Title: Privatising education
1Privatising education
- James Tooley, PhD
- Professor of Education Policy
- University of Newcastle
- ? James Tooley 2001
2Three parts
- Why privatisation of education?
- Negative and positive reasons
- Two approaches
- Public-private partnerships
- Extending access to private education
- Implications for Lithuania
3Why privatisation?
- What do I mean by privatisation?
- Increasing role for private sector in educational
- provision
- funding and/or
- regulation
4Why privatisation?
- Negative reasons
- failures of state education
- inequity of state provision
- Positive reasons
- Efficiency and cost-effectiveness
- Investment
- Innovation
- Self-help and community self-help
- Freedom/liberty
5Why privatisation? Efficiency and
- World Bank studies show the proportional gain in
achievement score if a randomly selected student,
with the characteristics of an average public
school student, attends a private rather than a
public school, holding constant that students
- Jimenez, Emmanuel, Lockheed, Marlaine E., and
Paqueo, Vicente, (1991) The Relative Efficiency
of Private and Public Schools in Developing
Countries, World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 6,
no. 2 (July), pp. 205-218 - Jimenez, Emmanuel,, Lockheed, Marlaine,
Wattanawaha, Nongnuch, (1988) The Relative
Efficency of Private and Public Schools the Case
of Thailand, The World Bank Economic Review, Vol.
2, no. 2, pp. 139-164).
6Why privatisation? Efficiency
7Why privatisation cost-effectiveness
8Kingdon Cost per achievement (Rs)
9Kingdons conclusion
- PUA schools are unambiguously and substantially
more cost-effective and internally efficient than
G and PA schools
10Why privatisation? Innovation and investment
- Education companies are emerging, with chains of
schools and universities, which - benefit from economies of scale can find
finance from financial institutions can fund
student loan programmes
- invest in research and development implications
for financial efficiency and educational
effectiveness - Potential to solve the information problem
through brand names Solve information asymmetry
11Why privatisation? Innovation and investment
- Entrepreneurs in developed and developing
countries have created educational opportunities
which are - Profitable
- Financed entirely from student fee income
- Cater for mass markets, not just the elite
- Objetivo/UNIP, Brazil, was founded in 1962 with
20 students and is - probably the largest chain of private schools in
the world? - Over 500,000 students in about 500 campuses
- Many franchised
13Educor, South Africa
- 1943 - founded as a cramming college
- 1952 - developed distance learning materials
- 1996 - IPO on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange
- Now 300,000 students on 127 campuses
14(No Transcript)
15NIIT, India
- 1979 computer training company
- Now has 1,000 franchised centres in India and has
expanded into 25 countries worldwide - Emphasis on RD and quality control
- Student loan scheme with Citibank
- The hole in the wall programme
- Challenges the notion of what a teacher is
- Is it commercially viable?
17Key questions
- Can the virtues of private education be
replicated in the state sector? - Can access to the virtues of private education be
extended to those currently within the state
18Hence two approaches to privatisation
- Public-private partnerships (PPP)
- Contracting out of (failing) state schools
- Charter schools
- Vouchers (state)
- Extending access to private education
- Private schools for the poor
- Private vouchers
- Tax credits and scholarships
19Contracting out
- Founded 1992
- First four schools in 1995
- Now more than 57,000 students in 108 schools
20Inclusive schools
- Largest group of students is African-American
- 65 of students on free-school meals
21Attracting investment
- Since taking over first schools, by 1998 raised
120 million for RD and investing in schools - On Nov 11 1999, launched on Nasdaq, raising
122.4 million - Share price steady
22Inputs and outputs
- Takes only 90 of state funding
- Invests 1 million in each school
- Pays teachers more
- Share options for all staff, from janitors to
- 84 of classes have statistically significant
gains - High parental satisfaction
- Waiting lists in all schools
- edisonschools.com
23Edison versus government schools - of school
- Government coupons or checks
- Programmes in USA, Colombia, Chile, Sweden, etc.
- USA examples
- Vermont
- Maine
- Milwaukee
- Cleveland
- Florida
25The Voucher Tree
Limited fixed-value uniform fees
Unlimited supplementable uniform fees
Unlimited supplementable cost-fees
transport included
Unlimited supplementable cost-fees
transport included income-related restricted
Unlimited supplementable cost-fees
transport included income-related unrestricted
(Blaug 1984)
26Chile vouchers
- Vouchers usable at any private or municipal
school - Subsidised private schools are more efficient
than the municipal schools employing fewer
teachers per pupil and having lower unit costs. - Achieve higher test results in mathematics and
- Larrañaga, Oswaldo, (1997) Chile A Hybrid
Approach, in Zuckerman, Elaine and de Kadt,
Emanuel (eds) The Public-private Mix in Social
Services Health care and education in Chile,
Costa Rica and Venezuela, Washington DC
Inter-American Development Bank.
27USA Vouchers
- Vermont (1869)
- Parents who live in districts without public
schools are reimbursed for costs of sending
children to private school. - About 400 students per year
- Maine (1954)
- Parents who live in districts without public
schools are reimbursed for costs of sending
children to private school. - About 5,300 students per year
28USA vouchers
- Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (1989)
- Government gives vouchers to select number of
parents, to pay for tuition at private schools.
- 8,000 students (1999), given 5,000 to attend 91
private schools - No more than 15 of total children
29USA vouchers
- Cleveland Pilot Scholarship Program (1995)
- Government gives vouchers to select number of
parents, to pay for tuition at private schools.
- 3,500 students (1999) given 2,250 to attend 59
schools - 5 of children in grades 3 to 8
30USA vouchers
- Florida A Plan (1999)
- Schools are graded A-F based on standardised test
scores - Students in schools graded F for two out of four
years are given 4,000 vouchers to attend private
schools - A school accountability plan with teeth.
- 1999 134 families offered scholarships
- 2000 as many as 50 schools would qualify.
- Superintendent of one Tampa district said that
all top administrators would take 5 pay cut if
any school was given an F. - State judge struck down law on March 14, 2000
31USA vouchers evidence
- Cleveland study (1999, Dr Kim Metcalf, Indiana
University) - Found small but statistically significant
improvement in language and science achievement
scores - Programme serves the population intended
- Most children who enrol would not otherwise have
attended a private school - Scholarship parent satisfaction with childs
school substantially higher
32USA vouchers
- Very small scale only about 25,000 students or
less than 1 of total nationally
- Heavily constrained and politicised
- Implications for Lithuania?
33USA vouchers evidence
- Milwaukee Dr John Witte (official evaluator of
program). - The Market Approach to Education An analysis of
Americas First Voucher Program (2000)
- Vouchers are a useful tool to aid low-income
34Recap of first approach public-private
- Contracting out
- Charter schools
- Vouchers
35Second approach Extending access to private
- Private schools for the poor (budget private
schools) - Private vouchers
- Tax credits and scholarships
36Private schools for the poor in India
- Dramatic growth of private schools for the poor
- School fees of about 20 per year
- Scholarships for poorest 15-20 of student
37Why? Breakdown in public schools
- plain negligence cases of teachers keeping a
school closed for months at a time a school
where the headteacher was drunk, a headteacher
who comes to school once a week - this pattern is not confined to a minority of
irresponsible teachers it has become a way of
life in the profession.
38If India can
39Extending access to private schools
- Private vouchers
- Tax credits
40Private voucher scheme USA
- Childrens Scholarship Fund (CSF) in USA, 100
million foundation, underwritten by Ted Forstmann
and John Walton. - Awarded 40,000 four-year partial scholarships to
low income students to attend private schools
- CSF received 1,250,000 applications 30 times
the number of scholarships available from low
income families, all prepared to pay 1,000 per
41Private vouchers in the USA the Golden Rule
- J. Patrick Rooney, Chief Executive Officer of the
Golden Rule Insurance Company - Golden Rule model embodied four principles
- Vouchers would be for half of the private school
tuition fee (thus ensuring parents became
financial stakeholders in their childrens
education). - Only low-income families would be eligible (but
low-income families who had already made the
sacrifice and commitment necessary to get their
children into private schools would not be
penalised). - Vouchers would be eligible for use at any
private school of the parents choice - Low-income families would be granted vouchers on
a first-come, first-served basis Â
42Tax credits
- Dollar for dollar reduction in taxes owed for use
on schooling - Includes school fees, textbooks, transport,
extracurricular fees
- In USA, four states
- Arizona
- Iowa
- Minnesota
- Illinois
43Tax credits - USA
- Arizona allows taxpayers to contribute up to
500 to a tuition organisation which gives
scholarships for poor people to attend private
- In 1999, 30,000 people contributed nearly 14
million to 31 clearinghouses, helping nearly
7,000 low income students
44Tax credits - USA
- Iowa
- Tax credit of 250 on the first 1,000 of tuition
expenses at private school. - No income ceiling.
- Minnesota
- Families with incomes up to 33,500 can claim a
maximum tax credit of 1,000 per student or
2,000 per family. - Refundable I.e., those families who dont pay
taxes can still receive it. - Tax deduction for school expenses from 1,625 to
2,500 per year
45Tax Credits Cato proposal
- 500 nonrefundable education credit against the
federal income tax. - Estimate that states would save 14 billion on
public education costs, and allow 2.3 million
students escape failing public schools
- Two components
- Parental choice credit dollar for dollar
reduction up to 500 per child - Scholarship credit any taxpayer can receive
reduction of up to 500 per taxpayer for
scholarship clearing house
46Implications for Lithuania? private schools
47Implications for Lithuania? private school
48Implications for Lithuania?
- Leading the way with a workable voucher scheme?
- Easing regulations for private alternatives ?
- Exploring contracting out to international
companies? - Other ideas?
49For further information