Title: Industrial Symbiosis Realising Profits
1Industrial Symbiosis Realising Profits
- Nigel Holmes Delivery Manager NISP Scotland
- TEN Steering Group 20th March 2007
- What is NISP Industrial Symbiosis
- Why is Industrial Symbiosis relevant
- NISP achievements to date
- Moving Goalposts Commercial, Legislation,
Technical - Detailed case example London Gin
- How can we take this forward
3Resource Efficiency Support
- NISP is one of the UKs leading business support
programmes - Other supported Resource Efficiency programmes
look at - Energy (Energy Savings Trust, Carbon Trust)
- Waste minimisation (BEP, Envirowise)
- Replicable large scale recycling opportunities
(WRAP) - Industrial Symbiosis looks for commercial
partnering opportunities, in areas not covered by
the other programmes
4What is Industrial Symbiosis?
- Creating new market opportunities
- Increasing the range of resources that have
commercial value - Adding to the bottom line and improving resource
efficiency for all involved - National Industrial Symbiosis Program (NISP) has
6000 members in 12 UK regions, over 900 in
Scotland - NISP Scotland is funded by Scottish Executive,
Scottish Enterprise and SEPA
5IS in Action Brewing
From www.zeri.org
6What NISP achieves
- Jobs
- Sales
- Learning
- Bottom line
- Innovation
- New business
- Inward investment
- Knowledge transfer
- Utilisation of assets
- Use of Virgin resources
- Use of potable water
- Hazardous waste
- CO2 emissions
- Transport
- Pollution
- Landfill
- Costs
- Risk
NISP helps create real business opportunity
7Delivering Improvement
- NISP Programme Achievements to date
- Helped divert more than 1.8 Million tonnes of
waste from Landfill - Generated 71 million in additional sales
- Cost savings to industry of more than 64
million - Created or safeguarded over 950 jobs
- Reduced water use by 2.3 Million tonnes
- Reduced CO2 emissions by 1.6 Million tonnes
8Outputs from NISP
- Outputs are verified externally (by DataBuild),
and auditors believe many claims are understated
9Symbiosis Already Happening
Donate to social enterprise for making furniture
Use to smoke fish Fuel source
Transfer waste heat to neighbouring company or
organisation for heating agriculture or
Whisky Distillery
Backhaul with suitable materials Warehouse
Convert and sell to local farmer for animal feed
Fuel Source
Transfer to neighbouring company as alternative
to using potable water
10IS Synergy Barriers
- Legislative is it really waste?
- Commercial can parties agree a price?
- Technical can you handle it?
- For technical barriers NISP calls on Resource
Efficiency Knowledge Transfer Network for
specialist advice. - Each NISP region has their own RE-KTN technology
manager develops links with regional
universities. - Links between regions identify replicable
11Moving Goalposts
- Legislation can create or remove barriers
- Waste Regulations Codifications, Orphan Wastes
- EU Directives (WEEE, Water Framework, etc)
- What can be legally exported as waste
- Commercial may reflect global local market
drivers - Export of waste plastics to China, will this
continue - Availability cost for hazardous material
landfill - Solvent recovery, laundering reuse
- Technical new processes become commercialised
- Gasification of wastes for chemicals production
12Example 1 Yeast Extract
- Case Study 1
- Approximately 500 tonnes off-spec material per
annum - Good material, results from grade changes
- High value
- NISP Collaboration
- Introduced to EWOS for use in fish-meal
- Increased sales
- Further trials in progress
13Case Study 2 Stone Off-cuts
- Case Study 2
- Approximately 1000 tonnes stone off-cuts per
annum - Mixture of stone types
- Historically sent to landfill (inert waste)
- SMAS Referral Scottish Manufacturing Advisory
Service - NISP Collaboration
- Site visit. Begin to segregate materials
- Sales of off-cuts increasing
- British Waterways also taking material
- Historic Scotland may also use for training
14Other Example Synergies
- Kerry Bioscience Yeast wall by-product
- EWOS Yeast walls as protein for fishmeal
- SWWS Composting of food wastes
- DSM Activated sludge from ETP
- DSM Calcium Sulphate from acid neutralisation
- Kemfine ETP surplus capacity
- Crownstone Wood-Plastic Composites
- Cellucomp Carbon nano-fibres from carrots
15IS Opportunities
- Energy recovery from Waste Co-products
- Uses for low grade heat (WFD)
- Process water recycling
- New products from existing materials
- New products from combining materials
- Identify cross-sector partnering opportunities
16Bottom Line Value, Improved Profits
- Synergies evaluated by case studies
- Approved by customers
- Audited and validated by DEFRA
- Typical IS Diversion from Landfill is under 3
per tonne - Landfill Tax alone is 24 per tonne (from Apr 07)
- Divert from landfill then find added value
- Reduce costs, improve profits
17Thankyou For Listening Any Questions?