Kevin P. Latek, Member Dow, Lohnes Albertson,
2Nitty-Gritty Nuts and Bolts
- What every station staffer should know about
everyday operational issues for public TV that
involve the FCC
3Now Playing! TV License Renewal Cycles Top 10
Words of Wisdom
- Start early on renewal preparation
- Inventory public file (see handout)
- Review Issues/Programs list procedures (see
handout) - Get up to speed on EEO requirements (and keep up
with those)
4TV Renewal Cycles Dos and Donts
- Check in with the university/in house counsel
- Make appropriate inquiries to board members,
officers, etc. about adverse adjudications - Review/Track down status of any EEO complaints
against station - Take renewal seriously
- Review all FCC renewal forms/instructions
carefully -
5TV Renewal Cycles Dos and Donts
- If in doubt about whether the station can
certify, investigate - If still in doubt after investigation, or if
investigation reveals a problem, disclose fully - Certifications are under penalty of perjury
6FCC Public Inspection FileTop 8 Words of Wisdom
- The most OCD person at the station should be in
charge of the public file - Get a checklist of what should be in the file and
do an inventory - Beware of thick files no extraneous materials
(no confidential memos) - Update timely station will have to certify as
to this at renewal time (under penalty of perjury)
7Public File -- Top 8
- Ensure accessibility teach custodian of file
about procedures - Never refuse a visitor access to the file, if the
visitor requests access - Recall that NCE stations DO NOT need to keep
letters from the public in the file (only
commercial stations) - Understand the policy rationale behind the
public inspection file rule and why the FCC
thinks it is so important.
8Record Retention Basics
- Quick Overview
- Public file material retention (see Handout)
- Update on program recording rulemaking
9Childrens Programming and the E/I Bug
- Kids programming from the FCCs viewpoint
- Why the E/I Bug?
- When, where and how for the E/I Bug?
- Multicast streams and childrens programming
10What if
- What ifa station kinda sorta was not in
compliance with an FCC rule or rules.what can
they expect will happen? - It Depends..
- On how the station found out about the
11FCC Enforcement
- Finding out on your own fix ASAP and do memo to
private (not public) station files explaining
situation and remedy - Somebody else points it out (to you or to FCC)
fix ASAP and brace yourself. - FCC issues an inquiry letter, NAL or something
else get out your tap dancin shoes (and your
12The Ever Changing Indecency Landscape
- Last year at this time
- Golden Globe Decision
- Aftermath of Superbowl wardrobe malfunction
- Zero tolerance atmosphere
13The Indecency Landscape
- A lot can happen in a year.
- Saving Private Ryan
- Frontline A Company of Soldiers
- The impact of watch dog groups on the FCC and on
individual station decisions
14Practical Advice on IndecencyThe Golden Rules
- Know thy audience
- Know thy governing board (especially important
for institutional licensees) - Know the limits of thy pocketbook
- Make informed decisions about playing it safe,
vs. taking calculated risks, vs. angling to be a
test case
15Audience Participation Time
- Questions?
- Comments?
- Concerns?