Title: ERAGov
1DGINFSO-C6 eGovernment Unit
ERA-Gov Initiatives Towards a European Research
Area in eGovernment Research
2What is ERA Key Objectives
- Creation of an Internal Market for Research
- Free mobility of researchers
- Free mobility of knowledge (e.g. European Patent)
- Restructuring of the European research fabric
- Improved coordination of national research
policies and activities - Improved coordination of European funding schemes
(e.g. FP, Eureka, national etc) - Development of a European policy for research
- More cost/effective National and European RD
investments - Closer linkages/synergies with other relevant
3The five main EU Programmes that support
eGovernment activities
- IST, the EU provides funding for research
projects designed to develop new solutions,
including eGovernment solutions, and bring them
to the marketplace. - eTEN, the EU provides funding for the market
validation and initial implementation of
trans-European services which are not yet
available on the marketplace but for which a
running pilot exists (and that can result from
IST-funded projects). - IDA, the EU builds a number of tools for exchange
of data between administrations and for the
delivery of pan-European eGovernment services,
based on solutions available on the marketplace
(and that may result from IST and eTEN-supported
projects). - eContent, the EU helps value-added services to be
built upon existing digital content and services
in many fields, including eGovernment. - In addition, where regions qualify for the
European Regional Development Fund ERDF, support
for eGovernment research, pilots and
implementation can be requested.
4eGovernment RD focus
Policy Context Lisbon Agenda eEurope
Internal Market European Citizenship Enlargement
Security Stability Europe in the World
Modernisation of Public Administrations open,
inclusive, productive
Citizens Businesses
Knowledge management Organizational
Interoperability Pan-European services
Secure eGovernmentIdentity management
User interaction Mobile services
Open Source Socio-economic Regional/Local
5Implementing PolicyFuture RD
- Call 3 (draft) restricted call for international
cooperation, candidate countries and SME
involvement opening May 2004 closing Sept 2004 - Call 4 5 currently determining RD priorities
- in-depth workshops Feb-May 2004
- Call 4 launch around IST Conference (15-17 Nov
2004, The Hague, NL)
6Call 3s opportunities
- http//www.cordis.lu/ist
- closing 22.09.2004
- The objectives
- 1. To offer additional entry points to some key
actors by extending on-going FP6 actions - 2. To launch complementary preparatory actions
for international collaboration - 3. To improve the networking and co-ordination of
national, regional and European research
7FP6 projects from Call 1
- GUIDE identity management
- TERREGOV one-stop integration platform
- EMAYOR security levels administration-citizen
- COSPA open source for office productivity
- HOPS inclusive access with voice technology
- USEMEGOV mobile eGovernment
- INTELCITIES open cross-border platform
- FLOSSPOLS open source study
- QUALEG automatic handling citizen queries
- ONTOGOV semantics for life-cyle design of public
services - SAFIR multimodal, multilingual, voice
interaction - EUSER benchmarks in eGovt, eHealth
8eGovernment workshops
- 1. Research challenges in eGovernment 8 Dec 2003
- 2. eDemocracy Seminar 12-13 Feb.
- 3. Interoperability Workshop 1 March
- 4. Community support for eGovernment projects in
Acceding Countries Seminar 22March 2004 - more to come