Title: Using Assessments Effectively
1Using Assessments Effectively
- Improving Student Learning
2Effective Teaching
- Ensures the alignments of curriculum,
instruction, assessment
3Test Fact 1
- All tests rely on a relatively small number of
exercises to permit the user to draw inferences
about a students mastery of larger domains of
4Test Fact 2
- The purpose of any test item is to obtain a
student response so that you can make an
inference about the status of a students
knowledge or skill
5Why test?
- To assign a grade
- To prescribe more appropriate instruction
- To predict how a student will score on a
standardized test
6Types of Tests
- To assign a grade
- To prescribe more appropriate instruction
- To predict how a student will score on a
standardized test
7When do we assess?
- To assign a grade
- To prescribe more appropriate instruction
- To predict how a student will score on a
standardized test
8Test Review
Early Warning Summative Assessment
- What do we do when there is a standardized test
coming? - How long does it take?
- How do we know what to review?
- When does this occur?
- Is this practice effective?
9The Best Review
10How is that possible?
- Alignment between curriculum, instruction, and
assessment - Rather than review, teach
- Teach only what students dont know
- Base instruction on standards
- Base assessments on standards
No NEED for review theyve got it! (and you
have extra time for instruction!)
11Teaching a Standards-Based Curriculum
- Determine standard(s) to be taught
- Develop pre-assessment
- Administer pre-assessment
- Design instruction
- Administer assessment
- Redesign instruction
What type of assessment are we using?
What type of grades are we recording?
12(No Transcript)
13Have we Forgotten?
- Students are the key assessment users!
- Students use tests to set expectations for
themselves how high to aim, what their
likelihood of success is - On-going assessment offers an opportunity to
reveal progress, success, and potential
14- When they do not understand what is expected and
how to succeed, students feel doomed to failure
and give up. - Sound assessments links students to their
constantly emerging sense of academic and
personal self-efficacy.
15Test Anxiety
- Test anxiety is a learned behavior, compounded
and created by a lack of information about what
is expected. - Some smart students are bad testers.
- Frequent information about expectations can help
students achieve.
- Assessments can motivate students to learn.
- Provides feedback before the TEST, while there is
still time to learn - Gives students information about what is expected
and helps them gain confidence that they can meet
the expectations
17The Bottom Line
- What we assess, how we assess, and how we
communicate the results send a clear message to
students about what is worth learning, how it
should be learned, what elements of quality are
most important, and how well we expect them to
18Quality Feedback
- The essence of assessment is feedback to the
teacher, to the student, and to the parents. - The value of assessment is in the relevance,
precision, and accuracy of the information
19How can we improve instruction?
- Find out how many of the standards students have
already mastered. - Focus instruction on the standards that have not
been mastered. - Offer students timely, relevant feedback.
- Offer students timely, relevant instruction
20The Normal Feedback Cycle
- Too late to reteach A.
- Students who did not master A are struggling on B
without prerequisite skills.
Instruct A
Test A
Instruct B
21A Better Feedback Cycle
Feedback used to guide instruction so students
master one concept before moving on.
Teach A
Assess A
Teach B
REteach A
Assess A
22Using Formative Assessment to Help Students
Assess Feedback
Performance Standards
Analyze Data
23Ideal Assessments
- Relevant to instruction and standards
- Provides timely feedback to students and teachers
- Used to drive instruction rather than rank
24The Online Assessment System
- Test bank of questions linked to Georgia
Performance Standards - Provides immediate feedback to students and
teachers - Provides prescriptive instructional data
- Easy to use