Title: CC438 Object Oriented Software Design
1CC438Object Oriented Software Design
- Lecturer Simon M. Lucas
- GTA Pete Burrow
- Autumn 2007
2The Course Homepage
- http//courses.essex.ac.uk/CC/CC438/
- Information on lectures, classes and labs
- Assessment details
- Slides from lectures and classes
- Bibliography
- Pointers to further literature and tools
3Course Overview
- Introduction to Java programming
- Introduction to Object-oriented Design and UML
- Programming with Java Collections
- Object-relational mapping and JDBC
- Object-oriented databases db4o
- Java Reflection API
- Persistent Java and serialisation
- Concurrency and threads
- Dynamic UML models including use cases
- Testing
- Constraints
- Design patterns
- Other OO Languages Ruby and C
4Literature See Web for Details
- David Flanagan Java in a Nutshell , 2005.
- Cay Horstmann, Object-Oriented Design Patterns,
Wiley 2004. - Bruce Eckel Thinking in Java , 3nd Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2002. - Bernd Bruegge and Allen H Dutoit Object-Oriented
Software Engineering, 2004 - Java Tutorial http//java.sun.com/docs/books/tuto
rial/ - If you want to buy other books
- Check level and coverage of topics
- Suggest buy (at least) one Java text book.
5 Tools
- The version of Java used in this course is 5.0
- also called 1.5
- additional features compared to Java 1.4
- Editors/Java IDEs
- IntelliJ, NetBeans, Eclipse, JBuilder, BlueJ, etc
- UML Tools
- Fujaba and ArgoUML are available in labs
- Fujaba is the recommended tool for use with cc438
- Try free evaluation versions of other tool like
- Borland Together Community Edition
- IBM Rational rose
- The original cc438 Advanced Java and Software
Engineering course was originally developed
jointly by Simon Lucas and Norbert Voelker - Norbert then significantly enhanced the course
over a number of years - Simon added Ruby and C material for 2006
- Dropped SE methodologies (Boehm, XP, Waterfall)
- The course uses material from textbooks, in
particular - Cay Horstmann Object-Oriented Design
Patterns - Bruce Eckel Thinking in Java
7Introduction to Programming in Java
- Some slides derived from Horstmann OODP
- See also our Java Intro Course for PG Students
and Suns Java Tutorial - http//java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/index
- Java classes and objects
- example Hello, World
- Primitive types and wrapper classes
- Control flow
- conditionals, loops, exception handling,
branching - Strings
- Packages
- Simple user input/output
- Execution context
- Programming Style
9Why Java?
- Popular OO programming language
- Java programmers are in demand
- Easier than C, less likely to corrupt memory
- Good text books, popular in teaching
- Runs on various platforms (Windows, Linux, ),
- also profiles J2ME (mobile/wireless),
JavaCard, - Exhaustive libraries
- Web, GUI, network, maths, multimedia, drivers,
- Lots of tools
- Java programs are running quite fast these days
- IntelliJ and Eclipse IDE are written in Java!
- Very similar to Microsofts language C
10- public class Greeter
- public Greeter(String aName)
- name aName
- public String sayHello()
- return "Hello, " name "!"
- private String name
- visibility, names, types, parameter
declarations, assignment and return statements
instance variable (attribute)
- A Class is the basic unit of organisation in
Java. - Attributes specify data
- also called fields or instance/class variables
- Methods specify behaviour
- take the role of procedures or functions
- In Java, classes may also have other classes
defined within them - known as inner classes.
- Methods can be seen as the services provided by
the objects in that class. - Learn later about abstract classes and interfaces.
- An instance of a class is called an Object.
- You can think of a class as a template for a
particular kind of objects. - In Java, every object instance of exactly one
class. - The methods and attributes of a class by default
belong to instances of a class - An object has its own copies of the instance
variables defined in its class. You can think of
each object having its own memory. - OO programs can be seen as objects telling each
other what to do by sending messages. - A message is a request for a method call.
13Class-Scoped Attributes Methods
- The keyword static is used to define
class-attributes and methods - these do not belong to a particular instance.
- class-variables are shared between all objects of
that class. - Class attributes and methods can be accessed
without reference to an object of that class - x Math.PI
- y Math.sqrt(x)
- System.out.println(Hello World!)
14Using Class Greeter
- Construct new objects with new operator new
Greeter("World") - Can invoke methods directly on a newly
constructed object new Greeter("World").sayHello(
) - More common to store object reference in a
- Greeter worldGreeter new Greeter("World")
- Then invoke methods on variable
- String greeting worldGreeter.sayHello()
15Class GreeterTest
- public class GreeterTest
- public static void main(String args)
- Greeter worldGreeter new Greeter("World")
- String greeting worldGreeter.sayHello()
- System.out.println(greeting)
- Method main() is called when program starts
- main() is static it doesn't operate on any
objects - there are no objects yet when main starts
- main() constructs objects and invokes methods
16Constructor Methods
- A constructor is a method with the same name as
its class. - Constructors do not declare an extra return type.
- Constructors create and initialise objects.
- If you write a class with no constructors, the
compiler will automatically create a default
constructor for you. - This only happens if your code has no
constructors. - One constructor may be invoked from within
another constructor.
17Variables and Object References
- Car myCar new Car(VD-12345, VW, 1998, 0)
- Car oldCar myCar
- Both variable myCar and oldCar refer to the new
object created in the first line. - An object can be referenced by several variables.
regNo VD-12345 make VW year 1998 speed
18Equality Testing
- For primitive types, use
- int x 10
- int y 10
- x y // equates to true
- For objects, tests the reference
- Integer x new Integer(10)
- Integer y new Integer(10
- Integer z x
- y x // equates to false
- y.equals(x) // equates to true
- x z // equates to what?
19Parameter Passing
- Java uses call by value
- If the value of a parameter is a reference, then
the methods gets a copy of that reference. This
can be used to modify the object referred to.
Example - public void copyNameTo(Greeter other)
other.name this.name - aGreeter.copyNameTo(bGreeter)
- Java has no reference parameters
- assigning new values to parameters has no effect
once the method returns. Example - public void copyGreeterTo(Greeter other)
other new Greeter(name) - aGreeter.copyGreeterTo(bGreeter) // bGreeter
20The this Reference
- Refers to implicit parameter of method call
- Example Equality testing public boolean
equals(Greeter other) if (this other)
return true return name.equals(other.name)
- Example Constructor public Greeter(String name)
this.name name
- A null value means that a variable does not refer
to any object. - if (errorInInput) Student nextStudent null
- You can check if a variable refers to null.
- This is useful as some functions return null if
they are not able to return a valid object. For
example, showInputDialogue returns null if the
user hits the Cancel button. - String input JOptionPane.showInputDialogue(
- Please enter account number)
- if (input null)
22Primitive Datatypes and Enumerations
- Non-numeric primitive type boolean
- Numeric primitive types
- byte char short int long float double
- Suffixes Llong, F float
- Character constants a, \n, \u2121
- Casts (int) x, (float) y
- Math class has methods that operate on numbers
- z Math.round(x)
- User can define enumeration types
- public enum StopLight red, amber, green
23Enumeration Example
- public class EnumTest
- enum Light red, green, blue
- public static void main(String args)
- for (Light l Light.values())
- System.out.println( l "
\t " l.getClass()) -
- C\smlgtjava test.java.EnumTest
- red class test.EnumTestLight
- green class test.EnumTestLight
- blue class test.EnumTestLight
- Note can also add methods to Enums
- http//java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/language
24Wrapper Classes
- Elements of the primitive data types are values.
They are not objects (no identity!). - Sometimes it is necessary to use a value of a
primitive type as it were an object. - Wrapper classes in java.lang
- Boolean, Character, Integer, Long, Float, Double
- There is also a class BigInteger of arbitrary
precision integers.
25Wrapper Classes Methods
- Conversions
- Integer x new Integer(42) // Integer from
int - int i x.intValue() // int from Integer
- Java 5.0 has automatic conversions
- Integer x 42 int i x 5
- autoboxing and auto-unboxing are only
syntactic sugar, the byte code is the same as
before - Other useful methods in class Integer
- turn signed decimal number string into
int-value - int v Integer.parseInt(argv0)
- return String representation of Integer object
- String s x.toString()
26Control Flow
- Iteration (looping)
- for
- while
- do-while
- Decision making (conditionals)
- if-else
- switch-case
- Exception handling
- try-catch-finally, throw
- Branching
- break, continue, label, return
27Iteration for
- for( initialiser condition iterator )
- statement(s)
- Variables can be declared locally in for loop
- for (int i 1 i lt n i) . . .
- // i no longer defined here
- The condition is checked before executing the set
of actions in the body of the loop. - If there is only one statement in the body of the
loop, then the brackets can be omitted.
28Iteration while and do...while
- while ( condition )
- statements
- do statement(s)
- while ( condition )
- Java also supports recursive programming.
- A method can call itself.
29Conditional if .. else
- if ( condition )
- statement (s)
- else
- alternative statement(s)
- Note that the else part is optional
30break, continue and return
- You can use an (unlabelled) break statement to
terminate a switch, or a for, while or do-while
loop. - The break statement terminates the innermost loop
which contains it. - There is also a labelled version of the break
statement that terminates nested loops/switches
in one go. - You can use a continue statement to skip the rest
of the current iteration of any loop. - A return statement exists the current method.
- Two versions with return of a value, or without.
31Exceptions I
- Exception handling is a great way to control what
happens when things go wrong. - String name null int n name.length() //
ERROR - It is the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that throws
an exception. Unless there is a handler, the
program will exit with a stack trace - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointe
rException at Greeter.sayHello(Greeter.java25)
at GreeterTest.main(GreeterTest.java6)
32Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
- Compiler tracks only checked exceptions.
- For example, IOException is checked
- Runtime exceptions like NullPointerException are
not checked. - Generally, checked exceptions are thrown for
reasons beyond the programmer's control. - typical non-existing files or other resources
missing - Two ways of dealing with checked exceptions
- declare them in the method header (means let
the caller of this method deal with it) - or catch the exception
- Note you can declare exceptions for main().
33Exception Handling Code
- Declaring exceptionspublic void read(String
filename) throws IOException - Handling (catching) exceptions
- try
- statement(s)
- catch (exceptiontype name)
- statement(s)
- finally
- statement(s)
- The finally clause is optional. Statements in
the finally clause are always executed.
34Strings I
- Sequence of Unicode characters
- length() method yields number of characters
- "" is the empty string of length 0
- different from null
- charAt() method yields characters char c
s.charAt(i) - substring() method yields substrings"Hello".subs
tring(1, 3) is "el" - Use equals to compare strings if
(greeting.equals("Hello")) - tests for identical object references
("Hello".substring(1, 3) "el") ... // NO!
35Strings II
- Use StringTokenizer to break string into
substringsString countries "Germany,France,Ital
y"StringTokenizer tokenizer new
StringTokenizer(countries, ",")while
(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) String country
tokenizer.nextToken() ... - operator concatenates strings
- If one argument of is a string, the other is
converted into a string. - toString() method is applied to objects
36Simple User Input and Output
- Console input from System.in
- Input dialogues
- String input JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "H
ow old are you?") - If user cancels, result is nullif (input !
null) age Integer.parseInt(input) - Console output to System.out
- Output messages
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello!")
37Command-Line Arguments
- void main(String args)
- args parameter of main() is initialized with
command-line argument(s) - Examplejava GreeterTest Mars
- args.length is 1args0 is "Mars"
- Usually done to affect one particular invocation
- for example by specifying -verbose in the command
line - or to specify the names of input/output files
38Some Programming Conventions
- Variables, fields and methods start with
lowercase, use caps for new words name,
sayHello - Classes start with uppercase
- Greeter, ArrayList
- Constants all caps
- Use get/set prefixes for getter/setter
methods, but use is/set for boolean fields. - getName(), setName() isRegistered(),
- Classes are grouped into packages.
- Tree structure
- Package names are dot-separated sequences.
- java.util, javax.swing, essex.cc438.ass1
- Full class name package name class name
- java.util.ArrayList, javax.swing.JOptionPane
- Package name must match subdirectory name
- so class essex.cc438.ass1.Car must be in
directory basedirectory/essex/cc438/ass1 - Compile and run programs from base directory.
- Add package statement to top of source file
- classes without package name are in default
40Package/File Structure essex.cc438.ass1
41Import from Packages
- import java.util.ArrayList import static
java.lang.Math.PI . . . ArrayList a - double r cos (PI theta)
- Can import all classes from a package
(careful!) import java.util. - But not from multiple packages import java..
// NO - Beware class name clashes, for example between
java.util.Date and java.sql.Date - Solution use full class name, i.e.
java.util.Date - Never need to import java.lang.
42Java Platforms
- Platform independent (up to a point)
43The Java Virtual Machine
- The compiler translates Java source to Java class
files (byte codes). - A JVM maps byte codes to native machine
instructions - A JVM loads classes on demand
- Using a special class called a ClassLoader
- The default one can be overridden
- This may be done
- once (Just In Time compilation)
- or each time a byte code is executed (interpreted)
44Execution Context
- A method is executed by a Thread, which runs on a
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) - A thread can be activated from many contexts.
- the command line
- graphical user interface
- an applet in a web-page
- or a servlet/JSP-engine on a web-server
- If you design your software carefully, you can
minimise (and even eradicate) the changes needed
for different environments.
45Hello World Servlet
- package servlet.test
- import java.io.
- import javax.servlet.
- import javax.servlet.http.
- public class HelloText extends HttpServlet
- public void doGet(
- HttpServletRequest request,
- HttpServletResponse response)
- throws IOException, ServletException
- response.setContentType("text/plain")
- PrintWriter out response.getWriter()
- out.println("Hello World")
46HelloServlet Output
- What a program does depends on the context in
which it runs - This servlet was running in Tomcat on port 8080
47Garbage Collection
- In Java, there are no destructor methods for
objects. - Instead, the JVM uses a garbage collector to
reclaim heap space no longer needed - cause unreferenced objects
- In rare cases, an object needs to free external
resources before it is cleaned up - Java provides a finalize() method for specifying
such customised clean-up operations. - Use with care, as you have no control over when
it will be invoked (the Garbage Collector invokes
48Speed of Java
- Interpreted Java is SLOW
- JIT Java is FAST (can rival C code)
- Example output SML 2002
- Running matrix multiplication of size 200 x 200
for 1 repetitions - Done 360 ms elapsed
- This speed rivals C
- but the interpreted version is over thirty times
49Practical Advice
- Keep a link to the Java API doc. on your desktop.
- Use a Java IDE (Intellij, Eclipse or Netbeans)
- Develop your programs incrementally and
iteratively - start with simple versions which you enhance
gradually - use UML modelling for complicated programs
- Perform unit testing
- test each method of each class, keep the tests
- Use javadoc for documenting your programs.
- Adhere to Java code conventions
- see for example http//java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/
- at least ensure consistency
- We have taken a brief tour of basic object
oriented programming in Java. In particular, we
have covered - classes and objects
- basic types
- control structures
- Next week
- UML introduction representation of classes
- inheritance, interfaces, abstract classes,
anonymous classes, nested classes and more - See you in the lab on Tuesday!
51Introduction to UML
52What is UML?
- Unified Modelling Language (UML)
- Standard notation for OOAD
- currently version 1.5 but version 2.0 in the
making - specification concentrates on syntax rather than
semantics - Supported by tools
- IBM Rational Rose, Borland Together, Fujaba,
ArgoUML, Poseidon for UML, etc - Lots of literature
- see cc438 web page for starters
53UML Models
- Static models describe structural aspects
- class diagrams
- (object diagrams)
- (component diagrams)
- (deployment diagrams)
- Dynamic models describe behavioral aspects
- use cases, use case diagrams
- interaction diagrams
- sequence diagrams
- (collaboration diagrams)
- statechart diagrams
- activity diagrams
54Basic UML Notation for Classes and Objects
day int month int year int
day 31 month 12 year 2000
day 19 month 1 year 2001
set() getDay() getMonth() getYear() advance() befo
day 22 month 10 year 2004
55Basic UML Class Notation
- A class is drawn as a solid rectangle with three
compartments for - class name, other general properties (top)
- attributes (middle)
- operations (bottom)
- The attribute and/or the operation compartment
may be suppressed.
56Basic UML Style Guidelines
- Class compartment
- centred class names in bold face, start with a
capital letter - name of abstract classes in italics
- Attributes and operations
- left justified, plain face attribute and
operation names start with a lowercase letter. - Objects
- instances names are centred, in plain face and
underlined - no name means anonymous object
57Advanced UML Class Notation
- Type information
- Scope of features
- default is instance scope features with class
(static) scope are underlined - Visibility of features
- (public), (protected) or -(private).
- protected means only subclasses have access
- Default values, for example balance 0
- Constraints in curly brackets
58AdvancedClass Example Bennet
-nextAccountNumberInteger -accountNumberInteger
-accountNameString not null -balanceMoney
0 -overdraftLimitMoney
credit(amountMoney)Boolean debit(amountMoney
)Boolean viewBalance()Money getBalance()Mone
y -setBalance(newBalance Money)
- Note (result) type
- last in UML
- first in Java
59Introduction to Inheritance, Interfaces and
Abstract Classes
- Inheritance means that a subclass incorporates
structure and behaviour of from one or more
parent classes (super classes). - A subclass inherits all features from its parents
- Attributes, methods, relationships and meaning
- Attributes can be hidden by redefinition (be
careful!) - Methods can be overridden by redefinition
- Some inherited features might not be accessible
- In Java class A extends class B
- a class can extend at most one other class
- no multiple inheritance, single-rooted hierarchy
- every class inherits from java.lang.Object
Separate Target Style
. . .
Shared Target Style
. . .
UML Notation for Inheritance
62Inheritance Example Bruegge
time date
setTime(tTime) setDate(dDate) getTime()Time get
enterCalcMode() inputNumber(n)
- An interface is a special kind of class.
- An interface cannot be instantiated.
- It contains only abstract methods and constants.
- A class can implement an interface
- this means it provides methods as required by
that interface - methods with the same name and the same number
and type of arguments - A class may implement more than one interface.
- See Java API for many examples of interfaces
- See also lectures on Java Collections Framework.
64UML Interface Notation
interface Icon
interface EventListener
65Abstract Classes and Methods
- An abstract class cannot be instantiated
- abstract class
- You cannot create objects belonging to such a
class. - An abstract class can contain abstract and
non-abstract methods. - public abstract double area ()
- Abstract classes are useful to define
incomplete classes - Made complete in concrete subclasses. These need
to implement all abstract methods. - Abstract methods can only be defined in abstract
classes and in interfaces.
66Shapes Example
- A simple OO modelling example
- Model some geometric shapes
- Uses abstract classes and interfaces
- Note do not confuse class cc438.exercises.Shape
with the interface java.awt.Shape
67Geometric Shapes
- Each shape has a central position
- For each shape we wish to compute
- Area
- Perimeter
- Later, well also want to draw them
- Specific shapes circle, rectangle, diamond
68Shape Class Requirements
- Have attributes for position (x and y coord)
- Have methods for computing the area and the
perimeter - Q. How can we do this, without knowing the
details of what kind of shape we have? - A. We cant so just define the method
signatures instead. - This leads us to the concept of an abstract class
one which cannot be instantiated - Classes which can be instantiated are called
concrete classes these are the default
69Shape Class Diagram
70Visibility Modifiers in Java
- Public world access
- Protected may be accessed by subclasses and
other classes within the same package - Private access only by this class
- Default package access only
- Java does not distinguish between read/write
access for visibility
71Shape Class
- package cc438.examples
- public abstract class Shape
- protected double x
- protected double y
- public abstract double area()
- public abstract double perimeter()
72Circle Class Diagram
Shape double x double y double
area() double perimeter() String toString()
Circle double r Circle()
Circle (double x, double y, double r) double
area() double perimeter()
73Class Circle in Java
- package cc438.examples
- public class Circle extends Shape
- protected double r
- public Circle() this(0, 0, 1)
- public Circle(double x, double y, double r)
- this.x x this.y y this.r r
- public double area()
- return Math.PI r r
- public double perimeter()
- return Math.PI 2 r
74Notes on Circle
- Note the provision of a default constructor
provides an easy way of making new circles - this( 0, 0, 1 ) calls the second constructor
- which then sets up the attributes of this newly
created circle to the arguments passed to the
constructor - The position of the Circle (x,y) is inherited
from the Shape superclass, which Circle extends. - Circle can be a concrete class because it
provides implementations of Shapes abstract
75Shape Test
- package cc438.examples
- public class ShapeTest
- public static void main(String args)
- System.out.println( new Circle() )
76Shape Test Output 1
- C\srcgt java cc438.examples.ShapeTest
- cc438.examples.Circle_at_3e86d0
- Note that all classes have java.lang.Object as
their ultimate superclass. - The Object class defines a method toString()
- This prints a string representation of the
object. - The default implementation just prints the object
reference - Override this to provide more useful information!
77More useful toString() method
- Now add this method to the Shape class
- public String toString()
- return "Shape at " x " , " y " "
- "\n area " area()
- " perimeter " perimeter()
"\n" -
- New output from the ShapeTest program
- Shape at 0.0 , 0.0
- area 3.141592653589793 perimeter
78Drawable Shapes
79Drawable Circle
- Java graphics can be complicated!
- Here we provide the minimum of what you need to
know - A Graphics object has methods for displaying
various geometric figures - You can get this from a Component
- A Component can be displayed in a Window, Frame
or Applet all subclasses of Container - Container objects have a Layout which determine
how components are positioned - Simple but useful BorderLayout
80Drawable Interface
- We begin with a very simple interface
- This describes the methods (in this case just
one) that must be implemented by any object that
should be considered drawable in our application.
- package cc438.examples
- public interface Drawable
- public void draw(java.awt.Graphics g)
- This class demonstrates how to subclass Circle
- Thereby inheriting the instance variables
- And calling the superclass constructor (super())
to set them up - Also shows how to use the java.awt.Graphics
object to draw itself (using the fillOval()
command) - See the lab session for a class DrawTest that
uses DrawableCircle.
82Drawable Circle Class Diagram
83- package cc438.examples
- import java.awt.
- public class DrawableCircle extends Circle
implements Drawable - Color c
- public DrawableCircle(Color c)
- super()
- this.c c
- public DrawableCircle(double x, double y,
double r, Color c - super(x, y, r)
- this.c c
- public void draw(Graphics g)
- g.setColor( c )
- g.fillOval((int) (x-r), (int) (y-r),
(int) (2r), (int) (2r) ) -
84Forms of Inheritance
- Two basic forms
- interface inheritance parent is abstract (class
or interface). - implementation inheritance child inherits
methods or fields from concrete parent class - In Java, implementation inheritance is restricted
to a single parent. - but a class can implement many interfaces.
- See the book by B. Meyer for a comprehensive
discussion of different forms of inheritance.
85Inheritance between Interfaces
interface EventListener
interfaceActionListener actionPerformed (e
86Multiple Inheritance
- In UML, a class can have more than one parent.
- There can be no cycles in an inheritance lattice.
- Multiple inheritance is allowed in UML
- conflicts can be resolved by specifying an
ordering of parents or by prefixing inherited
feature name with the names of the appropriate
parent class.
87Object Composition as an Alternative for
- Implementation inheritance couples parent classes
and subclasses very closely. - Often, it is preferable to assemble new classes
from old classes by using objects as fields. - instead of inheriting methods, the new class can
delegate requests to these fields - Object composition can be used as a workaround
that makes up for the absence of multiple
implementation inheritance in Java.
88Composition/ Delegation
setTime(t) getTime()
watch Watch calc Calculator setTime(t) getTime()
enterCalcMode() inputNumber(n)
89 Inheritance and Composition Combined
setTime(t) getTime()
watch Watch setTime(t) getTime()
calc Calculator enterCalcMode() inputNumber(n)
90Static Typing, Method Overriding, Late Binding
- Objects belong to exactly one class, but can
conform to several types. - Static typing ensures at compile time that
objects support operations. - Child operations override parent operations with
the same signature. At runtime, the operation is
chosen according to the class of the object. - This is known as late binding. It is used in
languages such as Java, C and Eiffel. - Using overriding of methods is an example of
polymorphism - code that works with more than one type.
91public class Parent void whoami ()
System.out.println("I am a parent") public
class Child extends Parent void whoami ()
System.out.println("I am a
child") public class ParentTest public
static void main(String args) Parent
p new Parent() p.whoami() Child c
new Child() c.whoami() Parent q
new Child() q.whoami()
92Invoking Superclass Methods Constructors
- Can not access private features of super classes.
- Superclass methods
- if a subclass overrides a parent method, use
super keyword to force method call of parent - do not forget the super statement!
- Superclass constructors
- Call to super must be first statement in subclass
constructor - If a subclass constructor does not call super
explicitly, then the superclass must have a
constructor without parameters - calling super-classes happens before
initialisation and execution of rest of
constructor body.
93Example for using super
- public class Manager extends Employee
- public Manager(String aName)
- super(aName)
- bonus 0
- public double getSalary() return
super.getSalary() bonus - ...
94Hiding Attributes and Class Methods
- An attribute in a subclass hides an attribute
with the same name in a parent class - even if attribute has different type
- hiding of attributes is in general not
recommended - be careful not to accidentally hide attributes
- the parent class attribute can still be accessed
using the keyword super - A static method in a subclass hides a static
method with the same name in a parent class. - Can still call the hidden method by prefixing
the method name with the class name.
95Exception Class Hierarchy
96Catching Exception by Class
- try code that may throw exceptionscatch
(ExceptionType1 exception1) handler for
ExceptionType1catch (ExceptionType2
exception1) handler for ExceptionType2 - Can catch by superclass catch (IOException
excpt) catches FileNotFoundException - Users can define their own exception classes.
97final Classes and Methods
- A class can be declared final if no subclasses
are designed or required. - can be used as a precaution to enhance security
- the methods of a final class can not be
overridden - classes can not be defined both abstract and
final - A method can be declared final to prevent
subclasses from overriding or hiding it. - less restrictive than making a whole class final
- unnecessary for private methods/ methods in final
classes - a final method can not be declared abstract
- Remember meaning of final for attributes?
98Closing Remarks
- Inheritance is a powerful concept
- parent classes contain shared attributes/code
- subclasses provide alternatives
- Overriding a method allows changing the method
implementation for sub class objects - Interface definition need to be chosen carefully
- extending an interface later might break existing
code. - Do not over-use inheritance
- strong coupling between parent and child classes
- often preferable to use composition/delegation
99 Java Collections Framework
- See also
- http//java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/collection
s/ - http//java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/javaO
O/generics.html - http//java.sun.com/developer/Books/javaprogrammin
- Library for dealing with groups of objects
- Defines
- interfaces
- abstract classes
- concrete classes
- Generic collections since Java 5.0
- These lectures can only give an overview
- check out online collection doc. for more details
101Introduction to Generics
- Generic types make it possible to parameterise
classes with a type. In particular, you can
indicate the element type of collections - List ltStringgt list new ArrayListltStringgt()
- Generic methods can be written using type
variables and wildcard types. - Advantages of generics
- improved readability as fewer casts are required
- improved safety/less runtime errors as the
compiler can catch more errors - The Java compiler erases information related to
type parameters and arguments (unlike C).
102General Remarks
- Unlike arrays, collections can only hold objects
- elements of primitive types such as int need
wrapping - due to auto-boxing/unboxing, this is not such a
bother - Some interfaces have optional methods which do
not need to be implemented in classes. - unsupported methods throw at runtime
UnsupportedOperationException - for example Collections.add(), see API doc for
details - Thread-safety will be considered in a later
lecture - Legacy collections that do not specify the type
of elements are also called raw types - Type safety warnings for code with old
103Main Collection Interfaces
104Interface Collection
- Represents a general group of elements
- abstraction over lists, sets, queues, multisets,
etc. - J2SDK does not implement this interface directly,
only sub-interfaces - Set, List, Queue
- Users can define own sub-interfaces and
implementations. - Java interfaces can not specify or enforce the
semantics of methods - but implementations should be correct with
respect to the intended meaning, i.e. for a list
x, x.add(i,y) should insert the element y at
position i.
105- public interface Collection ltEgt
- // Basic operationsint size() boolean
isEmpty() boolean contains(Object element)
boolean add(E element) boolean
remove(Object element) Iterator ltEgt
iterator() - // Bulk operations
- // Array operations
106Collection Basic Operations
- size(), isEmpty(), contains(Object x)
- as expected
- add(E x)
- add an object to a collection
- returns true if collection has changed
- the type of element x is E
- remove(Object x)
- removes a single instance of the element
- returns true if collection has changed, false
otherwise - contains(x) and remove(x) throw at runtime a
ClassCastException if the element x is of the
wrong type.
107 Enhanced for-loop
- public static int sum (Collection ltIntegergt xs)
- int result 0
- for (int x xs) result x
- return result
- Can also be used for arrays, and for classes
implementing the Iterable interface. - Shorter, more readable code
- But only works for loops which do not need
indexed access via an iterator. - Also called for each loop, similar to C.
108interface Iterator ltEgt
hasNext() booleannext() Eremove() void
- Iterator traverses elements of an collection
- hasNext() returns true if there are more
elements - next() returns next element or throws
NoSuchElementException - remove() removes the last element returned by
next() or throws an exception (optional
109Example Iterator
static void filterEven (Collection ltIntegergt c)
for (Iterator ltIntegergt i c.iterator()
i.hasNext() ) if (!isEven(i.next()))
- This code works for any collection (sets, lists,
sorted lists) of integers (polymorphic). - Can be adapted easily to other boolean functions
instead of isEven.
110Collection Bulk Operations
// Bulk operations boolean containsAll
(Collection lt?gt c) boolean addAll (Collection
lt? extends Egt c) boolean removeAll
(Collection lt?gt c) boolean retainAll
(Collection lt?gt c) void clear ()
- clear() removes all elements
- The wildcard type ? matches any type.
- The bounded wildcard type (Collection lt?
extends Egt c) - means that the elements of the collection c have
to belong to subtypes of E.
111Collection Array Operations
// Array Operations Object toArray()
Object toArray(Object a)
- Bridge between collections and arrays
- The first form creates a new array.
- The second form uses an existing array. If that
is not large enough, it creates a new array. - Examples Object a c.toArray()String a
(String) c.toArray(new String0)
112 Assumptions about Elements
- The JDK provides various implementations of
extensions of interface Collection. - Element classes have to provide
- a proper equals() method, so that equality of
collections behaves as expected - for implementations based on hash arrays, a
proper hashCode() method, so that the
distribution to buckets is fair see lab
exercise! - an ordering for sorted implementations.
113Interface Set
- Models finite mathematical sets
- no duplicates
- order irrelevant two sets are equal if they
contain the same elements - meaning of operations is as for sets
- Inherits methods from interface Collection
- J2SE provides various implementations of this
interface including - HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet
114Maths Interface Set
- equality ()
- is_element (?)
- subset_or_eq (?)
- union (?)
- intersection (?)
- set difference (-)
- cardinality (size)
- equals
- contains
- containsAll
- addAll
- retainAll
- removeAll
- size
Collection methods like addAll() are destructive
they change the objects to which they are
applied. Note that addAll() works also with
non-set arguments.
115 HashSet and LinkedHashSet
- Implement interface Set as a hash table
- efficient, general-purpose implementations
- basic operations (add, remove, contains and size)
perform in constant time as long as capacity not
exceeded - default initial capacity/load-factor, can be set
explicitly - includes all optional methods
- HashSet does not fix order of elements in
iterator - might even change over time
- LinkedHashSet orders elements according to the
order in which they were inserted - slightly more expensive than HashSet as it also
keeps a linked list of elements
116 TreeSet
- Implements Set in a sorted, balanced tree
- includes all optional methods
- elements are sorted according to natural order
(Comparable) or a comparator provided at set
creation time. - Slower than HashSet for most applications
- log(n) time for basic operation (n size of
set) - Useful for applications where
- ordering of elements is important
- collection must not contain duplicates
117 Example TreeSet
- Set ltStringgt myFriends new HashSet ltStringgt
() - String peter Peter
- String mary Mary
- myFriends.add(peter)
- myFriends.add(mary)
- myFriends.add(peter)
- System.out.println(My friends " myFriends)
- What would be the result if we added Peter and
Marydirectly to myFriends, i.e. without
assigning these strings to variables peter/mary?
118Worked Exercise
- Write a Java program that
- defines a new set called yourFriends with
elements Paul, Lucy and Mary - defines a new set called commonFriends consisting
of our common friends - defines a new set called allFriends consisting
of all of our friends. - Use bulk operations whenever possible.
- Set ltStringgt yourFriends new HashSet ltStringgt
() - yourFriends.add(Paul)
- yourFriends.add(Lucy)
- yourFriends.add(Mary)
- Set ltStringgt commonFriends new HashSetltStringgt
(myFriends) - commonFriends.retainAll(yourFriends)
- Set ltStringgt allFriends new TreeSetltStringgt
(myFriends) - allFriends.addAll(yourFriends)
- System.out.println("Common " commonFriends)
- System.out.println("All " allFriends)
120Programming to Interfaces
- The interface implementation class is only
referred to during object creation. - Set students new HashSet ()
- Using only interface methods makes program code
implementation independent. - loose coupling can replace implementation
classes - upcast ensures only interface methods are
called. - only object creation has to be modified if
interface implementation is changed - Set students new TreeSet ()
- This is an example of polymorphism
- the class of objects and the executed program
code (methods) are unknown before runtime
121List Interface
- Models finite sequences.
- elements are ordered
- duplicates are allowed
- meaning of operations is as for lists
- Provides further
- position-based methods (indexed access)
- enhanced iteration which allows modifying the
current element - Two lists are equal if they have the same
elements, in the same order.
122ListltEgt Methods not in Collection ltEgt
- void add (int index, E element)
- boolean addAll (int index, Collection lt? extends
Egt c) - E get (int index)
- E set (int index, E element)
- int indexOf (Object o)
- int lastIndexOf (Object o)
- ListIterator ltEgt listIterator()
- ListIterator ltEgt listIterator(int startIndex)
- Object remove(int index)
- List ltEgt subList (int from, int to)
123ListIterator ltEgt
public interface ListIterator extends Iterator
void add (E element) boolean hasNext()
boolean hasPrevious() E next()
int nextIndex() E previous()
int previousIndex() void remove()
void set (E element)
124Remarks on List and ListIterator
- Collection methods
- add() and addAll() append to the end of a list
- addAll(x) uses x.iterator() for order
- remove() removes only first occurrence
- Position-based methods
- indexing starts at 0
- ListIterator.remove() removes the last element
returned by next() or previous(). - ListIterator.set(x) overwrites the last element
returned by next() or previous(). - ListIterator.add(x) inserts x before cursor.
- The method call sublist(fromIndex,toIndex)
provides a view of the portion of a list between
fromIndex (inclusive) and toIndex (exclusive). - The object returned by x.sublist(a,b) implements
interface List, but it is not an independent copy
of x. - In fact, changes to the list object returned by
sublist() change the original list. - The Collection API has different kinds of views
- read-only, modifiable, resizable, synchronized
- Methods that return views include
- Arrays.asList(), Map.keySet(), Map.values(),
Map.entrySet(), unmodifableList(), nCopies()
126List Implementations
- JDK provides
- ArrayList (based on a resizable array)
- LinkedList (based on a double-linked list)
- Vector (also resizable array, synchronized)
- and others
- ArrayList strong points
- fast random-access to elements
- fast insertion of elements at the end
- LinkedList strong points
- fast sequential access
- fast removal/ insertion of elements during a list
- public interface QueueltEgt extends CollectionltEgt
- E element() // top element, throw exception if
fail - E peek() // top element, return null if fail
- boolean offer(E o) // add element, return
false if fail - E poll() // remove top element, return null if
fail - E remove() // remove top element, throw
except. if fail -
- Queues are typically FIFO (first-in/first-out)
- notable exception priority queues
- Can have fixed capacity (bounded queues)
- Implementations LinkedList, PriorityQueue,
128Map Interface
- A map holds key-value pairs
- no duplicate keys
- Can be represented as set of key-value pairs
without duplicate keys - Map does not extend Collection
- cleaner as a separate concept
- Three sorts of operations
- altering, querying and alternative views
129interface MapltK,Vgt clear() void containsKey(key
Object) boolean containsValue(valueObject)
boolean entrySet() Set ltMap.EntryltK,Vgtgt get(keyO
bject) V isEmpty() boolean keySet() Set
ltKgt put(keyK, valueV) V putAll(tMaplt? extends
K, ? extends Vgt) void remove(keyObject)
V size() int values() CollectionltVgt
130Map Operations
- Modification operations
- put(), putAll(),
- remove(), clear()
- do not add a Map object to itself as a key or
value. - Query operations
- get(), containsKey(), containsValue(), size(),
isEmpty() - Views
- keySet(), values(), entrySet()
- Note that entrySet() returns a set of Map.Entry
131 equals(o Object) boolean getKey()
K getValue() V hashCode() int setValue(value
V) V
interfaceMap.Entry ltK,Vgt
- Each Map.Entry object corresponds to a key-value
pair in the underlying map. - You can change and query a map object by
iterating through its Map.Entry set. The iterator
becomes invalid if the map is changed outside the
setValue() method.
132Map Implementations
- HashMap (requires hashCode())
- fast, general purpose implementation
- LinkedHashMap
- similar to HashMap but additionally keeps
elements in the order in which they were
inserted. - TreeMap (requires order on elements)
- is mainly useful if you need to transverse the
map in sorted order. - All these implementations are cloneable
- so are HashSet, TreeSet, ArrayList and
LinkedList. - JDK offers several more Map implementations.
compareTo(T o) int
- J2SE classes which have a natural ordering
implement Comparable. - The call x.compareTo(y) returns
- a negative integer, if x is less than y
- a positive integer, if x is greater than y
- 0, otherwise
- This is the default ordering for sorting.
- what if we want to sort with respect to another
134interfaceComparator ltTgt
compare(o1 T, o2 T) int
- Given a comparator c, c.compare(x,y) returns
- a negative integer, if x less than y
- a positive integer, if x greater than y
- 0, otherwise
- Note (c.compare(x,y) 0) or (x.compareTo(y)
0) do not necessarily imply x.equals(y) - Use a Comparator object if
- class does not implement Comparable
- compareTo() gives wrong behaviour.
135Comparator Example
- class StringCompare implements
ComparatorltStringgt - public int compare(String x, String y)
- return (x.toLowerCase()).compareTo(y.toLower
Case()) -
- StringCompare c new StringCompare()
- System.out.println("abc.compareTo(abc , Abc) "
"abc".compareTo("Abc")) - System.out.println("cmp.compare(abc , Abc) "
c.compare("abc , "Abc"))
136Utility Class Coll