Help From Beyond the Veil - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Help From Beyond the Veil


At a Christmas social, I was sitting next to a woman from a recently opened ... Behold, I, Amaleki, was born in the days of Mosiah; and I have lived to see his ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Help From Beyond the Veil

Help From Beyond the Veil
  • Promptings 101

Elder Busche
  • At a Christmas social, I was sitting next to a
    woman from a recently opened country in Eastern
    Europe who was in the West for the first timeShe
    was a convert of a little over a year.
  • She told me about the poor circumstances of her
    old branch and about how difficult it was for
    the members to get to their Sunday meetings and
    the many sacrifices that they joyfully made.
  • She said the most inspiring times for the members
    in her branch was the testimony meeting that was
    held on the Sunday of fasting. They would not
    part until everyone had given a testimony because
    they were all anxious to share the many miracles
    happening around them.
  • Then she said, Once in a awhile, we would have
    holy angels visit and comfort and strengthen us.
  • She added with a smile, Can you imagine I have
    found people in Salt Lake City who have never
    seen an angel. She laughed as if that were the
    strangest thing she had ever heard. (Yearning
    for the Living God, p. 234

  • Behold, I, Amaleki, was born in the days of
    Mosiah and I have lived to see his death and
    Benjamin, his son, reigneth in his stead.
  • And it came to pass that I began to be old and,
    having no seed, and knowing king Benjamin to be a
    just man before the Lord, wherefore, I shall
    deliver up these plates unto him, exhorting all
    men to come unto God, the Holy One of Israel, and
    believe in prophesying, and in revelations, and
    in the ministering of angels,

Garden of Eden
The Adam and Eve Pattern
  • And it came to pass that after I, the Lord
    God, had driven them out, that Adam began to
    till the earth, and to have dominion over all
    the beasts of the field, and to eat his bread
    by the sweat of his brow, as I the Lord had
    commanded him. And Eve, also, his wife, did
    labor with him.
  • And Adam and Eve, his wife, called upon the name
    of the Lord, and they heard the voice of the Lord
    from the way toward the Garden of Eden, speaking
    unto them, and they saw him not for they were
    shut out from his presence.
  • And he gave unto them commandments, that they
    should worship the Lord their God, and should
    offer the firstlings of their flocks, for an
    offering unto the Lord. And Adam was obedient
    unto the commandments of the Lord.
  •  And after many days an angel of the Lord
    appeared unto Adam

How were Book of Mormon Prophets taught?
  • Nephi
  • the angel spake unto meand I saw that the
    Redeemer was lifted up upon the cross and
    slain for the sins of the world. (1 Nephi
  • King Benjamin
  • I shall tell you the things made known
    unto me by an angel of Godthat the Lord
    Omnipotent shall dwell in a tabernacle of
    clayand he shall be called Jesus Christ
    (Mosiah 32)
  • Jacob
  • In the last night, the angel spake unto me
    that..Christ should be his nameand they should
    crucify him (2 Nephi 103)
  • Alma
  • the spirit hath said this to mehe shall be
    born of Mary, at Jerusalemand he will take upon
    him death. (Alma 710,12)
  • Samuel
  • the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall suffer many
    things and shall be slain for his people, and
    behold, an angel of the Lord hath declared it
    unto me. (Helaman 137)

Moroni 7
  • Have angels ceased to appear unto the
    children of men? Or has he withheld
    the power of the Holy
    Ghost from them? Or
    will he, so long as time shall
    last, or the earth shall stand, or there
    shall be one man upon the face
    thereof to be saved?
  • Behold I say unto you, Nay for it is by faith
    that miracles are wrought and it is by faith
    that angels appear and minister unto men
    wherefore, if these things have ceased wo be unto
    the children of men, for it is because of
    unbelief, and all is vain.
  • Moroni 736

What about in modern times?
  • Wilford Woodruff
  • I believe the eyes of the heavenly hosts are over
    this people I believe they are watching the
    elders of Israel, the prophets and apostles and
    men who are called to bear off this kingdom. I
    believe they watch over us all with great
  • I will here make a remark concerning my own
    feelings. After the death of Joseph Smith I saw
    and conversed with him many times in my dreams in
    the night season. On one occasion he and his
    brother Hyrum met me when on the sea going on a
    mission to England.the prophet talked freely to
    me about the mission I was then going to perform.
  • And he also talked to me with regard to the
    mission of the Twelve Apostles in the flesh, and
    he laid before me the work they had to perform
    and he also spoke of the reward they would
    receive after death. And there were many other
    things he laid before me in his interview on that
    occasion. . . .
  • I have had many interviews with Brother Joseph
    until the last 15 or 20 years of my life I have
    not seen him for that length of time. But during
    my travels in the southern country last winter I
    had many interviews with President Young, and
    with Heber C. Kimball, and Geo. A. Smith, and
    Jedediah M. Grant, and many others who are dead.
    They attended our conference, they attended our

Elder LeGrand Richards
  • On May 4, 1978, following a council meeting,
    Elder LeGrand Richards asked President
    Kimball for the privilege of saying a few
    words. He told the Brethren that during the
    meeting, he had seen a personage seated in a
    chair on the organ.
  • He said he thought it was President Wilford
  • "He was dressed in a white suit and was seated in
    an armchair," reported Elder Richards. "I thought
    at the time that the reason I was privileged to
    see him was probably that I was the only one
    there who had ever seen President Woodruff while
    he was upon the earth. I had heard him dedicate
    the Salt Lake Temple and I had heard him give his
    last sermon in the Salt Lake Tabernacle before he
    died." (Lucile C. Tate, LeGrand Richards
    Beloved Apostle, p. 292.)

So, what about us?
  • In our search for answers, are we ever
    aided, though unaware, by angelic
  • Mormon
  • And now, I say unto you, and I would that ye
    should remember, that God is merciful unto all
    those who believe on his name
  • And now, he imparteth his word by angels unto
    men, yea, not only men but women also.
  • Now this is not all little children do have
    words given unto them many times, which confound
    the wise and the learned
    (Alma 3222-23)

Voice of the Spirit
  • Still, small voice
  • Feelings of peace and calm
  • The Comforter
  • However
  • Have you ever heard a voice?
  • Had a sudden, powerful thought, with specific
  • Been directed or guided to do something?

Young Couple
Elder Melvin J. Ballard
  • "Why is it that sometimes only one of a city or
    household receives the Gospel? It was made known
    to me that it is because the righteous dead who
    have received the Gospel in the spirit world are
    exercising themselves,
  • and in answers to their prayers elders of the
    Church are sent to the homes of their posterity .
    . ., and that descendant in the flesh is then
    privileged to do the work for his dead kindred.
  • I want to say to you that it is with
    greater intensity that the hearts of
    the fathers and mothers in the spirit world
    are turned to their children now in the
    flesh than that our hearts are turned to
  • (Crusader for Righteousness, p. 219.)

So, who might minister to us?
  • President Joseph F. Smith
  • when messengers are sent to minister to the
    inhabitants of this earth, they are not
    strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred,
    friends, and fellow-beings and fellow-servants...
  • Our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and
    friends who have passed away from this earth,
    having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these
    rights and privileges, may have a mission given
    them to visit their relatives and friends upon
    the earth again, bring from the divine Presence
    messages of love, of warning, or reproof and
    instruction, to those whom they had learned to
    love in the flesh.
  • (Gospel Principles, p. 435)

Robert Millett
  • Elder Bruce R. McConkie spoke at the funeral of
    President Joseph Fielding Smith. Later, in a talk
    at the Joseph F. Smith family reunion, Elder
    McConkie told that group that Joseph F. Smith had
    attended the funeral of his son, doing so to
    manifest his interest in the family.
  • Such interest and concern is most natural. When a
    righteous man or a righteous woman die, they do
    not cease to love their family in the flesh, they
    do not cease to pray for them, they do not cease
    to labor in their behalf.
  • As their family was their primary concern in this
    life, so it will continue to be their primary
    concern on the other side of the veil.
  • Life Beyond ( 1986)

President Eyring
  • When we honor the priesthood, we
    have heavenly hosts and angels who are watching
    over us. Some of us know how literally that is
  • Some of us have an absolute assurance that those
    whom we have known who held the priesthood who
    are now part of that heavenly host are deeply
    aware of what we are doing and sometimes deeply
    concerned for the quality of our service.
    Covenants with God, BYU Devotional

Recent Email
  • I had an experience last week that is very
    special to me. I was directed 'specifically' what
    to do for a couple in our ward.
  • The sister later told me that as she related the
    experience to her sister, she responded
    immediately, with That was MOM! That was exactly
    what Mom would have done!
  • Brother Hinckley, her mom passed away several
    years ago. She told me she had come to know that
    her mom has been busy doing so many things and
    blessing lives since her passing. 
  • I was just so touched and very grateful that I
    could be an instrument.

Recent Fireside
Unseen sentinels
  • Elder Featherstone
  • As the evil night darkens upon the
    this generation, we must come to the
    temple for light and safety. In our temples
    we find quiet, sacred havens where the
    storm cannot penetrate to us.
  • There are hosts of unseen sentinels
    watching over and guarding our temples.
    Angels attend every door. As it was in
    the days of Elisha so it will be for
    us, those that be with us are more
    than they that be against us.
  • There will be greater hosts of unseen beings in
    the temple. Prophets of old as well as those in
    this dispensation will visit the temples.
  • Those who attend will feel their strength and
    feel their companionship. We will not be alone in
    our temples.
    (Temple Statement for the Utah
    South Area, April 1987)

John A. Widstoe
  • I have the feeling . . . that those
    who give themselves with all their
    might and main to this work
    receive help from the other side, and not
    merely in gathering genealogies.
  • Whoever seeks to help those on the other side
    receives help in return in all the affairs of
  • Genealogical Activities in Europe," Utah
    Genealogical and Historical Magazine 22 (July
    1931) 104.

Dallas, Texas Temple
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