Title: Sam Maurer
1The Effect of Diameter on Polymer Degradation
During Turbulent Drag Reduction
- Objective to measure the effect of pipeline
diameter on degradation kinetics of drag-reducing
polymers - Background
- Since 1979, polymeric drag reducing agents (DRAs)
used in over 100 commercial pipelines, such as
the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) - Degradation of polymers decreases drag reduction
in all pipelines - Approach
- Use a 4.57 mm inner diameter (ID) test pipe to
model TAPS (1100 mm ID) - Use measured pressure drops to calculate apparent
first-order degradation rate constant in test
pipe - Compare to literature and previous 10.26 data
using larger pipeline IDs - Results
- Found kdeg 67 s-1, higher than previous value
of 3.4 s-1 found for a 4.57 mm ID pipe (10.26
Team 5 2005) - However, found kdeg to vary 10 30 with
concentration at any given pump setting,
suggesting non-first-order kinetics - Conclusions
3Background Motivation
- 1948 BA Toms discovers dilute amounts of
macromolecules added to solutions in turbulent
flow decrease frictional losses - 1977 TAPS first opened, transports oil 800
miles - 1979 Long-chain hydrocarbon DRAs introduced in
- 1982 Brostow suggests using DRAs to improve
storm sewer capacity, fire hose flow rate - 2006 DRAs used in over 100 industrial pipelines
Source TAPS website, www.alyeska-pipe.com/default
4Background Theory
- In Newtonian flow, friction of fluid flowing past
pipe wall causes pressure drop, requires energy
expenditure - With DRAs, pressure drop reduced at constant flow
rate - Limit of drag reduction is not laminar flow,
rather Virks Maximum Drag Reduction asymptote
(MDR) - Possible mechanism polymeric DRAs suppress
macroscale eddy formation by bridging turbulent
bursts - Longer DRAs affect superior drag reduction
- Coiled DRAs extended due to wall shear stress
- Drag reduction limited by scission of long-chain
5Background Chemistry
2.Rgyration 600 nm
Contour Length 690000 nm
Polymers undergo midpoint scission
Contour Length 345000 nm
6Background Previous Work
Phenomenon of Drag Reduction and Degradation
(Paterson 1970)
7Approach Current Work
8Approach Apparatus
Pressure Transducer
Multimeter Readout
Storage tank
Storage tank
Stand pipe
Gravity bypass
L/D 50 20 20 20
9Approach Prandtl-Karman Calculation
Pump Setting
Pressure Transducer
Flowrate V
Pressure Drop DP
10Approach Kinetics Calculation
Slip S
Prandtl-Karman Plot for 2 ppm aqueous PEO solution
S 1/vf polymer 1 /vf water
11Approach Kinetics Calculation
Maximum Slip S
Slip Plot for 2 ppm aqueous PEO solution
12Approach Kinetics Calculation
Volumetric Flowrate
Plot S / S (ratio of slip to maximum slip)
against residence time for 2 ppm aqueous PEO
13Approach Kinetics Calculation
Volumetric Flowrate
Plot S / S (ratio of slip to maximum slip)
against residence time for 2 ppm aqueous PEO
Slope of line is apparent first-order degradation
rate constant at a given pump setting
14Approach Kinetics Calculation
Plot degradation constant against tw in region of
tw 40 (scale with TAPS)
Establish correlation log(kdeg) A . log(tw) B
Calculated A 1.14 log(kdeg) 1.14 .
log(tw) kdeg 401.14 67
15Results Degradation Constant
16Results Degradation Variation
Volumetric Flowrate
Degradation constant at any given pump setting
varies 10 30 across C0 0.2 ppm to C0 2.0
ppm Kinetics might not be first-order
17Results Water Olympic Plots
When running distilled water, pressure drops
across each of three tap pairs found to be
approximately equal
Flaws in taps therefore unlikely
18Results Polymer Olympic Plots
Voltage a Pressure Drop Indeed see drag
reduction, and degradation as we travel down the
19Results Reproducibility
Plotted on Prandtl-Karman coordinates, data from
different runs at the same polymer concentration
appear to be reproducible
- Calculated kdeg 67 s-1 is 1 order of magnitude
larger than kdeg 3.4 s-1 calculated by 10.26
Team 5 - Using same apparatus
- Olympic plots show that taps do not appear to be
flawed - Data shown to be reproducible
- Team Members Jacqueline Brazin
- Stephanie Lee
- Team Advisor Prof. Preetinder S. Virk
- Team Members Jacqueline Brazin
- Stephanie Lee
- Team Advisor Prof. Preetinder S. Virk