Title: Unicast Routing Tradeoffs
1Unicast Routing Tradeoffs
- Selma Yilmaz
- Committee Prof. Ibrahim Matta
- Prof. Azer Bestavros
- Prof. John Byers
2What is Routing?
- Process of finding a path from a source to a
destination - Requirements of routing
- Find optimal route
- Scalable
- space complexity topology, resource
availability, routing table - time complexity route calculations, processing
update packets - communication complexity volume of updates,
keeping up soft states - No black hole, loops, oscillations
- Types of routing
- Static, Dynamic
- Inter-domain, Intra-domain
- Hop-by-hop, Source
- Link State, Distance Vector, Path Vector
- Unicast, Multicast
3Conventional Routing
- Static link metrics, like hop count
- Shortest path routing
- Destination-based only
- Stable, metrics does not change often only in
case of topology changes - Connectionless
- No service guarantees
- Plus
- Scales very well
- Minus
- Does not use resources in an efficient way
4The FISH Problem
- Sub-path R2-R3-R4 may get over-utilized
- Sub-path R2-R2-R6-R7-R4 may stay
under-utilized - Find ways to make better utilization of
resources by making use of - alternate paths
- 30-80 of the cases there is an alternate
path with significantly superior quality i.e.
loss rate, bandwidth, RTT SavageSig99 -
KarInfo00, KodialamInfo01, SuriSV01,
YangICNP01, SuriSV01, KarInfo00,
McQuillanIEEETC80, KhannaSig89
- Best Effort
- QoS Routing/Constraint-based Routing
- Traffic Aware Routing
- Ingress-Egress Pair
- Traffic Matrix
- On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02 - Future Directions
- Best Effort
- Per-packet Dynamic Routing
- Load Balancing Along Equal Length Paths
- Stability
- Inter-domain Routing
- QoS Routing/Constraint-based Routing
- Traffic Aware Routing
- Ingress-Egress Pair
- Traffic Matrix
- On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02 - Future Directions
9Per-packet Dynamic Routing
- Promises
- Avoiding congested links
- Computationally simple
- Distributed
- Stateless
- Scalable
- Difficulties
- Link states change at packet level
- Impractical to generate link state updates at
packet level - Larger link state update periods result in
fluctuations in link state between successive
updates -
10Per-Packet Dynamic Routing
- ARPANET experience showed that
- choosing right metric is important
- to find optimal paths
- detect congestion, avoid congested areas
- to avoid oscillations
- variations of the link metric
- if goal is to minimize packet delay
- 1stversion instantaneous queue sizeconstant
- delay on links with different characteristics
looks same - value changes very rapidly
- poor measure of expected delay on the link
- sub-optimal and unstable paths
11Per-Packet Dynamic Routing
- McQuillanIEEETC80 average (queuing
propagationtransmission delay) - new metric is good predictor of future loads on
links - opposite is true at high load
- leads oscillation
- range of delay values are too broad
- makes some links unattractive to all
- no limit on variations reported on successive
updates for a link - more update generation
- KhannaSig89 to reduce oscillation, dont
target only best routes - use hop normalized metric
- for the same type of links, range of metric value
is 31 - for all types of links is 71
- static routing at low utilization
- value of a link metric can only change 1/2 hop in
successive updates - bounds the the range of oscillations
12 Load Balancing Along Equal Length Paths
- Remedy load balancing inability of static
routing - distribute traffic equally along equal cost
shortest paths - Ways to achieve this
- Per-packet Round Robin
- not advised PaxsonSig96
- path characteristics may be different
- TCP packets arrive at destination out of order
- unnecessary re-transmissions, waste of bandwidth
- Source destination address based hash
- may not actually balance the load
- Static routing if weights are
administratively assigned - Ex Cisco suggests 1/link capacity
13 Load Balancing Along Equal Length Paths
- Not always efficient
- not aware of actual loads on the ECMPs
- Need to dynamically assign optimal weights
- But still..
- Conventional IP routing (destination based
only) is O(N) worse than OSPF-ECMP.
LorenzDIMACS01 -
- Stability Do routes change often? How long does
it take to reach consistent tables? - Why it is important?
- routers spend too much time on
- updating their routing tables
- propagating changes
- Static routing is stable
- How to deal with it?
- dont target only the best routes
- Quantizing increases number of target paths
- Use normalized metrics KhannaSig89
- deal with stale link state information
- Update period lt connection arrival and holding
times - Use triggered updates
- limit the amount of updates
- per-flow routing instead per-packet
15Inter-domain Routing
- What if source and destination are in different
ASs? - based on min-hop AS path routing
- there is no universally agreed metric among ASs
- each AS may have its own criteria for path
selection - BGP is the current inter-domain routing protocol
- path vector, policy based
- BGP allows each AS
- independently formulate its routing policies
- overwrite distance metrics in favor of policy
constraints - BGP is not pure distance vector
- may diverge, result in persistent oscillation in
the global Internet - not robust to failures
16Inter-domain Routing
- statically analyzing convergence of BGP (even for
known policies and single destination) is
impractical GriffinSig99 -
- Inter-domain QoS routing is more difficult than
intra-domain - no universally agreed metric among Ass
- policies overwrites metrics
- scale of topology
- Best Effort
- QoS Routing/Constraint-based Routing
- What is QoS Routing?
- Objectives of QoS Routing
- Difficulties with QoS Routing
- Ways to Deal with Increased Cost of QoS Routing
- Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
Tradeoffs - Effects of Topology
- Effects of Traffic Characteristics
- QoS Routing Problems
- A Possible Classification of QoS Routing Problems
- Multiple Constraints Routing Problem
- Delay Constrained Least Cost Routing
- Can we achieve QoS guarantees at lower cost?
- Improving Long Term Utilization of Network
- Traffic Aware Routing
- Ingress-Egress Pair
- Traffic Matrix
- On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02
19What is QoS Routing?
- QoS Routing Problem Definition
- Given a network graph G(V,E)
- a source s and a destination d
- a set of QoS constraints C
- possibly an optimization goal
- Find the best feasible path from s to d, which
satisfies C -
- Example
- Delay at most 4 gt s -gt k -gtl -gtt
- Bandwidth at least
1.5 gt s -gt i -gt l -gt d - gt s -gt k -gt l -gt d
- Both gt s -gt k -gtl -gtt
- Components 1. Maintain topology and link state
information - 2. Distribution of link state
information - 3. Route computation
20Objectives of QoS Routing
- Provide guarantees for end-to-end performance
- Can identify feasible paths better
- dynamic routing, accurate information about
available resources - aware of QoS requirements of the requests
- Resource reservation
- Perform admission control
- Improve the long term utilization of the network
- Perform admission control
- Prefer social paths
- Use network resources in such a way that
probability of accepting future requests is
increased - Use the network resources in an efficient way
- Prefer shortest paths to limit resource
consumption - Prefer least loaded path to load balance
21Difficulties with QoS Routing
- Performance depends on accuracy of the network
state information - changes frequently
- flooding costs
- tradeoff between communication overhead and
accuracy - More sophisticated route computations
- to satisfy multiple constraints (some
combinations are NP-hard) - tradeoff between simpler path computations and
better quality paths - More frequent route computations
- maybe on-demand
- tradeoff between per-request computational cost
and quality of path - Paths need to be pinned and maintained afterwards
- per-flow state
- signaling cost to set-up, tear down, keep alive,
- routing table entry larger tables, slower lookups
22Ways to Deal with Increased Cost of QoS Routing
- Reduce volume of updates by controlling
- when/how often send
- periodic updates, threshold/class-based triggers,
clamp-down timers - what to send
- only the specific link, or all the nodes links,
- absolute or quantized value
- Use heuristics for simpler route computations
- Use pre-computation or path caching instead of
on-demand - Increase granularity, like class-based
- Use hierarchical routing
- Use hybrid routing Restrict QoS routing only a
group of flows and use static routing for the rest
23Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- 1. How Often Paths are Computed?
- On-demand, pre-computation, path caching
- 2. Type of Computation
- Hop-by-hop, source, crank-back
- 3. Granularity
- Per-flow, larger aggregates
- 4. Absolute vs. quantized values
- 5. Hierachical vs Flat
- 6. Hybrid Routing StaticDynamic
- 7. Link state, Distance Vector, Path Vector
24Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- 1. How Often Paths are Computed?
- On-demand per-request
- plus
- Exact QoS requirements and destination are known
at path selection - Yields better routes using the most recent link
metrics available - Reduces space complexity
- minus
- Increases computational complexity
- Per-request processing overhead is high
- If large clamp down timer is used, re-discovers
same paths - use pre-computation
25Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- Pre-computation
- periodic/after receiving certain number of
updates -
- plus
- Reduces per-request processing overhead
- minus
- Must compute all possible paths to all
destinations for all possible QoS requirements - Must store pre-computed paths
- Adds path selection cost Given destination and
bandwidth find a suitable path from QoS table - Some of the paths may never be used
- Periodic pre-computation results in routing
performance loss ApostolopoulosSig98 - For sensitive triggers maybe more costly than
26Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- Hybrid Path Caching ApostolopoulosICNP98
- Remember k previously computed paths to a
destination - Choose shortest feasible
- plus
- good balance between per-request processing
overhead and quality of paths - ability of load balance/pack
- the more entries, the better results
- bigger cache size
- update paths instead of invalidate
- Small cache size for faster lookup and less
storage - minus
- cache need to maintained entries must be
updated, invalidated etc. - for small update periods, cost can exceed on
demand - storage overhead at each node per destination
27Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- 1. How Often Paths are Computed?
- On-demand, pre-computation, path caching
- 2. Type of Computation
- Hop-by-hop, source, crank-back
- 3. Granularity
- Per-flow, larger aggregates
- 4. Absolute vs. quantized values
- 5. Hierachical vs Flat
- 6. Hybrid Routing StaticDynamic
- 7. Link state, Distance Vector, Path Vector
28Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- 2. Type of Computation
- Hop-by-hop
- path computation is distributed
- scalable
- occasionally suffer from loops due to
inconsistencies in the path discovered by
different routers - speeds up the establishment of a path by avoiding
the route computation at the source - generally used for pre-computation
29 Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- Source routing
- plus
- guarantees loop free routing
- enforces the route computed at the source
- allows sophisticated and complex path selection
algorithms with diverse resource requirements - generally used for on-demand
- minus
- has scalability problem
- centralized computation
- global state needs to maintained at each node
- the path is included in the header of the packet
- each router has to process the packet
30Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- Hybrid Crank-back (PNNI)
- route using source routing
- in case of failure during path establishment
phase, use a local search at the point of failure
- a way to handle inaccurate network state
information - increases time to set up a path for an incoming
31Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- 1. How Often Paths are Computed?
- On-demand, pre-computation, path caching
- 2. Type of Computation
- Hop-by-hop, source, crank-back
- 3. Granularity
- Per-flow, larger aggregates
- 4. Absolute vs. quantized values
- 5. Hierachical vs Flat
- 6. Hybrid Routing StaticDynamic
- 7. Link state, Distance Vector, Path Vector
32Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- 3. Granularity
- Per-flow
- plus
- better load balance, better long term performance
- better service guarantees
- minus
- expensive
- path computation occurs more frequently
- network state changes more frequently
- requires smaller update trigger
- state must be maintained for each flow
- signaling cost path set-up, tear down, keep
alive - routing table entry size, and lookup
33Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- Flows can be larger aggregates of multiple flows,
like class-based, or destination based - plus
- cheaper less state, smaller routing tables,
faster lookup - more scalable
- minus
- demands with larger bandwidth requirements have
higher blocking probability MaICNP97 ,
MattaInfo98 , ShaikhICNP08 - bandwidth fragmentation
- may increase potential of instability
- large volumes of traffic will be shifted from one
place to the other - activates update triggers more often
34Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- 1. How Often Paths are Computed?
- On-demand, pre-computation, path caching
- 2. Type of Computation
- Hop-by-hop, source, crank-back
- 3. Granularity
- Per-flow, larger aggregates
- 4. Absolute vs. quantized values
- 5. Hierachical vs Flat
- 6. Hybrid Routing StaticDynamic
- 7. Link state, Distance Vector, Path Vector
35Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- 4. Absolute vs. quantized values
- Quantized
- may reduce accuracy especially if only a few
quantized values are being used - increases number of equal cost paths
- by not targeting only a single best choice,
increases stability - help the path selection being stuck with a single
bad choice - influences when the next update will take place
- allows smaller routing table size
36Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- 1. How Often Paths are Computed?
- On-demand, pre-computation, path caching
- 2. Type of Computation
- Hop-by-hop, source, crank-back
- 3. Granularity
- Per-flow, larger aggregates
- 4. Absolute vs. quantized values
- 5. Hierachical vs Flat
- 6. Hybrid Routing StaticDynamic
- 7. Link state, Distance Vector, Path Vector
37Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost Tradeoffs
- 5. Hierachical vs Flat
- Flat
- nodes have full knowledge of topology
- Does not scale
- cost of communication, computation, and storing
overhead is huge - Hierachical PNNI, OSPF (only two level)
- reduce the size of network by aggregating
topology - Each node knows
- complete topology within its group
- summarized information of parent
group - Link
aggregation - A.1-A.2 is aggregate of
A.1.3-A.2.3 and A.1.1-A.2.2
Parent Group
Border routers
38Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost Tradeoffs
- 5. Hierachical vs Flat
- plus
- can scale to large networks
- amount of information that is stored is reduced
- amount of information that is distributed is
reduced - minus
- tradeoff between amount of aggregation and
accuracy - loss of detailed information
- state of logical links are combination of many
lower-level links - as states are aggregated, imprecision is also
aggregated - effects quality of selected paths
39Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- 1. How Often Paths are Computed?
- On-demand, pre-computation, path caching
- 2. Type of Computation
- Hop-by-hop, source, crank-back
- 3. Granularity
- Per-flow, larger aggregates
- 4. Absolute vs. quantized values
- 5. Hierachical vs Flat
- 6. Hybrid Routing StaticDynamic
- 7. Link state, Distance Vector, Path Vector
40Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost Tradeoffs
- 6. Hybrid Routing StaticDynamic
- Classify flows according to their
characteristics and dynamically - /statically route some classes
- Use dynamic per-flow routing only for
long-lived flows - Route class of short-lived flows statically
ShaikhSig99 -
- plus
- increases stability
- per-flow is more stable than per-packet
- class-based is more stable than per-flow
- link states change more slowly
- number of flows that are dynamically routed is
decreased - flow duration is increased
- frequency of updates are reduced
41Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost Tradeoffs
- 6. Hybrid Routing StaticDynamic
- slower link state change and less flows to be
dynamically routed reduces overheads - number of route computation
- number of per-flow state
- number of signaling opertions pinning, keeping
up soft state, tearing down - smaller forwarding tables
- more robust to stale link state information
- flow trigger value can be used to
- balance cost and performance tradeoff
- balance stability and adaptiveness
- minus
- under accurate link state information,
performance is worse than dynamic routing - short flows have to be on static paths
42Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost
- 1. How Often Paths are Computed?
- On-demand, pre-computation, path caching
- 2. Type of Computation
- Hop-by-hop, source, crank-back
- 3. Granularity
- Per-flow, larger aggregates
- 4. Absolute vs. quantized values
- 5. Hierachical vs Flat
- 6. Hybrid Routing StaticDynamic
- 7. Link state, Distance Vector, Path Vector
43Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost Tradeoffs
- 7. Link state, Distance Vector, Path Vector
- Link state OSPF, IS_IS
- each router knows the entire network topology
- plus
- allows more complex path selection algorithms
- minus
- must maintain topology database at each node
- flood updates
- does not scale well to large networks
- use hierarchical topology aggregation
- Distance Vector RIP
- each node keeps shortest path tree rooted at
itself to destinations - plus
- requires less memory
- more scalable
44Closer Look at Some QoS Performance-Cost Tradeoffs
- minus
- cannot support sophisticated path computations
- may have convergence problems
- does not allow computation routes specific to the
requirements of an individual flow -
- Path Vector BGP
- routing tables not only keeps
ltdestination,nexthop,costgt but also the - corresponding path
- plus
- eliminates loops
- minus
- needs more storage to keep paths
- the paths needs to be processed
45 Effects of Topology on QoS
- Overheads of computing routes and distributing
link states - Specifies number of candidate paths between each
pair - better chances of load balance
- Larger hop count connections are harder to route
under inaccurate link state information
ShaikhICNP98 - Pruning should be disabled for loosely connected
topologies ShaikhICNP98 ApostolopoulosSig98 - Specifies relative cost of single destination and
all-destination path computation
46 Effects of Traffic Characteristics on QoS
- Connection inter-arrival time and holding time
- Frequency of link state updates
- Large update periods relative to arrival rates
and hold time leads to flapping - Longer-lived flows allows use of larger link
state update period - ShaikhSig99
- Exponential holding times gives lower blocking
probability than Pareto with the same mean for
the same link state update periods - With increasing number of short-lived flows,
inaccuracy increases - MaICNP97 ,ShaikhICNP98
47 Effects of Traffic Characteristics on QoS
- Requested Bandwidth
- High bandwidth flows have higher blocking
probability - Low bandwidth flows can more easily use the
available bandwidth - more robust to inaccuracies
- High bandwidth flows cause large fluctuations in
link state - needs more frequent update messages
48 Effects of Traffic Characteristics on QoS
- Uniform vs Non-uniform Traffic
- Under non-uniform load, QoSR performs better than
static - Under uniform traffic, QoSR may perform worse
than static - depending on the update period staleness causes
route flapping - ShaikhICNP98
- very accurate link state information causes
excessive alternate routing - uses longer paths with extra resources
- interfere with min hop traffic computing for the
same links - MattaInfo98, ApostolopoulosSig98
- Solution Trunk reservation
49QoS Routing Problems
- Link metrics Additive delay, cost
- Multiplicative probability
of successful transmission - Concave bandwidth, buffer
space - Path metrics
- Additive Sum of link metrics along the
path - Concave Max(Min) of link metrics along
the path - Find a path that optimizes path metric
- for concave metric Link optimization
- for additive/multiplicative metric Path
optimization - Find a path whose path metric is above/below a
specified value - for concave metric Link constrained
- for additive metric Path constrained
- ChenIEEEN98
50 A Possible Classification of QoS Routing Problems
- basic routing problems
composite routing problems - link optimization link-constrained
link-optimization -
- link-constrained path-optimization
- link-constrained
- multiple link-constrained
- link-constrained path-constrained
- path-constrained link-optimization
- path-optimization
- path-constrained path-optimization
- NP-complete
- path-constrained multi-path-constrai
ned - NP-complete
51Multiple Constraints Routing Problem
- Problem Definition
- Given
- a network graph G(V,E)
- vector of m additive link metrics for each edge
- a source node s
- a destination node d
- vector of m positive constraints, L
- and
- Path P(s,k,..,l,d) is specified by a vector
- Find a path satisfying constraints such that
li(P)ltLi for all i1,2,..,m - How to run shortest path algorithm?
52Multiple Constraints Routing Problem
- Path Length assuming m2
- Linear l1(P)a l2(P)ß
- Non-linear max ( l1(P)/L1, l2(P)/L2)
NeveCC00 MieghemCC01 - Linear Representation of Path Length
Problems - 1. May fail
Optimal path according to the -
new weight function maybe infeasible -
2. How to choose weights? -
Solution returned by Dijkstra
53Multiple Constraints Routing Problem
- Non-linear Representation of Path
- Length
- Problem
- subsections of shortest paths are not
necessarily shortest paths - Dijkstra fails to find shortest paths
54Multiple Constraints Routing Problem
- Example
- From source to u, Dijkstra will choose P2
since the path length of P2 - Length of P2max(5/12,5/12)5/12 lt
Length of P1max(10/12,1/12)10/12 - Shortest path from source to destination is
through P1, since - max(11/12,11/12)ltmax(6/12,15/12)
- Solution
- Use k shortest path algorithm
- At each step of Dijkstra, store k shortest paths
- kmaxminL1L2..Lm/max(Li), floor(e(N-2)!)
- tunable tradeoff between accuracy and complexity
55Delay Constrained Least Cost Routing
Path Cost
- Problem Definition
- Given
- a network graph G(V,E)
- nonnegative cost C(e) for each edge e
- nonnegative delay D(e) for each edge e
- a source node s
- a destination node d
- positive delay constraint ?d
- Find a path satisfying
- min Cost(Pi) and Pi ?P(s,d)
iff Delay(Pi)lt ?d - Pi ?P(s,d)
- where for a path P vo,v1,..,vn cost of a
path P Cost(P) Se in P C(e) - delay of a path P Delay(P)
Se in P D(e) -
Optimal Path
Path Delay
56Delay Constrained Least Cost Routing
Optimal DCLC path delay3,cost5
Least Delay Path delay2,cost6
Least Cost Path delay4,cost4 infeasible
57Delay Constrained Least Cost Routing
- Convert DCLC Routing Problem to DCC
- GuoMattaICDCS99,COMNET02
- What will be the cost bound?
- Path Length
- Path Delay/(1- Path Cost/Cost Bound)) if
feasible - infinity if not feasible
- which gives preference to low cost paths
- Example
- ?cCost(LDP)6 LDP is AGE
- Look at the paths with smaller cost
- AGE Cost6, Delay2
- ABCE Cost6, Delay3
- ABCDE Cost4, Delay4, Path Lengthinfinity
- AGFE Cost5, Delay3, Path Length18
- Non-linear path length requires k-shortest path
algorithm - Added space complexity is O(kV)
- With non-integer constraints, k is big O(N!)
- run time complexity, O(kVlogkVk2mE), is no
longer polynomial - if choose smaller value for k, algorithm is not
exact - may miss the shortest path
- Reduced search space GuoMattaICDCS99,COMNET02
- eliminate infeasible links by assigning infinite
weight - find tighter cost bound, run BlokhGutin
- Better chance of finding optimal
- smaller k may achieve good enough
- run time complexity increased because of
pre-processing step - Hop-by-hop computation of DCLC
59Delay Constrained Least Cost Routing
- Distributed solution
?d 3, d/c - Each node keeps Cost and Delay Vectors
- Destination/least cost(delay) from source
to destination/nexthop - At each hop, choose either LCP/LDP
- Active node chooses LCP if
- delaysofardelayD(LDP)lt ?d
- otherwise chooses LDP
- Better scalability, and time complexity
- Increased communication complexity
- Still per-flow state
60Can we achieve QoS guarantees at lower cost?
- QoS routing generally
- asks for source routing, link state, on-demand
mode, - requires per-flow state
- Is it possible to achieve sufficient level of QoS
guarantees with hop-by- - hop destination based only routing
(connectionless) ? - HbHDBO QoS cannot guarantee to find exact results
where - routes are computed from intermediate node to
destinations - only next hop information is kept
- MieghemCC01
- Simulations shows that quality of HBHDBO QoS
routing is good - 90 of the time exact solution is found
- With active networking HBHDBO QoS can be done
- each packet carries remaining constraints
- each packet carries path traversed so far , and
612 5 5
5 4 6
4 1 7
3 7 1
2 1 2
3 3 2
5 3 8
2 2 7
2 3 9
(2352)/140.86 (1333)/110.91 (2289)/220
.95 i chooses f as next hop
3 5 4
7 8 2
2 5 5
5 4 6
2 5 5
5 4 6
(43)/140.5 (17)/110.73 (71)/220.36 e
chooses b as next hop
Hop-by-hop path (2333)/140.86 (1371)/111.0
9 (2217)/220.55
4 1 7
4 1 7
3 7 1
2 1 2
3 7 1
2 1 2
3 3 2
3 3 2
5 3 8
2 2 7
5 3 8
2 2 7
Shortest Path (2352)/140.86 (1333)/110.91
(52)/140.5 (33)/110.54 (98)/220.77
2 3 9
3 5 4
2 3 9
3 5 4
7 8 2
7 8 2
62 TAMCRA NeveCC00
SAMCRA MieghemCC01
DCUR SalamaInfo97
Generic Multiple Additive
Generic Multiple Additive
Delay Constrained Least Cost
Delay Constrained Least Cost
Routing Strategy
Link State or Distance Vector
Link State or Distance Vector
Link State
Link State
O(hVlog(hV)h2mE)) per-flow h is accuracy tuning
index m is number of metrics
O(hVlog(hV)h2mE)) per-packet h is accuracy
tuning index m is number of metrics
O(hVlog(hV)h2mE)) per-flow BG O(cElogV) c
of iterations h is accuracy tuning index m is
number of metrics
Time Complexity
O(k) to distribute link states if Link State k is
number of neighbors O(V) if Distance Vector O(V3)
O(k) to distribute link states k is number of
O(k) to distribute link states if Link State k is
number of neighbors O(V) if Distance Vector
O(k) to distribute link states k is number of
Communication Complexity
O(E) for network state O(hmN) for h shortest
path h is accuracy tuning index
O(E) for network state if Link State O(kV) for
path state if Distance Vector k is number of
neighbors O(hmN) for h shortest path m is number
of metrics
O(E) for network state if Link State O(kV) for
path state if Distance Vector k is number of
neighbors O(V) for cost vector O(V) for delay
O(E) for network state O(hmN) for h
shortest path h is accuracy tuning index
Space Complexity
Maintained State
Extra Information Used
63Improving Long Term Utilization of Network
- Choose paths that uses network resources in an
efficient way - Increase revenue, decrease blocking
probability - Use additional constraints
- limit resource consumption shortest paths
- improves performance under heavy load
MaICNP97 - load balance use alternate (wider) paths
- improves performance under light load MaICNP97
- increases blocking probability of high bandwidth
requests - MattaBestavrosInfo98
- good for evenly distributed load
- load packing most utilized paths (best fit)
- approximates perfect fit, which is NP-hard
- minimize fragmentation
- improves fairness for large bandwidth requests
- bad for uniform traffic MattaBestavrosInfo98
- extremely sensitive to link state inaccuracies
64Improving Long Term Utilization of Network
- load profiling MattaBestavrosInfo98 try to
match load profile and bandwidth availability
profile - more robust to routing inaccuracies, allows more
longer update periods
- Best Effort
- QoS Routing/Constraint-based Routing
- Traffic Aware Routing
- Ingress-Egress Pair
- Traffic Matrix
- On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02 - Future Directions
67What is Traffic Aware Routing?
- Input available resources and some knowledge
about traffic like ingress-egress pairs, or
traffic matrix - Goal optimize/maximize network usage or service
guarantees - Ingress-egress Pairs location of
source-destination traffic - allows efficient use of network resources,
maximize revenue - Traffic Matrix demands between
source-destination pairs - allows to pre-compute set of routes optimizing
some performance metric - based on long-term averages, e.g. daily
- need to be re-optimized
- static for a period of time
- generally done off-line in a centralized manner
- not designed to handle traffic fluctuations in
real-time - Routing tables converge slowly
68Is achieving good long-term performance enough?
- Traffic matrix is for long term traffic
characteristics - Used to optimize long term performance
- What about short term performance?
- Short-term performance may be sub-optimal
SridharanITC01 - Traffic and link loads over shorter time scales
fluctuate around the long term average values - finer granularity, shorter time scales gt more
variability - Compute a new set of optimal routes at shorter
time scales to avoid overloading - not feasible, not stable
- Use traffic aggregates
- coarser granularity restricts load balancing
ability - poorer long term performance
69Ingress-egress Pairs
70How to use this extra information to improve
- Smarter usage of resources for QoSR
- increase utilization and long term performance
- on-demand, no knowledge of future requests, no
splitting of flows - Bandwidth Constrained
- Among feasibles, pick paths that interfere
least with future requests - KarInfo00
- How to find minimum interference paths?
- Maxflow Upperbound on the total amount
of bandwidth that can be - routed between an ingress-egress pair
71How to use this extra information to improve
- Can we use LP to maximize the minimum/sum of
maxflow/s between other ingress-egress pairs? - Unsplitability restriction makes the problem
NP-hard - Heuristic MIRAKarInfo00
- Assign weights that are increasing function of
criticality - Routing over a critical link
decreases the maxflow value of some - ingress-egress pairs
- defer loading of critical links whenever possible
- By Dijkstra, find shortest path
- Maxflow23
- Mincut(s,v1,v2,v4,v3,d)
- Capacity of mincut23
- Critical links (v1,v3), (v4,v3), (v4,d)
72Traffic Matrix
73How to use traffic matrix to improve performance?
- Optimal Solution solve LP formulation to
optimize a metric like minimizing maximum link
utilization - allows unrestricted split
- can only be simulated by directing packets along
logical connections - costly, more than per-flow state is needed in
case of split - not scalable
- Calculate OSPF Weights
- Assign weights in such a way that shortest
path routing will prefer the underutilized links - plus
- no per-flow state
- simple shortest path routing
- scalable
74How to use traffic matrix to improve performance?
- Unrestricted Case WangInfo01
- 1. solve LP formulation to optimize a metric
- 2. solve dual of LP to find link weights that
with shortest path computation will reproduce
optimal routes obtained in (1) - Minus current OSPF only supports equal split
- cannot be formulated as an LP
- equal split along equal cost paths makes the
problem NP-hard FortzInfo00 - find heuristics to set weights
- local search heuristic FortzInfo00
- set weights as an exponential function of link
load LorenzDIMACS01
75How to use traffic matrix to improve performance?
- Use both traffic matrix and ingress-egress pair
information - Offline (pre-processing) phase
- Compute an optimal solution by using LP for
traffic matrix - solve multi-commodity flow problem
- no restriction on splitting
- each profile is a commodity
- result is pre-allocated capacities for each
commodity - Online phase Use the result of offline phase as
virtual capacities to route individual requests - Suri01
76Can clever weight setting for OSPF-ECMP replace
per-flow routing?
- Weight setting for OSPF-ECMP cannot replace
MPLS as a TE tool. - OSPF-ECMP is O(N) worse than per-flow routing
with respect to - maximum throughput and maximum utilization that
can be achieved. - LorenzDIMACS01 FortzInfo00
- What about the gap in practice?
- may be not too bad for realistic topologies and
traffic patterns - worst-case may never be observed in practice
- what aspects of topology makes gap less
significant - what aspects of traffic patterns make gap less
77Demands are 1unit
If only one link is used at all nodes, then
maximum throughput1
If 2 links are used at some nodes, then
maximum throughput2
Per-flow maximum throughputN
If only one link is used at all nodes, then
maximum utilizationN
If 2 links are used at some nodes, then maximum
Per-flow maximum utilization1
Bandwidth-Delay Constrained
Guaranteed Bandwith
Routing Strategy
Link State
Link State
Link State
Link State or Distance Vector
O(nVE2) n is number of ingress-egress pairs
O(VE) for on-line phase offline phase
O(pE2logVp Vlog(pV)) p number of
ingress-egress pairs
Time Complexity
O(k) to distribute link states k is number of
O(k) to distribute link states k is number of
O(k) to distribute link states if Link State k is
number of neighbors O(V) if Distance Vector
O(k) to distribute link states k is number of
Communication Complexity
O(E) for network state O(V2) for ingress-egress
pair matrix
O(E) for network state O(V2) for ingress-egress
pair matrix O(V2) for traffic profile matrix
O(E) for network state if Link State O(kV) for
path state if Distance Vector k is number of
O(E) for network state O(pV) to keep paths with
different weights
Space Complexity
Per-class and per-flow
Maintained State
Ingress-egress pair matrix Traffic profile matrix
Extra Information Used
Ingress-egress pair matrix
Ingress-egress pair matrix
- Best Effort
- QoS Routing/Constraint-based Routing
- Traffic Aware Routing
- Ingress-Egress Pair
- Traffic Matrix
- On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02 - Future Directions
81On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02
- How far are MIRA and PBR from Optimal?
- Does increased complexity mean better
performance? Scalability? - Compare the performance of
- Optimal, WSP, MIRA,
- Performance metrics
- bandwidth acceptance ratio
- utility
- maximum utilization
82On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02
- Optimal per-packet routing Optimizes for
bandwidth acceptance ratio - Solve multicommodity flow problem at each flow
arrival/departure where - each flow is a commodity
- xi(e) amount of commodity i routed through
edge e with appropriate constraints - Excess edges (with costinfinity) are added
to always have feasible solution -
83On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02
- An individual flow can be split, get different
bandwidth values, assigned to different paths
during its lifetime - Prefers shorter paths (less costly)
- Does not load balance
Possible bandwidth assignment for a flow asking
for b units of bandwidth. Accepted amountb-b4
84On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02
- Plus
- Avoid congested links, better utilization and
performance - Computationally simple
- Does not use extra information like
ingress-egress pairs or traffic matrix - Distributed
- Stateless
- Scalable
- Minus
- Cannot provide guaranteed service
- Hard to achieve in practice
- routing oscillation
85On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02
- Widest-Shortest Path
- Choose feasible min-hop path
- Break ties by picking the widest
- Improves performance by
- limiting resource consumption
- balancing load
- MaICNP97
86On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02
- MIRA KarInfo00
- To route a demand (a,b,D)
- 1. For all ingress-egress pairs (s,d) ! (a,b)
- Compute maxflow values
- Compute critical links that belong to all
possible mincuts - Compute weights w(l)S(s,d)l is critical asd
- 2. Eliminate all links with residual bandwidth lt
D - 3. Use Dijkstra to compute shortest path from a
to b - 4. Route the demand and update residual
capacities - Some choices for asd
- Can be chosen to reflect the importance of pairs
- If asd1, w(l) shows number of ingress-egress
pairs for which link is critical - If asd1/ maxflow value for ingress-egress pair
(s,d), then critical links for ingress-egress
pairs whose maxflow value is lower will weigh
87On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02
- Problems with MIRA
- Computationally expensive
- Time ComplexityO(pVE2) for each request
- pnumber of ingress-egress pairs
- Ingress-egress pair matrix need to be maintained
- Per-flow state
- No admission control
- Should be able to reject a request even if
there is a feasible path, if accepting will
result in high blocking probability for future - demands
88On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS
and IP Routing YilmazSpie02
- Profile-Based Routing Suri01
- Traffic Profile (classID, si, si, Bi) Aggregate
expected traffic between -
ingress si -egress di for a class classID. - Each class is separate commodity.
- Offline phase
- find optimal distribution of profiles
- use result as virtual capacity for each class
- Online phase
- route individual requests using pre-allocated
capacities - Offline phase serves as admission control
mechanism - may reject a request even if there is a feasible
path if a