Title: Information Matters: Informed Consent, Truthtelling, and Confidentiality
1Information Matters Informed Consent,
Truth-telling, and Confidentiality
- Clayton L. Thomason, J.D., M.Div.
- Asst. Professor
- Dept. of Family Practice and
- Center for Ethics Humanities in the Life
Sciences - Adjunct Professor, MSU-DCL College of Law
- Michigan State University
- clayton.thomason_at_ht.msu.edu
- http//www.msu.edu/thomaso5
2Informed Consent
3ExerciseExamining Informed Consent Document
- Reading the document before you
- Would you consent to this treatment, based on the
information documented here? - What else would you want to know?
- What conversation might need to take place before
and after this documentation?
4Why Care about telling the truth, informed
consent, confidentiality?
- Promote patient autonomy
- Protect patients (and subjects)
- Avoid fraud duress
- Encourage self-scrutiny by medical professionals
- Promote rational decisions
- Reduce risks to patients physicians
cf., Capron A. Informed consent in catastrophic
disease and treatment. U Penn Law Review 123
(Dec. 1974)364-76.
5Elements of Informed Consent
- Information
- Disclosure of information
- Comprehension of information
- Consent
- Voluntary consent
- Competence to consent
6Information to Disclose/Discuss
- Medical condition, prognosis, and nature of the
test or treatment - The proposed intervention
- Benefits, risks, and consequences
- Alternatives
- Benefits, risks, and consequences
7Legal Standards for Disclosure
- Professionals are held to a standard of care,
judged by either - Professional Standard a reasonable prudent
physician of ordinary skill (majority of states) - MI minimum acceptable standard of care
- Reasonable Patient Standard what a reasonable
patient in similar situation would expect - Individual Patient Standard what this patient
expects - Usually determined by court (case law) relying on
expert testimony
8Barriers to Patient Comprehension
- Problems recalling information
- Problems evaluating evidence, probabilities
- Failure to define jargon, technical language
- Reliance on Consent Forms alone
- Respects patient autonomy
- Avoids
- Fraud
- Coercion
- Manipulation
- May still persuade patients
- May enhance autonomy by promoting understanding
- May dissuade from decisions against their best
10Competence or Capacity?
- Competence
- Legal construct
- Adjudicated by courts
- Based on clinical assessment
- Decision-Making Capacity
- Clinical construct
- Assessed by physicians
11Competent to do What?
- Global Competence?
- Overall ability to function in life
- Medical diagnosis, general mental functioning,
appearance - Competence with regard to particular task
- Competence to give informed consent
- Consider prognosis, nature of Tx, alternatives,
risks and benefits, probable consequences
12Decision-Making Capacity
- Capacity to make specific decisions about Medical
Care - Standard Patient should have the ability to give
informed consent (or refusal) to the proposed
test or treatment - Balance Protecting patient from harm with Respect
for Autonomy - Sliding scale depending on risk of harm
13Exceptions to Informed Consent
- Lack of Decision-making Capacity
- Emergencies implied consent
- Therapeutic Privilege
- When disclosure would severely harm patient
- Waiver
14Summary - Informed consent
- Process?
- i.e., shared decision-making
- or Product?
- i.e., signed consent form
15Promoting a Shared Decision-Making Process
- Encourage patient to play active role in
decision-making - Elicit patients perspective about the illness
- Interpret alternatives in light of patients
goals - Ensure that patients are informed
- Provide comprehensible information
- Try to frame issues without bias
- Check that patients have understood information
- Protect the patients best interests
- Make a recommendation
- Try to persuade patients (avoiding coercion)
Lo B. Resolving Ethical Dilemmas A Guide for
Clinicians, 2d ed. 2000. Baltimore Lippincott
Williams Wilkins. 26.
16Truth-telling and Nondisclosure of Errors
17Why tell the truth?
- Reasons For Disclosure
- Lying is wrong
- Pts want to know
- Pts need information
- More good than harm
- Deception requires further deception
- Deception may be impossible
- Reasons Against disclosure
- Prevent harm to Pts
- Not culturally appropriate
- When Pts dont want to be told
18Resolving Dilemmas about Deception and
- Anticipate problems with disclosure
- Determine what the patient wants
- Elicit the familys concerns
- Focus on how (not whether) to tell the diagnosis
- If withholding information, plan for future
Lo B. Resolving Ethical Dilemmas A Guide for
Clinicians, supra at 55.
19Disclosure of MistakesMistake or Negligence?
- Medical Error preventable adverse medical
events - Errors of omission or commission
- Honest Mistakes
- Negligent Actions preventable, harmful actions
that fall below the standard of care
Hebert PC, Levin AV, Robertson G. Bioethics for
clinicians 23. Disclosure of medical error. CMAJ
20Defensive Medicine
- AMA (1985)
- performance of diagnostic tests and treatments
which, but for the threat of a malpractice action
would not have been done. - A clinical decision or action motivated in whole
or in part by the desire to protect oneself from
a malpractice suit or to serve as a reliable
defense is such as suit occurs.
Deville K. Act first and look up the law
afterward? Medical malpractice and the ethics of
defensive medicine. Th Med Bioethics 1998
21 Ethics of Defensive Medicine
- A range of practices that subject the patient to
- No additional physical or emotional risk
financial costs minimal or offset by benefits of
the practice - Virtually no risk or pain, but impose additional
financial costs, increase patients anxiety, or
other harms - Significantly increased physical, psychological,
and financial risks, or infringe on important
personal rights.
Deville, supra, at 577.
22Avoiding Inappropriate Defensive Practice
- Make a clinically sound treatment decision.
- Accurately identify the legal risk in the case.
- Evaluate the risk by estimating potential costs
of the claim in time, anxiety, money. - Discount that risk calculation by the
unlikelihood of its occurrence and the potential
claims defensibility. - Evaluate the cost to the patient and society of
potential defensive measures.
Deville, supra, at 582.
23Approaches to Disclosing Error in Practice . . .
- Report/Resolve conflicts as close to the
bedside as possible. - Keep accurate, contemporaneous records of all
clinical activities. - Notify insurer and seek assistance from others
who can help (e.g., risk manager). - Take the lead in disclosure dont wait for
patient to ask. - Outline a plan of care to rectify the harm and
prevent recurrence. - Offer to get prompt second opinions where
24. . . in Practice
- Offer the option of family meetings, get
professional help to conduct them. - Offer the option of follow-up meetings.
- Document important discussions.
- Be prepared for strong emotions.
- Accept responsibility for outcomes, but avoid
attribution of blame. - Apologies and expressions of sorrow are
Cf., Hebert, et al., supra, CMAJ 2001164(4)509
26The Duty to Maintain Confidentiality
- What I may see or hear in the course of the
treatment . . . which on no account one must
spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding
such things shameful to be spoken about. - Hippocratic Oath
- A physician may not reveal the confidences
entrusted to him in the course of medical
attendance,or the deficiencies he may observe in
the character of his patients, unless - he is required to do so by law
- or unless it becomes necessary in order to
protect the welfare of the individual or the
community. - American Medical Association, Code of Ethics,
Section 9.
27Reasons for Maintaining Confidentiality
- Respects patient privacy
- Encourages patients to seek medical care
- Fosters trust in the doctor-patient relationship
- Prevents discrimination based on illness
- Expected by patients
Lo B. Resolving Ethical Dilemmas A Guide for
Clinicians, 1995. Baltimore Williams Wilkins.
28Records, Confidentiality, Privilege
- Records Record Keeping
- Duty of Confidentiality
- Consent for release of information
- Written
- Valid
- Specific
- Time-limited
- Right to revoke
29Records, Confidentiality, Privilege II
- Patient access to medical records
- Privileged Communication
- Only in legal proceedings
- Dr./Pt. communications in course of treatment
- Privilege belongs to Patient
- If not asserted by pt. waived
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) - Consent v. Authorization
30Confidentiality Exceptions
- Disclosure mandated by statute
- e.g., adult or child abuse
- Disclosures necessary to prevent harm
- to self
- to others
- duty to inform victims/other reasonable steps to
avert foreseeable harm if pt. threatens to harm
or kill (Tarasoff)
31Situations in which Overriding Confidentiality is
- The potential harm to 3rd parties is serious
- The likelihood of harm is high
- No less-invasive alternative means exist to warn
or protect those at risk - Third party can take steps to prevent harm
- Harms resulting from the breach of
confidentiality are minimized and acceptable
Lo B. Resolving Ethical Dilemmas A Guide for
Clinicians, 1995. Baltimore Williams Wilkins.
- You can respect patients build trust by
- Treating Shared Decision-making as a process
- Disclosing information appropriately and
thoughtfully - Has more beneficial than harmful consequences
- Avoiding defensive practice
- Maintaining confidences and protecting privacy to
the greatest extent possible