Title: Survey of MPI Call Usage
1Survey of MPI Call Usage
Daniel Han, USC
Terry Jones, LLNL
August 12, 2004
- Motivation
- About the Applications
- Statistics Gathered
- Inferences
- Future Work
- Info for App developers
- Information on the expense of basic MPI functions
(recode?) - Set expectations
- Many tradeoffs available in MPI design
- Memory allocation decisions
- Protocol cutoff point decisions
- Where is additional code complexity worth it?
- Information on MPI Usage is scarce
- New tools (e.g. mpiP) make profiling reasonable
- Easy to incorporate (no source code changes)
- Easy to interpret
- Unobtrusive observation (little performance
4About the applications
Amtran discrete coordinate neutron transport
Ares instability 3-D simulation in
massive star supernova envelopesArdra neutron
transport/radiation diffusion code exploring new
numerical algorithms and methods for the solution
of the Boltzmann Transport Equation (e.g. nuclear
imaging).Geodyne eulerian adaptive mesh
refinement (e.g. comet-earth impacts) IRS
solves the radiation transport equation by the
flux-limiting diffusion approximation using an
implicit matrix solutionMdcask molecular
dynamics codes for study in radiation damage in
metalsLinpack/HPL solves a random dense linear
system.Miranda hydrodynamics code simulating
instability growth Smg a parallel
semicoarsening multigrid solver for the linear
systems arising from finite difference, volume,
or finite element discretizationsSpheral
provides a steerable parallel environment for
performing coupled hydrodynamical gravitational
numerical simulations http//sourceforge.net/proje
cts/spheral Sweep3d solves a 1-group neuron
transport problemUmt2k photon transport code
for unstructured meshes
5Percent of time to MPI
6Top MPI Point-to-Point Calls
7Top MPI Collective Calls
8Comparing Collective and Point-to-Point
9Average Number of Calls for Most Common MPI
Large Runs
10Communication Patternsmost dominant msgsize
11Communication Patterns (continued)
12Frequency of callsites by MPI functions
14Observations Summary
- General
- People seem to scale code to 60
MPI/communication - Isend/Irecv/Wait many times more prevalent than
Sendrecv and blocking send/recv - Time spent in collectives predominantly divided
among barrier, allreduce, broadcast, gather, and
alltoall - Most common msgsize is typically between 1K and
1MB - Surprises
- Waitany most prevalent call
- Almost all pt2pt messages are the same size
within a run - Often, message size decreases with large runs
- Some codes driven by alltoall performance
15Future Work Concluding Remarks
- Further understanding of apps needed
- Results for other test configurations
- When can apps make better use of collectives
- Mpi-io usage info needed
- Classified applications
- Acknowledgements
- mpiP is due to Jeffrey Vetter and Chris Chambreau
http//www.llnl.gov/CASC/mpip - This work was performed under the auspices of the
U.S. Department of Energy by University of
California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48.