- Nick DAdamo
- UNESCO IOC Perth Regional Programme Office
- IOP6, La Reunion, 3-5 June 2009
2- Summary Proceedings of IOGOOS-VI the Sixth
Annual Meeting of the Indian Ocean Global Ocean
Observing System - Hyderabad, India
- 3-5 December 2008
- pending finalisation by IOGOOS Secretariat
- Issues relating to IOP unlikely to change from
the draft
3Report on IOGOOSs endorsement(ref IOGOOS-VI,
Dec 2008)regarding the development of an IRF
4- Who is to develop/structure the IRF??
- With respect to the actual working function of
the IRF, IOGOOS members were comfortable for the
IOP to decide on its own modus operandi.
5- IRF ToR
- The Chair requested that IOP finalise the Terms
of Reference for the IRF to be as submitted to
the IOGOSS-VI meeting, but with Section 5.4 of
the draft ToR changed to - 5.4 IOGOOS will seek Secretariat support for the
Forum from the UNESCO IOC Perth Regional
Programme Office. - Yukio has distributed the draft ToR via email.
6- IRF Secretariat issues for consideration
- Budget? IOP needs to estimate the IRF resourcing
requirements - Leadership? Suggest we have an IRF Director
- Governance? IOGOOS sees the IRF as an organ of
IOGOOS, established to facilitate IOP - Funding? IOC Perth will provide funding
(amount?) ... For the IRF Secretariat support - Economies? Desirable to harmonise meetings of
IOP and IRF (and High Level Review Panels) to
rationalise costs
- Development of IRF Business Plan
- The Chair requested, through the IOP Co-Chair, Dr
Masumoto, that IOP have the Business Plan for the
IRF ready for consideration by IOGOOS, at the
next IOGOOS meeting. - Note IOGOOS Chair indicated that IOGOOS is keen
to have the IRF Business Plan developed and
finalised in a timely manner, out of session ....
i.e., during the intervening period between IOP-6
and IOGOOS-7 (ie over the next 2-3 months).
8- Timing of IOP-7, IRF-1, IOGOOS-7, HLRP-3
- If feasible, IOGOOS would like to see a combined
meeting of - IOGOOS-7
- IOP-7
- IRF-1
- IOP High Level Review Panel- 3
- Considering likely cross-attendance of
individuals at these meetings, to reduce overall
costs - Meet during March/April 2010 ??
- ? equal displacement of IOGOOS-7 and IOP-7
timelines - Venue to be decided
- ? Iran offered to host IOGOOS-7
- ? IOC Perth also offered (can also host all 4
9- Note a specific recommended action for IOP
arising out of IOGOOS-7 - Undertake an internal review and prioritization
of the needs of the respective ocean observing
components of IndOOS, with a view to having the
priorities and associated needs for enhancement
of those components submitted to the 1st meeting
of the proposed IRF.
10- Now or later during this meeting ...
- Discuss IOP process for development of Business
Plan - Discuss potential for joint meetings
- (IOGOOS-7, IOP-7, IRF-1, HLRP-3)
- and venue
11thank you
12Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System
13Global network of Tsunami Warning Systems
Several countries are members of more than one
Tsunami Warning System (e.g. Australia and
1426 December 2004
IOC invited to lead establishment of a Tsunami
Early Warning System
28 member countries contribute to the
Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the
Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation
System (ICG/IOTWS)
15End-to-End system
16ICG/IOTWS What is the system?
- The System must be
- Fully owned by Indian Ocean countries
- Based on international and multilateral
cooperation - Based on open and free data exchange
- Protect all countries in the Indian Ocean
- Transparent and accountable to all countries
- Secretariat for IOTWS Intergovernmental
Coordinating Group in Perth, funded by BoM
17Hazard Detection - seismic
73 operational seismic stations by end 2008
80 seismic stations planned by 2010
18Hazard Detection coastal sea level
gt60 stations reporting continuously
19Hazard Detection deep ocean 44 stations planned
YELLOW circles operational
44 Stations planned in IO
RED dots transmitting now on GTS
20- For further information
- http//www.ioc-tsunami.org
21thank you
23IOOOS-6 re-affirmed its intention to adopt
SIBERSIBER will be jointly under IMBER
IOGOOSIOC Perth and IMBER to sponsor SIBER
(similarly to IOP and GOOSCLIVAR)
24- From the IOGOOS-6 report ...
- ... IOP Business Plan should be developed with
due reference to and inclusion of SIBER, in
respect to potential synergies in science
pursuits and harmonizing the respective sustained
observing system developments across the IOP and
SIBER. - To that end, it is recommended that SIBER
participate in the development of the IRF at IOP6
to assist in developing the IRF Business Plan and
also in order to ensure appropriate
recommendations for representation of
bio-geochemical needs in the IRF.
25- For your ref SIBER, through Dr W Naqvi, NIO,
India, was encouraged to - ... make a presentation to the Secretary,
Ministry of Earth Sciences, requesting the
Ministrys institutional support for resources to
progress the SIBER objective of improving the
network of measurements of ocean carbon through
the Underway PCO2 system.
26thank you
27Joint IOGOOS/SEAGOOS pilot project titled Ocean
Forecast Demonstration projects in IOGOOS and
28BLUELINK Hydrodynamic model ? global
output Assimilating global data from the Global
Ocean Observing System (GOOS) To give finer
resolution answers near Australia and potentially
beyond To obtain boundary conditions for finer
scale modeling
29MODELS, PREDICTIONShttp//www.bom.gov.au/oceanogr
Currently for Australia 7-day forecasts T, S,
currents, sea level anomaly 3D 10 km resolution
30A project to facilitate Bluelinks applicability
and utility for IO has been initiated under
IOGOOS recently extending the conversation to
Re-analysis insight for process studies
provision of boundary conditions for finer scale
nested models forecasting for Natural Resource
31Project status
- Bluelink introduced (by CSIRO) to IOGOOS at
IOGOOS-5, 2007 Phuket - IOGOOS members wanted a project (application of
ocean forecasting systems for IOGOOS member
states) - SEAGOOS members then said they wanted the same
project for SEAGOOS - Ocean forecasting workshop with GOOS Sci Steering
Comm meeting Perth, Feb 2009 IO/SEA GOOS
representation, modellers and users. - Decision to progress project development for
IOGOOS SEAGOOS - Bluelink Australia on board ... But
....... - Need users / beneficiaries of such a project
to provide collaborative resources and data for
model application and assimilation for eventual
forecasting - Currently establishing a project group (IOGOOS,
SEAGOOS, Bluelink, IOC Perth as a co-sponsor) - An initial project planning workshop (hopefully
late 2009) to set specific objectives, consider
budget, select demonstration areas to apply and
demonstrate utility of ocean forecasting systems
... Build a constituency for the project overall - ? Malaysia and Indonesia offered themselves as
initial demo sites
32Thank you
33Facilitating the regional application of Bluelink
IOGOOS/SEAGOOS Bluelink project under
BLUElink hindcasting 1997-2001