Title: Sam Congdon Travels
1Sam Congdon
2sam congdon born in Escondido, California in
1973.sam congdon Successful CEO and
SpecialtiesChief executive officer. I have
marketed and sold millions of dollars worth of
sophisticated financial products to business
owners, executives and high net worth individuals
from over 40 countries.
3Sam Congdon Successful CEO and SpecialtiesChief
executive officer. Sam Congdon SpecialtiesChief
executive officer, chief operating officer,
profit and loss responsibilities, human resources
management, financial modeling, projections,
budgeting, forecasting, online marketing, sales,
public speaking, cash flow management.
4sam congdon born in Escondido, California in 1973
Born in Escondido, California. Raised in
Washington State. College in Michigan and Grad
School in Dallas, TX Sam congdon Learning how to
be diligent, see a task through to being finished
and putting in long, hard hours has made my
professional life much easier.and At present,
they give a free online course in the US
Constitution. In fact, every student that goes to
Hillsdale has to take a course in the United
States Constitution.One of my favorite places in
the world is Lake Chelan in Washington state. It
is a 50 mile Lake in the mountains of Washington.
5https//plus.google.com/SamCongdon/about https/
/www.linkedin.com/in/samuelcongdon https//twitte
r.com/ilovethetropics https//www.linkedin.com/in
/samuelcongdon http//samcongdontropics.wordpress
.com/ http//samuelcongdon.wordpress.com/ www.pi
6Sam Congdon