Title: MoldFungi Identification and Remediation Awareness Training
1Mold(Fungi) Identification and Remediation
Awareness Training
- Plumas Unified School District
- Maintenance Department
2What is Mold(Fungi)?
- Organisms that are neither plants or animals
- They have no chlorophyll
- They have no digestive organs
- They are divided into one of three classes
- Yeasts
- Mushrooms
- Molds
3What is Mold(Fungi)?
- One of the most common living organisms on the
face of the earth - gt70,000 species of fungi have been identified
- They surround us at all times
- Without fungi, biodeterioration would not occur
- Without fungi we would have no Antibiotics, Bread
or Beer.
4What causes fungi to grow?
- Water
- Dark
- Warm
- Food Source
5Why are we concerned about the Presence of fungi ?
- Poor Building Appearance
- Indication of Water Leakage or Other Moisture
Problem - Building Damage
- Indoor Air Quality
- Health Related Issues
- Public Relations
6What Do We Do About Mold?
- Develop and implement an inspection program
- Complaints of mold, musty odors, water leakage
must be addressed ASAP - Visual Inspection
- Ceiling tiles
- Wallboard
- Cardboard
- Paper
- Ductwork(filters)
7Visual Inspections
- Cellulose materials
- Look Behind, Above and Below
- Avoid Disturbing Mold During Investigation
- Try to Identify The Source of The Water
- Roof Leaks
- Sweating Pipes
- Valve leaks
- High Humidity
- Floods
8Mold Growing on Ceiling Tile
9Mold Growing on Tektum Roof Deck
10Water Stain on Ceiling
11Mold Growth Inside Wall Space
12Mold Behind Cove Base
13Mold Behind Bookcase
14Poor HVAC Maintenance
15Blocked Fresh Air Supply
16Mold Caused by Leaking Water Valve
17Mold Growing Behind Bulletin Board
18Mold on Ceiling Tiles
19What to Do When You Find Mold
- Assess the amount of the area affected
- Level 1 lt 10 ft2
- Level 2 gt10 ft2 lt30 ft2
- Level 3 gt30 ft2 lt100 ft2
- Level 4 gt100 ft2 Contiguous Growth
- Report ALL Mold Conditions to the Maintenance
Department - Find the Source of the Moisture
20What to Do When You Find Mold
- Determine the Corrective Action
- Level 1 2 Jobs can be safely handled by
building level personnel - Level 3 May Require Outside Assistance
- Respiratory Protection
- Haz-Mat Training
- Ventilation Control
- Gloves and Eye Protection
21What to Do When You Find Mold
- Level 4 Requires Extensive Preparation to Control
- Containment
- Ventilation Control
- Air Monitoring
22Level 1 - 2 3Cleanup Procedures
- PPE (Gloves and Eye Protection)
- Respiratory Protection (HEPA Filters)
- Work Area Should Be Unoccupied
- Mist Surface Prior to Removal
- Materials Should be Placed in Sealed Plastic Bags
- Clean Work Area with Detergent and Water
- Level 2 work Areas Should Be HEPA Vacuumed
23Level 1 2 3 Cleanup Procedures
- Level 2 3 Work Areas Should Be Covered with
- Mold is an Indicator of a Moisture Problem
- Failure to Eliminate Moisture May Result in a
Return of the Problem - Small Mold Problems Will Become Big Problems if
Left Untreated - Mold Problems May Result in Building IAQ
Complaints - Report All Mold Problems to the PUSD Maintenance