Title: Global Canola Development Cooperation or Competition
1Global Canola Development Cooperation or
- Stewart Gilroy
- 1st Vice Chair
- Canola Council of Canada
- CANOLA Growing Great 2015!
- Victoria, B.C.
- March 22, 2007
2Canola Co-operation Advantages and Opportunities
Enhance canola competitiveness globally -
Increase markets - Increase value - Increase
production - Increase investment ? Increased
profitability for global canola industry
3Canola Co-operation Advantages and Opportunities
Areas of common opportunity - Develop global
brand image for Canola - Share costs of
research and development - Stronger voice in
ensuring fair trade and market access
4Canola Co-operation Disadvantages and Challenges
Areas of potential conflict - Our three
countries compete in several markets -
Canola quality is similar between our three
countries - but not identical (desire to
protect advantages)
5Branding Canola
Encourage use of canola as name instead of
rapeseed. - Encourage government and
industry to use canola, e.g. Codex, statistical
6Branding Canola
Branding canola globally to build on the
positive association of Canola with Good -
Canola oil as the good or best oil
healthiest and best functionality (edible and
7Perceptions of U.S. canola oil users
8Branding Canola
Strategy is to communicate common features and
benefits - Quality messages - Health -
Bio-diesel - Versatility messages - Light
taste and texture - High smoke point - High
lubricity (bio-diesel)
9Branding Canola
Delivering the messages globally ?
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11Branding Canola
Similar Health Claims in Different Countries -
High in unsaturated fats - Reduces risk of
Coronary Heart Disease
12Branding Canola
Similar Logos/Trademarks ? Made with Canola
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14Branding Canola
Next steps - Australia, Canada and U.S. agree
on messages and delivery mechanisms -
Implement one or two branding projects on a
trial basis
15Branding Canola
Next steps - Bring the Europeans on board?
Canola vs. Double Zero Rapeseed