Title: Sustainable Tourism: Travel Groups and Intervention Strategies
1- Sustainable TourismTravel Groups and
Intervention Strategies - Susanne Böhler, Wuppertal Institute for Climate
Environment Energy - Sylvie Grischkat, University of Lüneburg
- Sonja Haustein, Ruhr-University Bochum
- Marcel Hunecke, Ruhr-University Bochum
Financed by
In Cooperation with
Ruhr-University Bochum
Wuppertal Institute
University of Lüneburg
2Facts and Trends of Tourism
- 80 of persons in Germany (gt14 years of age)
made at least one holiday trip in 2003. - An increase from 720 million tourists worldwide
in 2004 to 1600 million in 2020 is predicted. - Most trips are conducted by car.
- 80 of European air travel is due to tourism.
- Aviation has shown the highest growth rate.
- The majority of the greenhouse gases of domestic
tourism is emitted during travel to and from the
holiday destination (60 ).
3Research Questions
- What is travel behaviour like?
- How is the environmental impact?
- Do individual characteristics explain travel
behaviour? - What are the strategies and obstacles to reduce
environmental impact of holiday mobility?
4Research Questions
- What is travel behaviour like?
- How is the environmental impact?
- Do individual characteristics explain travel
behaviour? - What are the strategies and obstacles to reduce
environmental impact of holiday mobility?
5Description of the MOBILANZ Sample (N1991)
Mobility purposes
6Description of the MOBILANZ Sample (N1991)
Mobility purposes
7Modal Split of Holiday and Short Stay Trips
8Description of the Sample by Travel Groups
9Travel Groups Number of holiday trips and
short-stay trips per year
10Travel Groups Transportation Mode Choice
11Travel Groups Description by Main Indicators
12Research Questions
- What is travel behaviour like?
- How is the environmental impact?
- Do individual characteristics explain travel
behaviour? - What are the strategies and obstacles to reduce
environmental impact of holiday mobility?
13Travel Groups Ecological Impact of Holiday Travel
14Travel Groups Ecological Impact of Daily Mobility
CO2-equvivalent in kg per year and person
15Research Questions
- What is travel behaviour like?
- How is the environmental impact?
- Do individual characteristics explain travel
behaviour? - What are the strategies and obstacles to reduce
environmental impact of holiday mobility?
16Stepwise Regression to Predict Greenhouse Gas
Note. R2 .17 adjusted R2 .17 p lt .01 p
lt .001
- There are significant differences between travel
groups. - Travel Groups behaviour differs concerning
number of holiday trips and transportation mode. - The smallest group (10.7) is responsible for
most emissions of greenhouse gases. - Socio-demographic variables are important factors
for holiday pattern. - Values like Openess für Chance have an effect
on number of trips and distances travelled. - A contradiction between ecological awareness and
holiday behaviour is identified within all travel
18Research Questions
- What is travel behaviour like?
- How is the environmental impact?
- Do individual characteristics explain travel
behaviour? - What are the strategies and obstacles to reduce
environmental impact of holiday mobility?
19Strategies for Sustainable Tourism Concerning
Travel behaviour
- Change of Holiday Destination Reduction of
Distances - Transportation Mode Shift to Long-distance Train
and Coach - Compensation Opportunities
- Economic Instruments
- Communication
20Intervention Strategies for Travel Groups
21Perspectives for Sustainable Tourism
- Limited possibilities to change holiday travel
behaviour and to reduce environmental impact
under current conditions. - Coaches and long-distance trains are options for
a more sustainable holiday travel, but - interviews proved especially less experience with
train travelling for holiday and a high extent of
refusal of train travelling due to choice of
destination, time money and complicity. - More knowledge about individual motivation of
choice of destination and the acceptance and
effects of intervention strategies are necessary. - Intervention strategies and the development of
services should consider different target groups.
22 Thank you for your attention! susanne.boehler_at_w
upperinst.org sylvie.grischkat_at_uni-lueneburg.de F
or further information check the Internet for
MOBILANZ http//eco.psy.ruhr-bochum.de/mobilanz