Title: Proposed Tuition 2001
1 Code File
Student Information System (Custom Model 204)
Student Progress
Bookstore (Nebraska System)
EMAS (Noel-Levitz)
Reading Lab
Prepared by D. Esterly, July, 2000
Mainframe Application
Stdt Eval of Teach
Space Reserve
Classif Appl Tracking
Financial (American Mgmt Systems)
Financial Aid
Fin Aid (Custom CICS)
Permanent Records
Student Information System (Custom Model 204)
Document Control
Chart of Accounts
Perkins (Greentree)
Admissions - maintains application data
uploads from EMAS
Registration - maintains a catalog of courses, a
schedule of courses
offered by term, registration appointments,
class permits provides online
advisement and assisted registration produces
student schedule, estimated
statement of account process grades generates
report cards Permanent Records - maintains
academic records, including transfer
information for each student prints
official and advisor transcripts provides
support for graduation clearance and honors
calculations Degree Audit - maintains degree
requirements and prints advisement and degree
evaluations which are a comparison of a students
course work to degree requirements interfaces
with subroutines from Georgia State
University Financial Aid - maintains information
necessary to administer, award, and distribute
financial aid displays financial aid
applications, standards of progress, awards and
documents Document Control - logs and tracks
documents and generates correspondence (utilized
by Admissions, Athletics, Bursar, Financial Aid,
Grad Schl, Records, etc.) Bursar - maintains
student account receivables generates bills,
receipts, refunds accepts/records payments
supports registration cancellation from
non-payment Patron maintains demographic data
about University patrons (students, employees,
alumni, etc.) Alumni (University Development) -
maintains and displays alumni and contribution
data for persons and companies
Degree Audit
Student Progress - maintains student contact
HEI (Higher
Education Information) maintains YSU dat a
3 for
statewide database formats and transmits data to
Parking maintains parking ticket information
- Reading
Lab maintains reading lab appointments,
attendance, test scores
Space Reservations reserves YSU facilities
for all class and non-class events, provides for
required setup and services reports setup, food
services, security and event calendars
Code File maintains a series of code
translation tables
Classif Appl Tracking maintains
job apps, qualifications, tests, test scores of
Stdt Eval of Teach - processes
teacher evaluation scan sheets in batch
Chart of Accounts maintains YSU
account numbers and standard object codes SID
(Student Information Display) enables students
to display their demographic data, permanent
records and class schedules
(Student Online Advisement Registration) -
enables students to register for classes add,
drop, or withdraw from classes view grades
check student status and standing and change
addresses from any terminal or dial-in connection
Degree Audit (Georgia State)
EMAS (Enrollment Management System)
purchased from
Noel-Levitz batch interface with M204
Bookstore purchased from Nebraska Bookstore
batch interface with M204
and the Financial System
Degree Audit purchased from Georgia
State University interfaces with M204
Financial purchased Advantage
2.0 from AMS provides all general accounting
functions including purchasing, budgeting,
general ledger, inventory, materials mgmt, and
non-student receivables batch interfaces with
M204 and the Bookstore system
Perkins Loans Perkins/NDSL loan PC
software purchased from Greentree