Title: Working together towards an apprenticeship entitlement
1Working together towards an apprenticeship
Kathryn Bryant Learner Services Project Director
/ Young Peoples Learning Director East of England
2Working together towards an apprenticeship
Opening Remarks
- Welcome
- Purpose of Event
- Agenda
- Domestics
- Evaluation
3Working together towards an apprenticeship
4Working together towards an apprenticeship
Apprenticeships and the 14-19 landscape
Gareth Griffiths National 14-19 Provision and
Attainment Director
5Working together towards an apprenticeship
14-19 The policy context
6Working together towards an apprenticeship
The 14-19 road map
7Working together towards an apprenticeship
14-19 entitlement
- Our starting point is the concept of a 14-19
entitlement for all young people to the right
learning opportunities, and the right support - A high quality learning route for every young
person that enables them to participate, achieve
and progress - The support to integrate all services for young
people so that they can make the most of their
opportunities and choices - Stronger local partnerships and consortia
arrangements - Establishing the right delivery arrangements at a
local, - regional and national level.
8Working together towards an apprenticeship
Learning routes
- The 14-19 curriculum entitlement provides the
overarching framework for Partnerships to meet
the needs of their young people, against the four
routes of Apprenticeships, Diplomas, Foundation
Learning Tier and general qualifications - Apprenticeships with an entitlement to a place
by 2013 for all 16 year olds suitably qualified - Diplomas with an entitlement by 2013 for all
14-16 year olds to the first 14 Diplomas and for
16-18 year olds to all 17 Diplomas - Foundation Learning Tier with an entitlement by
2010 to study one of the progression pathways - General qualifications GCSEs, A levels
9Working together towards an apprenticeship
The right support
- Excellent IAG and support to make the right
choices at 14 and 16 - A 14-19 prospectus in every area setting out the
courses and support available linked to
www.apprenticeships.org.uk - A common application process that makes it easier
to apply for education and training - September Guarantee to ensure all 16 17 year
olds have an offer of a suitable place in
learning - Access to positive activities
High quality, impartial IAG is critical to help
raise aspirations and give young people the
confidence and direction to stay on in learning
and achieve their potential
10Working together towards an apprenticeship
14-19 reform100 percent for 100 percent
11Working together towards an apprenticeship
The 14-19 landscape
Good practice 14-19, IFP, YA, Diploma
14-19 partnerships
14-19 entitlement
Impartial IAG
Area prospectus/ NAVMS
14-19 plan and strategy
12Working together towards an apprenticeship
DCSF priorities Local delivery
- a. increasing support
- b. reforming curriculum and qualifications
- c. delivering on the ground
- by ensuring that everyone involved in working
with 1419-year-olds works together to take a
strategic view of young peoples needs, to
provide them with their full entitlement and to
offer a personalised approach - to their learning.
13Working together towards an apprenticeship
14-19 partnerships
- Partnerships have the crucial role of
- Agreeing the local vision for 14-19
- Developing and articulating strategies for the
full range of 14-19 priorities - Supporting consortia of providers so that they
are ready to deliver. - The current Education and Skills Bill places
local authorities under a duty to co-operate with
14-19 providers. This provides a statutory
underpinning for 14-19 partnerships.
14Working together towards an apprenticeship
Partnership works
- Overall progress in implementing the 1419
reforms was satisfactory or better in 15 of 16
local authority areas visited - Strategic direction was clear and a strong
commitment to work together existed among most
providers. - Collaboration between schools and colleges was
effective. - Local strategies had a positive impact in raising
achievement, increasing participation and
retaining learners in education and training. - A strong emphasis on educational and
- social inclusion was evident.
Ofsted survey Sept 08
15Working together towards an apprenticeship
And why? Half our future.still!
- Despite some splendid achievements there is
still much unrealised talent especially among
boys and girls whose potential is masked by the
limitations of home background. The country
cannot afford this wastage, humanly or
economically speaking. - The schools will need to present education in
terms more acceptable to the pupils and to their
parents, by relating more directly to adult life,
and especially by taking a proper account of
vocational interests - Half our Future 1963
16Working together towards an apprenticeship
From here to entitlement Apprenticeships and
the 14-19 landscape Gareth Griffiths 14-19
Provision and Attainment Director Learning and
Skills Council Gareth.griffiths_at_lsc.gov.uk
17Working together towards an apprenticeship
18Working together towards an apprenticeship
Jon Nay Apprenticeships Director East of England
19Working together towards an apprenticeship
World-class Apprenticeships review Context
- Expanding opportunities - Apprenticeship
entitlement from 2013 - Apprenticeships to be a mainstream option for 16
to 18 year olds - Opportunities for adults making a step-change in
their career - Leitch aspirations 400,000 Apprentices in
England by 2020 - One in five of all young people to undertake an
Apprenticeship within the next decade up from the
current 1 in 15
20Working together towards an apprenticeship
World-class Apprenticeships review Themes
- Strengthening the quality of Apprenticeships
- Creating a National Apprenticeship Service
- Boosting the number of employers offering
Apprenticeships - Cultural change around the value of
Apprenticeships - Addressing inequality
21Working together towards an apprenticeship
World-class Apprenticeships review Challenges
- To dramatically increase employer awareness,
appreciation of, and involvement in,
Apprenticeships - To improve participation and success levels for
underrepresented groups - To ensure a consistent high quality programme
- To develop and implement by Autumn 2008 a new
service to provide online information about
real-time Apprenticeship vacancies to match
potential Apprentices with employers - To achieve cultural change so that
Apprenticeships are seen and valued as a
mainstream option for 16 to 18 year olds
22Working together towards an apprenticeship
World-class Apprenticeships review Actions
- Legislation to clarify status of Apprenticeship
- Increase number of Apprenticeship frameworks
- Promotion nationally, locally and sectorally
- NAS to assist employers and learners
23Working together towards an apprenticeship
NAS Responsibilities
- Delivery of government policy
- Co-ordinate funding of Apprenticeship places
- Assess providers for quality and value for money
- Commission LSIS to spread best practice
24Working together towards an apprenticeship
NAS Responsibilities (cont.)
- National Information and Marketing Service
- National Matching Service
- Ownership of Apprenticeship Blueprint
- Specification and provision of Management
25Working together towards an apprenticeship
NAS and Local Authorities
- LAs will plan post 16 provision notify NAS of
anticipated apprenticeship volumes - NAS will ensure supply of apprenticeship places
- NAS will maintain MI flow to LAs
- NAS sub-regional staffing tier aligned LAs
26Working together towards an apprenticeship
Apprenticeships in the Public Sector
- Penetration is low
- Public Sector Average 3
- LA average 3.1
- Private Sector Average 4.9
- Public Sector employs 20 of workforce provide
10 of apprenticeships
27Working together towards an apprenticeship
Apprenticeships in the Public Sector (cont.)
- Little systematic effort to encourage companies
accessing large government contracts to employ
apprentices. - Targets to be set for each component of public
sector by DIUS.
28Working together towards an apprenticeship
Addressing Inequality
- 40 pay differential between male female
apprentices (2005) - 70 of apprentices at advanced level are male
(2006) - Best progression routes are male dominated
29Working together towards an apprenticeship
Addressing Inequality (2)
- BME young people poorly represented in
apprenticeships - Under represented in traditional craft based
30Working together towards an apprenticeship
Addressing Inequality (3)
- Disabled people are under represented in
31Working together towards an apprenticeship
32Working together towards an apprenticeship
33Working together towards an apprenticeship
Teresa Logan Learner Services Project
Manager East of England
34National ApprenticeshipService
Working together towards an apprenticeship
National Apprenticeship Service
- Structure
- National Policy and Business Development
- Employer Services
- Learner Services
- Vacancy Matching Service
35National ApprenticeshipService - Structure
Working together towards an apprenticeship
National Apprenticeship Service - Structure
- National Service based in Coventry and London
- Nine Regional teams
- Local Presence
36National ApprenticeshipService - Overview
Working together towards an apprenticeship
National Apprenticeship Service - Overview
Learner Services function
Employer Services function
National Policy and Business Development Team
37Working together towards an apprenticeship
National Policy and Business Development
- Lead on all Policy activities associated with
Apprenticeships - Lead on strategic relationships with DIUS/DCSF
and the - Skills Funding Agency and Young Peoples
Learning Agency - Produce a high level strategic plan annually
- Establish national strategies to grow
apprenticeship numbers - Accountable to the Ministers, Government and the
Skills - Funding Agency for all Apprenticeship targets.
38Employer Services
Working together towards an apprenticeship
Employer Services
- Analyse and understand the market
- Increase apprenticeship vacancies
- Support employers to use the vacancy matching
system - Work with Sector Skills Council
- Support Apprenticeship marketing campaigns
39Learner Services
Working together towards an apprenticeship
Learner Services
- Fully analyse and understand market
- Work with intermediaries
- Promote Apprenticeships to young people, their
parents - and adults
- Strengthen the Apprenticeship experience
- Support marketing campaigns
40Apprenticeship Vacancy Matching System
Working together towards an apprenticeship
Apprenticeship Vacancy Matching System
- To provide a single web based location for all
information on apprenticeships for use by
potential apprentices, their parents/guardians,
those providing advice and employers - To provide numbers of those interested in taking
up their apprenticeship entitlement by area and
sector - To match potential apprentices to employers with
41Apprenticeship Vacancy Matching System
Working together towards an apprenticeship
Apprenticeship Vacancy Matching System
- What is VMS?
- Matches employers apprenticeship vacancies with
potential applicants - Allows Learning Providers and Employers to easily
submit apprenticeship opportunities using a
common format - Enables individuals to search and view
apprenticeship vacancies nationally - Enables VMS staff to track and manage Candidates,
Learning Providers or Employers who are
experiencing difficulties
42Working together towards an apprenticeship
43Apprenticeship Vacancy Matching Service
Apprenticeship Vacancy Matching Service The
Candidate Journey
Tracey Cox Vacancy Matching Service Manager
44Apprenticeship Vacancy Matching Service
Access and Key Dates
- When did vacancies start to be uploaded?
- When did candidates get access to the system
- How will young people gain access to the system?
- Access for you?
45How does it work?
For Candidates
- Register to have their own area
- Search the website to find suitable vacancies
- Create and store a reusable application form
- Apply for a vacancy
- Monitor and track their applications
- Get help and support when necessary
46Access to website
For Candidates
47Welcome Page
For Candidates
48Candidate Visitor
For Candidates
49Login to the System
For Candidates
For Candidates
51Home Page
For Candidates
52Search for Vacancy
For Candidates
53Search Results
For Candidates
54Preview Vacancy 1
For Candidates
55Preview Vacancy 2
For Candidates
56Apply for Vacancy
For Candidates
For Candidates
57Complete Application
For Candidates
For Candidates
58Complete Application 2
For Candidates
For Candidates
59Complete Application 3
For Candidates
For Candidates
60Complete Application 4
For Candidates
For Candidates
Are you able to work away from home for two days
a month?
Give an example of when you have worked in a
61Complete Application 5
For Candidates
For Candidates
62Apply for Vacancy 1
For Candidates
For Candidates
63Apply for Vacancy 2
For Candidates
For Candidates
64Manage Applications 1
For Candidates
65Manage Applications 2
For Candidates
66Working together towards an apprenticeship
67National ApprenticeshipService
Working together towards an apprenticeship
Table Discussion
- Based on what you have heard this morning
- what do we all need to do to work towards
delivering the Apprenticeship Entitlement.
68Working together towards an apprenticeship
69Working together towards an apprenticeship
70Working together towards an apprenticeship
71Working together towards an apprenticeship
72Working together towards an apprenticeship
Vicky Nicholson Apprentice Experience BT
73National ApprenticeshipService
Working together towards an apprenticeship
Apprentice Experience
- My history
- Why I left education
- My Apprenticeship
- Future development
- Overall outlook of the scheme
74Working together towards an apprenticeship
75Working together towards an apprenticeship
Kathryn Bryant Learner Services Project Director
/ Young Peoples Learning Director East of England
76National ApprenticeshipService
Working together towards an apprenticeship
Memorandum of Understanding
- Purpose
- Â Benefits
- Â Areas of activity
- Â Process
77Working together towards an apprenticeship
78National ApprenticeshipService
Working together towards an apprenticeship
Table Discussion
- Purpose - Do you agree with the purpose or is
there something you would like added? - 2. Benefits - Can you identify any additional
benefits of the MOU and working together? - 3. Local Context - What additional information
would be useful in the local context section? - 4. Areas of Activity and Outcomes - What should
be included as a minimum and what is missing?
79Working together towards an apprenticeship
80Working together towards an apprenticeship
Val Cumberland Head of Regional Marketing
Communications East of England
81Campaign Objectives
Working together towards an apprenticeship
Campaign Objectives
- Demonstrate the governments support and
investment in Apprenticeships as part of
investing in Englands future economic
prosperity. - Improve public, employer, workforce and
influencers attitudes towards Apprenticeships
(both in their own right and compared to other
forms of learning) by communicating the benefits
and challenging the barriers. - Position Apprenticeships as a positive career
choice and create a sense of pride and
achievement for successful apprentices and their
influencers. - Motivate and galvanise more employers to take on
or offer more Apprenticeships. - Protect, grow and strengthen the brand and
reputation of Apprenticeships in the current and
future economic climate.
82Working together towards an apprenticeship
Multi-channel campaign designed to multiply and
build momentum nationally, regionally and locally
- Television (2nd Feb 1st Mar) driving awareness
and changing perception to create positive
opinion about Apprenticeships - Targeted at ABC1 adults to ensure access to
quality peak-time programming to maximise
conversion to core employer audience
Feb 2009
- Radio (23rd Feb 22nd Mar) to amplify extend
the impact of TV advertising with proven
effective reach impact against an employer
audience - Amplify the impact of TV advertising during
Apprenticeships Week while also extending
campaign messaging into March to optimise the
reach of the campaign over time
- Sector activity through PR and advertising builds
on broader activity and connects with employers
and employees in a business mindset making a
direct connection between benefit and situation
- Search smoothes the customer journey to
interaction with the Apprenticeship website and
the VMS by directing the target audience to
further information. Ensuring the maximum number
of potential participants are captured - PR 4 employer seminars, Apprenticeships Week,
83Working together towards an apprenticeship
Apprenticeships Integrated Campaign Plan
The campaign will reach 90 of employers an
average of 8 times each
84Working together towards an apprenticeship
Employer Response Handling Process (web and
- Employer visits the website www.apprenticeships.or
g.uk and completes web form or rings the contact
centre 0800 015 0600. - Details sent overnight (by e-mail) to regions
(sorted by postcode). - Regional Web forms sent by e-mail to regional
Apprenticeship teams (nominated, named contact). - National employer service (NES) Web form leads
from 5,000 employers sent by e-mail to NES
(nominated, named contact). - Regional Apprenticeship teams to manage employer
enquiries - NOTE Web form leads from Sco/NI/Wales will be
diverted to appropriate contacts
85Working together towards an apprenticeship
Parent/apprentice Response Process
- Parent/apprentice goes on line for basic
information on Apprenticeships (content being
updated) - (If applicable) completes the web form for
further contact/interest - Details of enquirer and region (plus other basic
information) captured by our contact centre from
the web form - An Apprenticeships DVD is sent to enquirers, on
receipt of the CD/brochure - - parent/apprentice views the DVD and if they
wish to find out more they are directed to the
apprenticeship website and vacancies available on
86Working together towards an apprenticeship
Dates for your diary
- TV advert pre-testing finalised w/c 19 January
- Final advertisement film produced w/c 26 January
- TV on air Monday 2 February
- National Employer Seminars Commence on 26 Feb
- Apprenticeships Week Commences on Monday 23-27
Feb - Apprenticeship Awards closing date Friday 27
Feb - 2009/10 strategy planning from February
- Apprenticeship vacancies on line
www.apprenticeships.org January - Newly enhanced Apprenticeships branding
guidelines March/April 2009 - New marketing materials March/April 2009
- Launch of National Apprenticeships Service
April 2009
87Working together towards an apprenticeship
Contact us
- Need more information on how to get involved?
Please contact us - Campaign resources site link www.lsc.gov.uk/camp
aignresources - Skills campaign line for our partners and
stakeholders 0207 413 3400 (office hours) - Campaign web address and telephone number
apprenticeships.org.uk / 0800 015 0600 - Regional Apprenticeships team
88Working together towards an apprenticeship
Apprenticeship Awards closing date Friday 27
- A world without apprentices.
Blackpool a towering success story
This years Apprenticeship Awards were launched
with a story celebrating the role apprentices
have played in the history of the nation. By
highlighting what England might have looked like
without iconic landmarks built by apprentices
such as Blackpool Tower, we have been able to
dramatically demonstrate the value of apprentices
over the ages.
- To encourage entries the press release was sent
to - the following
- National newspapers
- Local and regional newspapers
- Trade media
- SSCs
- Further copy was also sent to SSCs for their
members and stakeholder employers including BCC,
CBI, FSB, TUC - See www.apprenticeships.org.uk/awards
Would a summer holiday in Blackpool still be a
great British institution without the
apprentices that helped to build its famous icon?
89Working together towards an apprenticeship
90Working together towards an apprenticeship
The Big Skill celebrating learning, skill
development and achievement in the East of England
- The Big Skill is an awards programme and skills
showcase to recognise people from across the East
of England. - LSC working with in partnership with the BBC
East. - The Big Skill was launched across the region last
week with BBC presenter Ray Stubbs. - The objectives are
- To raise awareness and the benefits of Life Long
Learning - To recognise and reward people who are
outstanding examples of achievement through
learning - To showcase skills through 6 local awards events