Title: Risks and hazards of ionizing radiations
1Risks and hazards of ionizing radiations
2Ways of cellular damage
- ionization in the chromosomes direct damage in
DNA - ionization in the cytoplasm free radicals
causing indirect damage of proteins, RNA and DNA
3Somatic radiation injury
- Diagnostic range
- threshold dose
- summation
- risk of malignancies
- ocular lens, thyroid gland
- Therapeutic range
- side effects, complications
- Nuclear accident
- Acute/chronic radiation disease
4Genetic radiation injury
- Manifests in descendants only
- No threshold dose
- Possible outcomes
- ovum or sperm cell perishes
- ovum or sperm cell is not able to (be)
fertilize(d) - embedment is prevented
- abortion
- congenital malformation (dominant)
- malformation manifesting in later generations
5Radiation protection
- indication !!!
- pregnancy, first trimester cave!
- young women in weeks after ovulation cave!?
- technical protection
- dose reduction
- lead covers
- scattered radiation filtering
- proper collimation
- etc.
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7- Absorption of x-ray is influenced by
- wave-length of radiation3
- atomic number4
- density
- thickness
8Poor contrast resolution
- Solution
- low voltage
- contrast material
- other modalities
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10Contrast materials
11X-ray/CT contrast material
positive water (CT)
gas (x-ray, CT) barium
iodine oil (CT)
water-soluble fat soluble
gastrointestinal intravascular
hydrophil lipophil
ionic non- ionic
monomer dimer monomer dimer
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13X-ray/CT contrast materials
- bismuth
1896 - barium
1904 - gas - oxygen
1905 - - air
1918 - iodinated poppy-seed oil 1921
- tetrabromophenolphtalein 1923
- stroncium-bromide 1923
- sodium-iodide
1924 - biiodinated organic molecules 1928
- thorium-dioxide
1931 - triiodinated organic molecules 1950
- non-ionic triiodinated molecules 1985
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- Complication
- perforation foreign body reaction
- sterile inflammation
- superinfection
- aspiration bronchitis
18- Iodine containing i.v. contrast materials
- side effects
- heat, pain, diuresis
- complications (minor, severe)
- allergic urticaria, Quincke-oedema,
anaphylactic shock - osmotic thrombophlebitis, vasculitis
- chemotoxic thyreotoxic crisis, bronchial spasm,
- arrhytmia, convulsion, heart arrest
- vasovagal nausea, vomiting, hypotension
19Iodine containing i.v. contrast materials
Prevention of complications
- proper hydration
- allergy in history - premedication
- reaction in history - other CM
- poor condition - non-ionic dimer
- renal insufficiency - dialysis
20Iodine containing i.v. contrast materials
Therapy of complications
- secure vein
- management of symptoms
- fluid administration
- antiemetics
- antihistaminics
- oxygen
- bronchospasmolytics
- steroids
- epinephrine
- reanimation
21Iodine containing oral contrast materials
- Complication
- aspiration bronchial spasm
- bronchial edema
- bronchiolo-alveolitis
22MR contrast materials
- Paramagnetic gadolinium
- T 1 signal increase
- iv. administration
- Superparamagnetic (ferromagnetic) iron-oxid
- T 2 signal decrease
- iv. or GI administration
- Organ-specific CM
23US contrast materials
Gas bubbles high echogenecity
- non transpulmonal
- transpulmonal
- galactose base
- albumin base
- surface bound
- microbubble
Heart and vessels, vascularity, perfusion