Title: Florida Math Day
1Florida Math Day
_at_ Regional Center I Schools
- Lake Stevens Elementary
- Palm Springs Elementary
- West Hialeah Gardens Elementary
Curriculum and Instruction Mathematics
Education Miami-Dade County Public Schools
2Florida Math Day
- The Office of Math and Science at the Florida
Department of Education implemented the inaugural
Florida Math Day, May 1, 2008. - The theme of the first annual Math Day was
Financial Literacy.
3Florida Math Day atLake Stevens Elementary School
4Florida Math Day Showcase
Ms. Arroyave, Lake Stevens Elementary School
5Classroom decoration!
Lake Stevens Elementary School
6You got it!
Ms. Megias, Administrative Director, Mathematics,
talks with students
7Students Working Collaboratively
Lake Stevens Elementary School
8Math Dialogue
Mrs. Mayra Perez, 5th Grade Teacher, Palm Springs
Elementary School
9How much does it cost?
Lake Stevens Elementary School, Ms. Howells
second grade class
10Dont forget the sign
Lake Stevens Elementary School fifth graders
11Whose money is it anyway?
Lake Stevens Elementary School
12The Financially Literate Group
Stephanie Goree, Principal, Lake Stevens
Elementary School
13Im Rich! (but not like Alexander)
14Money Grows on Trees
15Feed the Piggy Bank!
West Hialeah Gardens Elementary School
16Students Have Fun!
17Florida Math Day 2nd Grade
Lake Stevens Elementary School
18Second Grade Activity
West Hialeah Gardens Elementary School, Ms.
19Who will pay for it?
West Hialeah Gardens Elementary School
20Counting the Money
West Hialeah Gardens Elementary School
21Math Dialogue
Lake Stevens Elementary School
23Thank you for supporting
Florida Math Day!