Title: Innovative Community Immunization Strategies:
1Innovative Community Immunization
Strategies Drive-Through Flu Clinics
Wanda Carey RN, BSN, CIC Infection Control
Manager Norwood Hospital Norwood, MA
2In 2007 our Influenza Immunization Planning Group
posed the question . . .
- What could we do to improve our public flu
3And someone in the crowd asked
What if we did a Drive-Through Public Flu
4Why a Drive-Through?
- Inquiring minds want to know
- Provides easier access
- Especially helpful for families
- Generates favorable publicity
- People love it!
5And on the pandemic front
- Decreases opportunities for exposure during
outbreaks or epidemics - Can serve as an exercise for disaster planning
(Incident Command System) and mass immunization
(POD sites)
6So how did we do it?
- Three easy steps
- Planning
- Planning
- More Planning!
7First we identified our goal
- To administer vaccine efficiently and safely to
people who might otherwise have difficulty
getting immunized.
8Then there were considerations
- Layout
- Traffic flow
- Space considerations
- Stations
9More considerations
- Timing
- Day vs. night
- Day of the week
- When during the campaign season
- Duration of clinic
10And still more considerations
- How about that New England weather?
- Plan for rain
- Plan for snow
- Plan for cold
- Plan for the unexpected
11And (dare we say it) still more considerations
- How about the Town?
- Town Manager Board of Selectmen
- Board of Health
- Police Department
12And dont forget the staffing
- Who should be included?
- Nurses
- Registration personnel
- Security
- Volunteers
- Food Nutrition Folks
- Environmental Services
- Pharmacy
- Paramedic Services
- Interpreting Services
- Public Relations
13And the supplies
- Paper supplies
- Registration insurance papers
- Receipts for cash
- VIS consent forms
- Questionnaire
- Hospital information
14And more supplies
- Medical supplies
- Sanitizer
- Safety needles
- Syringes
- Alcohol wipes
- Gauze
- Gloves
- Spot bandaids
- Vaccine
15And yet more supplies
- Miscellaneous Supplies
- Needle disposal boxes
- Trash receptacles
- Chairs
- Tables
- Overbed tables
- Baskets
- Vaccine containers
16Still more supplies
- And dont forget
- Emergency kit (epi-pen, etc.)
- Safety vests for staff
- Portable lights/flashlights
- Umbrellas/raingear
- Handwarmers
- Snacks (if providing)
- Clipboards
17So what were our stations?
- Station 1
- Registration Station
- Register patients
- Collect insurance information
- Collect fees
- Give VIS consent forms
18Station 2
- Immunization Station
- Query regarding allergies contraindications
- Answer vaccine questions
- Provide the immunization
- Include a separate area for walk-ins (if allowed)
- HOV and express lanes (if desired)
19Station 3
- Post-Immunization Station
- Distribute literature/freebies
- Provide beverage cookies
- Conduct survey engage in conversation
- Watch for any sign of reactions to immunization
20Additional Station
- Staff Respite Station
- Provide beverages snacks for staff
- Have extra handwarmers, raingear, etc. available
- Gives the staff a quieter place to sit for a
moment and take a break
21So how did it go?
22From start to finish
They lined up early .
23Into Every Life A Little Rain Must Fall . . .
- And they didnt mind the rain!
24And They Came . . .
- And they didnt mind the cold.
25And They Came . . .
- And they didnt mind the traffic.
26And They Came . . .
- And they didnt mind the dark.
27And They Kept On Coming . . .
- And they didnt even really mind the needles . .
28And The Time Flew By!
29Our Motto
- Roll down your window
- Roll up your sleeve,
- And put er in park!
30And The Results Were . . .
- Phenomenal!
- 182 shots given our first year and 396 in our
31The Feedback Was . . .
- 578 Rave Reviews!
- They liked the people
- They liked the goodies
- They liked the low cost (we charged 20 to cover
our costs easily cheaper than going to dinner
and a movie and better protection too!) - But what they liked best of all . . .
32The Customers Bottom Line . . .
- Is that it was
33Our Conclusions
- There was a cost
- 578 doses of influenza vaccine . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 6358.00 - 578 safety needles, gauze pads, alcohol wipes,
and spot bandaids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 722.50 - 585 cups of juice packages of cookies . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 473.85 - 3 police details for 4 hours each . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 533.85 - 580 packets of promotional materials
information . . . . . . . 823.60 - ...
34Our Conclusions
- But there was great benefit
- 578 people immunized, some of whom might
otherwise not have been immunized
35Our Conclusions
- And favorable (and FREE) front-page coverage in
the Globe, front-page picture in the Transcript,
and coverage on the - 6 pm, 11 pm, and 6 am news on Channel 5 . . .
36Our Conclusion
37Contact Information
- Wanda Carey RN, BSN, CIC
- Wanda.Carey_at_caritaschristi.org
- 781-278-6326