Title: Course Objectives
1Standard Trend Models
2Trend Curves
- Purposes of a Trend Curve
- 1. Forecasting the long run
- 2. Estimating the growth rate
3Standard Trend Curves
- Key Properties
- have a simple form
- have good track records
- software for fitting is widely available
4Types of Standard Trend Curves
- For unbounded data
- linear
- quadratic
- exponential
- For bounded (S shaped) data
- logistic
- Gompertz
5Unbounded Trend
- Linear Yt b0 b1 t e
- Quadratic Yt b0 b1 t b2 t2 e
- Log-linear ln(Yt) b0 b1 t e
6Two Standard S Curves
1. Logistic Curve
2. Gompertz Curve
7S Curves (Life Cycle Theory)
- 4 Stages of New Technology Life Cycle
- 1. Slow growth at the beginning stage
- 2. Rapid growth
- 3. Slow growth during the mature stage
- 4. Decline during the final stage
8S - Curves Point of Inflection
second derivative 0
Y(ln(a) /b) g/2 for L
Y(ln(a) /b) g /e for G
Concave Up
Concave down
9Model Selection Process
Linear / Quadratic Exponential (linear in
log) (standard regression)
- 1. Timeplot
- 2. Take a log?
- No
- Yes
- 3. Bounded?
- No
- Yes
Logistic / Gompertz/ (nonlinear regression)
10Nonlinear Least Squares
- SPSS is one of the few statistics packages that
provide routines for fitting nonlinear regression
models. - You have to provide initial estimates for
11Getting Initial Parameter Values- Logistic Curve
Estimate g from data, and compute Regress the
variable on t.
12Getting Initial Parameter Values- Gompertz Curve
Estimate g from data, and compute Regress the
variable on t.
13Durbin-Watson Test
14White Noise Residuals
- WN (white noise) uncorrelated
- Ex. et WN(0, s) (weak WN)
- iid independent and identically distributed
- Ex. et iid N(0, s) (strong WN)
15Spurious Trend
Downward Bias SE of Coefficient
Positive Auto- Correlated Residual
16Trend Model With Correlated Residual
17Durbin Watson Statistic
18Some Key Values of DW Stat
- E(DW) 2 if H0
- Table available for DW if H0
19DW Test
- The Null and Alternative Hypotheses
- H0 r 0
- H1 r gt 0 -gt positive autocorrelated
- residual