Tuesday. We are getting ready to wrap up our
first nine weeks that have flown by. Coming up,
we will be learning about long division, Native
Americans of VA, and the moon, sun, Earth.
Please continue to have your student read those
AR books and practice new skills each night!
5th Grade Language Arts We will be working on
very important skills such as Author's Choice,
Fact and Opinion, and Reference Sources. These
are great skills to work on during family reading
time! Also, starting this month the students
will be begin to write 5 paragraph essays! Math
We are starting our unit on fractions. By the
end of this unit your student will be able to add
and subtract fractions with unlike denominators!
Please work on these skills at home! Science
We finished matter and are moving on to rocks.
You can expect to hear a lot about the "Delicious
Rocks" activity that will be coming up this
month! Social Studies Weve completed 4th
grade review and are beginning 5th grade
material. To start, we'll be discussing the
Westward Movement before we get in to our
favorite unit of the year the Civil War!
Heres some information about small groups.
Groups are set up as Guidance hears from parents,
teachers and students that there is a need.
Students are seen during the school day with
permission from parents to be placed in a group.
The groups meet for 6 weeks and last about 45
minutes each session. The topics vary but can
Self Esteem-Students are given an opportunity
to explore their talents, skills, feeling,
personality traits and place in the group. This
impacts the way a student feels about
himself/herself. Study Skills-Students
explore their learning style and are given study
strategies that may work best for them. We look
at the benefits of completing and returning
homework. The impact of organization on school
success is covered. Divorce-When parents
separate or divorce it can be unsettling to
students and can disrupt their ability to focus
in the classroom. This group provides an
opportunity for students to talk freely about
their feelings related to the divorce and to
navigate the process in a healthy way.
Deployment-This group addresses the needs of
students whose parents are deployed. We discuss
concerns as well as ways to stay connected with
the deployed parent. PATTS (Peaceful
Alternative To Tough Situations)-This group is
facilitated by Child and Family Services. This
is done with the permission of Hampton City
Schools. The students learn about positive
communication, management of emotions and the
importance of making positive choices.
Friendship-These groups help students
understand the importance of their choices and
behavior to making and keeping friends.
Now that you know the signs symptoms, lets
talk medications.
This could increase the chance of a child 15
years or younger developing Reyes Syndrome. This
syndrome is very serious and can cause death. - Children are not miniature adults. Their body
systems are more delicate and need less medicine
per dose. Always read the directions on the
label. If the age or weight of the child is not
listed, DO NOT GUESS GIVE. That medication is
probably only for adults and not safe to give to
children. - Give medications that treat the symptoms you are
seeing. If you dont know which medicine to
give, call your doctor, they usually have
medications to recommend. When youre looking at
the wall of medications in a store and are
totally confused, ask the pharmacist. - Give the medication at the first signs of the
illness. The child may still develop the cold or
flu, but it may not get as severe or last as long.
Contact Nurse Sedlak with any questions or
concerns. The Clinic phone number is 850-5080.
It is recommended that all school age children
receive flu shots this year.
Contact Mrs. Davis if you have further questions
at 850-5081.
Father/Son Banquet, POSTPONED! (orig. scheduled
for Thurs., Nov. 13) Scholastic Book Fair, Dec.
1-5, during school hours Holiday Gift Shop, Dec.
9-12, during school hours
2Thank You!
Our membership goal is 100. Its only 3.50 per
student to join.
A special thank you to our wonderful Parents and
Teachers for all the donations and help in
making our SOL celebration a success!
Holiday Gift Shop
The PTA will sponsor a holiday gift shop December
9-12 at the school. Shop hours will be from
8am-2pm each day. The intent of the gift shop is
to allow the children to do their own shopping
for their family members in a safe environment.
Items will be 5 and under. Gift wrappers
WANTED!! We could also use your help to assist
the children as they shop. Please contact Kathy
Formy Duval if you can help at 851-2636 (leave a
message) or send e-mail to kkduval_at_cox.net.