Title: How Hard Is It To Manipulate Voting
1How Hard Is It To Manipulate Voting?
- Edith Elkind, U. of Warwick
- Helger Lipmaa, Tartu U.
2Short Bio
- High school diploma, School ? 15, Tallinn, 1993
- M.Sc., Moscow State University, Department of
Mathematics, 1998 - Ph.D, Princeton University, 2005
- Now Postdoctoral researcher, U.
of Warwick, UK - Research interests algorithmic game theory,
voting, algorithms, complexity
3Bib Info
- Small Coalitions Cannot Manipulate Voting,
Financial Cryptography 05 - Hybrid Voting Protocols And Hardness of
Manipulation, ISAAC 05, to appear
4What Is Manipulation?
- In a small country far, far away there is an
election coming up
5Manipulation Example
- 99 voters, 3 candidates (Red, Blue, Green).
- 49 voters R gt B gt G.
- 48 voters B gt R gt G.
- 2 voters (Edith and Helger) G gt B gt R.
- Aggregation rule Plurality
- each voter casts a vote for one candidate.
- the candidate with the largest number of votes
wins. - draws are resolved by a coin toss.
6What Will Edith and Helger Do?
R 49 votes B 48 votes
G gt B gt R
If I vote for G, R will get elected, so Id
rather vote for B
If Edith and Helger vote B gt G gt R, they can
guarantee that B is elected
7Why Manipulation Is Bad
- Aggregation rules are designed with certain
social welfare criteria in mind. - Misrepresentation of preferences results in a
suboptimal choice w.r.t. these criteria. - Also, election results do not reflect true
distribution of preferences in the society - maybe, in fact, in 2000 20 of the U.S.
population prefered Nader to Gore to Bush?
8What If We Change Aggregation Rule?
- Single Transferable Vote
- This time, Edith and Helger are better off voting
honestly, but this will not always be the case - Other popular voting schemes (Borda, Copeland)
suffer from the same problem
1st round
R gt B gt G
49 votes
B gt R gt G
48 votes
G gt B gt R
2 votes
9Formal Setup
- n voters
- m candidates c1, , cm
- Preference of a voter i
a permutation pi of c1, , cm
(best to worst). - Aggregation rule S
p1, , pn ? cj.
10Voting Schemes Examples
- Borda a candidate gets
- m points for each voter who ranks him 1st,
- m-1 point for each voter who ranks him 2nd, etc.
- Copeland
- candidate that wins the largest of pairwise
elections - Maximin
- cs score against d of voters that prefer c to
d - cs of points min score in any pairwise
election. - many, many others
11Voting Schemes Properties
- Pareto-optimality if everyone prefers a to b, b
does not win - Condorcet-consistency if there is a candidate
that wins every pairwise election, this candidate
wins - Majority if there is a candidate that is ranked
first by a majority of voters, this candidate
wins - Monotonicity it is impossible to cause a winning
candidate to lose by moving it up in ones vote
Arrows theorem there is no perfect scheme
12Manipulation Definition
- A voter i can manipulate
a voting scheme S if there is - a preference vector
- p (p1,,pi, ,pn)
- a permutation pi s.t.
- S(p1,,pi, ,pn) gti S(p).
Theorem (Gibbard-Satterthwaite, 1971) every
non-dictatorial aggregation rule with 3
candidates is manipulable.
13How Do We Get Around The Impossibility Result?
- We cannot make manipulation impossible
- But we can try to make it hard!
- How do you manipulate Plurality?
- vote for your favorite candidate among those
tied for the top position. - How do you manipulate Borda?
- rank your favorite feasible candidate highest,
move his competitors to the bottom of your vote. - How do you manipulate STV?
- try all m! possible ballots
14What Is Known?
- 2nd order Copeland is NP-hard to manipulate
(Bartholdi, Tovey, Trick 1989) - STV is NP-hard to manipulate (Bartholdi, Orlin
1991) - these rules may not reflect the welfare goals
(why is there so many voting rules out there?) - Want a universal method to turn any voting
protocol into a hard-to-manipulate one.
15Adding a Preround (Conitzer-Sandholm03)
- Retains some of the flavor of the original
protocol. - Is NP-hard to manipulate for many base
protocols. - Still, the outcome may be very different from
the - original protocol
16Binary Cup
Do most voters prefer A to B?
Binary Cup itself is easy to manipulate.
17Our Work Hybrid Protocols
- Protocols with a preround can be viewed as
hybrids of BC and other protocols - how about other hybrids?
- Hyb(Xk, Y) execute k steps of X, then apply Y to
the remaining candidates. - Hyb(Pluralityk, Borda) eliminate k candidates
with the lowest Plurality scores, then compute
Borda scores w.r.t. survivors. - Observation
- Hyb(Plurality1, , Pluralitym) STV.
a b c d e
3 2 1
18New Results
- New protocols that are hard to manipulate
- Hyb(Xk, STV), Hyb(STVk, Y)
- (for any reasonable X, Y)
- Hyb(Bordak, Plurality), Hyb(Maximink, Plurality)
- Generally, Hyb(Xk, X) ? X (and may be much harder
to manipulate) - manipulating Hyb(Bordak, Borda) is NP-hard
- Extensions to utlity-based voting (voters rate
candidates rather that rank them) - manipulating Hyb(HighScorek, HighScore) is NP-hard
19Proof Idea
- Set Cover G g1, , gn, S s1, , sm, each
si is a subset of G. Is there a cover of size K,
i.e, C si1, , siK s.t. each gi is contained
in some sj? - Set Cover is NP-hard.
- Can we reduce Set Cover
- to protocol manipulation?
Suppose someone can manipulate Hyb (Xk, Y). We
want to show that he can also find a set cover.
20Proof Idea (continued)
manipulators prefered candidate
- Candidates g1, , gn, s1, , sm, p, d1, , dt
- Voters
- ( p, ) A ballots
- for each gi
- (gi, , ) A - 1 ballot
- (sj1, , sjr, gi, ) s.t. gi is in sj1, , sjr
B ballots - some ballots of the form (dj, , )
- k m K
- s1, , sm are tied for the last place under Xk
- manipulators vote decides which K candidates
survive the preround
21Proof Idea (continued)
- p wins iff none of gi gains votes after Xk
- gi gains votes iff all sj s.t. gi is in sj are
eliminated - no gi gains votes iff surviving sj cover all gi
- manipulation is successful iff manipulator can
find a set cover of size K
22Worst-Case vs. Average-Case Hardness
- Is 3-Coloring hard on a random graph?
- likely to contain just say
no - poly-time, works for almost all graphs
- We embed a problem that is sometimes hard into
some class of preference profiles - Want a reduction that
- works for (almost) all preference profiles
- reduces from a problem that is (almost) always
hard - We show how to do (2) using one-way functions
(1) is an open problem.
23One-Way Functions
- f is a one-way function (OWF) if it is
- easy to compute for any x, f(x) is polynomial
time computable. - hard to invert
- x is drawn at random from 0, 1n
- we are given y f(x)
- have to guess x, or any z s.t. y f(z)
- average-case hardness any poly-time algorithm
has negligible chance of success (over the choice
of x).
24OWF Properties
- It is not known if OWF exist (implies P ? NP).
- Multiplication of large primes is conjectured to
be a OWF (factoring is believed to be hard) - OWF are widely used in cryptography
- adversarys task must be hard almost always,
not just sometimes. - Can we make manipulation as hard as inverting
OWF? - sort of we embed inverting OWF into some
preference profiles.
25Recall Preround (CS03)
- Retains some of the flavor of the original
protocol. - Is NP-hard to manipulate for many base
protocols. - Still, the outcome may be very different from
the - original protocol
26Our Scheme Preround With a Twist
- Idea use votes themselves to select preround
27Key Properties
- No trusted source of randomness is needed.
- Manipulating this protocol is as hard as
inverting the underlying one-way function - even for a large coalition of conspiring would-be
manipulators - Proof proceeds by constructing a vector of honest
voters preferences s.t. there is a unique
preround schedule that makes manipulators
protégé a winner - still a worst-case construction
28Average-Case Hardness?
- Can we make manipulation hard with high
probability over honest voters preferences? - Do we want to make assumptions about the
distribution of preference profiles? - In real life, not all preference profiles are
equally likely
29Hyb(BC, Plurality) Easy for Any Preround Schedule
- Candidates a, b, c1, , c2t1, p
- k1 voters p gt a gt b gt C, k n/3
- k voters a gt b gt p gt C
- n-2k-2 voters C gt p gt a gt b
- Manipulator C gt a gt b gt p
- Under any preround schedule
- p survives
- a cj survives
- either a or b survives
- In the final round, p competes against a or b
- manipulator is better off voting a gt b gt p gt C
30Open Problems
- Average-case hardness seems hard to achieve using
a preround. Other approaches? - What is the maximum fraction of manipulators we
can tolerate? - for most base protocols, we can prove security
against 1/6 of all voters. Is it optimal? - Our results are for specific protocols. More
general proofs?