Title: The Careerlearning NETWORK
1which way is forward?CAREER-LEARNING
NARRATIVES telling, showing, mapping
- to help you to
- compare stories with other careers-work
frameworks - develop ways of using stories in your work
- evaluate the usefulness of narrative techniques.
these ideas in fewer lists, more stories free
at www.hihohiho.com - in the underpinning this
PowerPoint at the same url - in the
magazine(in touch) _________ handoutsprint
in fine colour/ copy in grey-scale
DVT 7 Forward updated 30/10/06
The Career-learning NETWORK www.hihohiho.com
2for example
can we help Karen?...
... sitting with her back to the lift-shaft
wall, listless, aimless, hopeless... She has not
been to school regularly since she was 11, and
she is now 14... she has lost sight of normal
life. She says there is no food in the house,
and to feed her sisters as well herself she would
go and borrow money off friends or eat at someone
else's house or steal things from shops or
scavenge in rubbish bins. They have no light or
heat in the house. Her mum and dad just do drugs
and watch time go by... So why does she not want
to sit in school? Because she is too sure there
is no point... Nick Davies The School Report
3frameworks for help
moving between DOTS and narrative...
gt people an inner life, conflicted
gt abilities skills and achievements
gt settings - with their tasks and other people
gt motivation interests and values
gt talking with others and in inner life
gt evidence of achievement
gt learning plans shorter- term
gt events one thing leading to another
gt career plans longer-term
gt meaning pointing to purpose
4using stories in your work - 1
story forms - for other peoples stories, and my
gt telling write perform
gt showing cartoon story-board
gt mapping locate mind-map
5using stories in your work - 2
rounding-out the story
gt people you, me them
gt settings scenes, locations and roles
gt talking conversation soliloquy
gt events episodes turning points
gt meaning finding a theme purpose
6using stories in your work - 3
who needs to know?...
lt first-party help - formative-action
lt second-party help - diagnostic-enable
lt third-party help - referral-selection
7any hope here?
helps you to
...compare stories with other careers-work
frameworks? ...develop ways of using stories
in your work? ...evaluate the usefulness of
narrative techniques?
yes/no yes/no yes/no
if yes - glad its been usefulif no - you
could tell Bill why at www.hihohiho.com