Title: Purpose of CalWORKs
1- Purpose of CalWORKs
- To assist CalWORKs students to transition from
public assistance to economic self-sufficiency - To assist students to overcome financial and
personal difficulties and reach their academic
2What is CalWORKs
- CalWORKs program is
- A support and counseling
- program for welfare recipients
- Eligibility is limited
- to 60 months
- Must be CalWORKs recipient
- No unit minimum
- Can take credit or non credit classes
- Approved County Welfare to Work (WTW/41-05)
- CalWORKs students must fulfill the work or
education participation requirement of 32 hours
per week unless they have a DV waiver.
4Student Responsibilities
- Complete monthly reports as required by the
county - All CalWORKs students have to complete 32 hours
of work activity per week in classroom, labs,
supervised study time, works study (on campus
jobs), off campus jobs or other additional
activities. - Students with documented learning disabilities
can get extra study time that will count to meet
32 hours
Student Information
Completed by Caseworker
Completed by CalWORKs Counselor
6Student Responsibilities
- Complete monthly reports as required by the
county - All CalWORKs students have to complete 32 hours
of work activity per week
Work Study
Study time
7 completed by Student
32 Hrs Activity Form (4106)
Completed by CalWORKs office
completed by Student
Require every month
8Can students receive financial aid and still get
CalWORKs services?
- A student is entitled to receive an educational
grant or loan and work study (on-campus job).
This money is considered excluded income - Financial aid funds can be used for services that
CalWORKs does not cover such as other educational
expenses http//www.Saddleback.edu
9What supportive services are available for
- CalWORKs office submits requests to Social
Services for the following - Books
- Health fee
- Materials fees
- Parking Permit
- Uniforms
10What is Work Study?
- Federally funded program that allows colleges and
universities to have employment programs for
financial aid recipients. - What does "Work-Study" mean?
- The Federal Work-Study Program refers to a
federally funded financial aid program designed
to create jobs to help students meet their
educational expenses. - CalWORKs students are eligible for FWS while
enrolled in a minimum of 6 units
11Work Study procedure
- File an online FAFSA application
- When you receive an award letter from financial
aid, go to Saddleback College Career center home
page http//www.saddleback.edu/ss/ccld/ - then
- Click on
- Log in with ID and College Email
- Select Gaucho jobs
- Select On-Campus (Work Study) option
- Print the job of your choice and take it to the
F/A Office
12Advantages of Work-Study Jobs
- Does not effect F/A eligibility
- Flexible hours to students schedule
- Will assist in the completion of the weekly 32
hrs activity - Develop professional experience
- We fit work-study students into jobs associated
with their major
13when you are eligible for Work Study
Take Job to F/A Work Study Supervisor
Get Signature from Job Site Supervisor
Get HR Packet from the F/A Work Study Supervisor
Complete HR Job Orientation
Student is ready to work
14Additional supportive services that are available
- Assistance in completing Admissions Application
- Assistance with the Financial Aid
- on line application (FAFSA)
- Follow up with Financial Aid Process
- Employment Assistance
- Individual academic, career, transfer, and
personal counseling - Priority Registration
15More supportive services
- Individualized Tutoring
- (Math and English)
- Workshops and support groups
- Career Center job and placement activities during
semester breaks and holidays - Employment Assistance
- Participate in Mentoring
- and Internship Program
- Referrals to on and off campus resources
16Student Responsibilities
- Satisfactory academic progress
- (minimum 2.00 GPA and all units completed)
- Meet with a CalWORKs counselor at least 3 times
per semester - Complete Monthly Reports in a timely manner
17CalWORKS Staff
CalWORKS Counselors
18Office Hours
- Monday 900 430
- Wednesday 900 430
949) 582-4207
949) 582-4620
- Go back to the CalWORKs Webpage, click on
Orientation Quiz, print the quiz and complete
the questions. - You will need a score of 7 to pass.
- Your CalWORKs document will not be processed
until your quiz has been submitted and scored.