Title: Anthony Goldman slides
1Anthony Goldman slides
2Managing Brand Consistency
- What digital branding is and how to manage it as
part of your overall marketing strategy - The importance of brand consistency
- Key challenges
- Whats considered successful branding online and
how its measured
3The sooner brand owners and managers change
their definition of and approach to consistency,
the sooner they will profit from increased
relevance, differentiation, and influence.
Brand consistency redefined. DDB The Yellow
Papers Series
4Is consistency in branding becoming any more or
less important?
Survey of 217 marketers, DDB Sept 07
53 insights from survey of 299 brand leaders on
- Strict adherence to brand standards creates
brands with customer impact, but few companies
have been able to secure consistent compliance
across their organisations. - Centrally managed brands are no more influential
with customers than decentralised ones. - Brand practitioners believe consistency is the
most important aspect of successful branding,
followed by understanding the customer and
messaging effectiveness.
6Digital Channel Brand Consistency
- Websites
- Campaign minisites
- Email communication
- Mobile communication
- Online advertising
- Search marketing
- Corporate communications
- E-Commerce
- Online applications
- Widgets
7Brand Consistency and Social Media?
8How strictly does your company follow branding
guidelines online? A Strictly followedB
Loosely followedC What brand guidelines?