Title: Fractional Order Systems: An Overview
1 Fractional Order Systems An Overview S.Sen E
lectrical Engg. Department IIT Kharagpur
2- Topics
- 1.Real vs. integer number
- 2.Historical perspective
- 3.Fractional differentiation and Integration
- a. Grünwald-Letnikov Definition
- b. Riemann-Liouville Definition
- 4.Practical implications of a F.O.S
35.Physical existence a. infinite line
transmission system b. diffusion
c. visco elasticity d. Flow
through a weir
6. Stability of a fractional order system
7. Application to control
b. Fractional state space
8. New areas of research
9. Conclusion
4 Real vs. Integer number
Can there be derivative of order a (a real no.)?
- Difficult to conceive the physical
interpretation, yet mathematically possible.
- The term fractional order is a misnomer, actually
it means integration derivative of order (a
real number).
5Historical Perspective
Leibnitz introduced the notation
. In a letter to LHospital in 1695 Leibnitz
raised the following question Can the meaning of
derivatives with integer order be generalized to
derivatives with non-integral orders?
The story goes that LHospital
was somewhat curious about that question and
replied by another question to Leibnitz. What if
n1/2? Leibnitz in a letter dated September 30,
1695 replied It will lead to a paradox, from
which one day useful consequences will be drawn.
6People who have worked on fractional calculus.
- Riemann
- Euler
- Fourrier
- Liouville
- Bode
For almost 300 years the investigation was mostly
mathematical. Only during last 30 years the
mathematical deductions found some physical
7- Important Recent Events on Fractional Calculus
- 2002 IEEE CDC Tutorial Workshop on Fractional
Calculus Applications on Automatic Control and
Robotics (Las Vegas, USA). - 2004 1st IFAC Workshop on Fractional
Differentiation and its Applications (Bordeauax,
France). - 2006 2nd IFAC Workshop on Fractional
Differentiation and its Applications (Porto,
Portugal). - (No. of papers presented in this workshop 88).
- 2008 3rd IFAC Workshop on Fractional
Differentiation and its Applications (Ankara
Turkey, Nov. 2008)
1, 0
9Definition of fractional derivative.
Grünwald-Letnikov definition (generalization from
integer order).
10For integer Z
11For Fractional Differentiation (replacing n by
12Definition of fractional integration.
Grünwald-Letnikov definition (generalization
from integer order).
(n-integer, a-fraction)
13Riemann-Liouville Definition
For integer n let
Taking Laplace Transformation
15Reimann Liouville definition of fractional
How to define Differentiation? Define
n is an integer.
16Grünwald-Letnikov definition
Reimann Liouville Definition
- It can be shown that both the definitions are
17Fractional order differential equation A typical
n-term fractional order linear differential
equation is given by
Where (j0,1,2,..,n) are constants and
(j0,1,2,..,n) are real numbers.
- Fractional order systems
- The physical systems those are governed by
fractional order differential equations. - Possibly so far we were approximating fractional
order systems by integer order systems.
18- Different engineering approaches to work with
fractional order systems - Try to realize a fractional order system by an
equivalent integer order system (normally of high
order). - Try to find out the devices those behave as
fractional order systems. - Try to model known physical systems by fractional
order and have better understanding of their
performances. - Try to use knowledge of fractional calculus to
design a system to achieve better performance.
19Implications of a fractional order
device Electrical Circuits
1. Resistance
203. Capacitance
Laplace Transform
21A Constant Phase element (Fractance)
22Complex impedance plot
We cannot obtain this characteristics by using
finite no. of R-C combinations.
-20a db/decade
23R-F network.
Fractional differential equation
Frequency Characteristics of a fractional order
25Fractor developed by G.W. Bohannan
26Physical existence of fractional order systems
- Infinite Transmission line.
- Warburg Impedance
- Viscoelasticity
- Flow through weir
27Infinite Transmission line.
Equivalent impedance
(Fractional order system)
28Warburg Impedance
Equivalent circuit of impedance behavior of a
capacitive device immersed in a polarizable
medium (e.g. water). W Warburg impedance
Half order system. Diffusion of ions
through a porous medium also results in
fractional behaviour.
Fractional Kelvin-Voigt model
Kelvin-Voigt model
Fractional order model
Integer order model
30Flow through weir
Applying Bernoullis equation at a y
31For an elemental area
Flow through the elemental area
Flow rate is dependent on the shape in a
fractional way.
32Fractional order systems stability
Transfer function
33Stability of a system
Consider the T.F.
Apply transformation
Pole at
For stability Re(p)lt0,
In s-plane, pole is at
For stability,
34Stability region in s-plane
The stability region is not convex for lt1.
35State-space representation
- State space representation is not straight
forward and normally leads to a high order
- Find out the HCF of 1.4 and 0.6, i.e. 0.2 and
the define the states as derivatives of order
integer multiples of 0.2. - Thus the number of states becomes 7.
. . . .
36(No Transcript)
37State-space representation
38Controllability Observability
39Controller Design
Fractional PID Controller
- Advantage More maneuverability, so better
performance expected. - Challenges
- How to realize the fractional order controller?
- How to tune the controller?
40- Engineering Challenges
- Development of theory of Fractional order
control. - Applications of Fractional order control.
- Extend the horizon of control theory to
fractional order - Stability, optimal control, robust control,
identification. - 4. Fractional modeling of physical systems.
- Controlled production of fractional order
devices. - Development of suitable numerical algorithms for
solving - FOD equations.
41- New Areas of Research
- Chaos
- Oscillators
- Optimal control
42Fractional Order Chaos in Chuas Circuit
Basic Chuas Circuit
V-I Characteristics of Chuas diode
43Phase plane plot
Question What will happen if the capacitors are
replaced by fractors? -gt Fractional order chaos.
44Fractional order Wien bridge oscillator
45Optimal control
Euler-Lagrange equations (integer order system)
Find the extemum of the functional
Subject to
Euler Lagrange Equation
- Derivatives and integrals are all of integer
46Euler-Lagrange equations (fractional order
Find the extremum of the functional
Subject to
Fractional Euler- Lagrange Equation
- Optimal control theory can be extended to
fractional order systems.
- Theory of fractional calculus evolved as a
generalization of - integer order calculus.
- Many physical systems exhibit fractional order
behavior. - A fractional order device can be realized either
by - (i) using a large no. of passive R, C
components, or - (ii) using fractance.
- Fractional order systems offer many challenging
problems to researchers.
48The world is real! Let us accept it. Is it
49Thank you.
50Fractional Derivatives Caputo Definition
- It can be shown that G-L definition and R-L
definition - are equivalent.
- Both the definition are generalization of
integer order - system and valid for an.
51Fractional Integration- Riemann-Liouville
52Graphical representation