Title: Japan
Emperor Hirohito Emperor Hirohito took thrown at
on December25th, 1926 at age 25. He took the
thrown because emperor Taisho passed away. Only a
few amount of people of Japan shed a tear when he
passed away. Thought the 1920s and the 1930s
the miscasts organized special groups for the
people of Japan.
In 1912 when emperor Meiji died Japan was
devastated by his death, because while being the
emperor of Japan they had the highest status of
all the land witch was very new to them.
Emperor Meiji
Emperor Taisho
Here is one of Japans newest shoguns at work!
One of Japans' oldest, and most famous shoguns
lived from 1542- to 1616, his name was Tokugawa.
The shoguns of Japan were originally choose for
their skill of being war leaders. Some people
would call them the leading warlords and rulers
of Japan. In the 1940s Japan began to get closed
from the outside world. The shoguns were most
powerful in the 1192 1868. the shoguns were
the leaders of the Japan army in the early ages.
4Though a word of loose application, once a market
economy has taken root the term peasant
proprietors is frequently used to describe the
traditional rural population in countries where
the land is chiefly held by smallholders.
Peasant means From the pays. A peasant is
someone who works for nobility. Servants are
replaced from local peasants, and they wear
ripped clothing with a rope for a belt. While
being poor they are forced to share their crops.
- The castles are used for wore because solders
shoot bows and arrows and some times shout at the
enemies out side like it was a wore. There were
stone walls to keep the predators out. The
castles were built on a high plat form so that to
predators from climbing up the wall. The castles
were made for emperors who ruled people of the
country or the places in Japan. - High land on castles
- Merchants hand the lowest position in Japanese
society because they didn't produce any thing
directly .The merchants where also very
successful hard workers. workers had benefits
from the merchants owners. The relationship
between workers company can still be found in
modern day in Japan.
- Most people in Japan are Buddhists. Buddhists is
one or the grate religions in of the world years
ago. The religion was made up by a man people
call Buddha he tried to help people with there
relations and live peacefully. people say that
Buddha's help worked because they were just
worried about money and power.
- Artisan is a person who is a crafted person or
skilled worker and someone that concentrates on
things like home, work and family. Artisan is
someone who doesn't feel selfish and greedy they
only concentrate on family.