Title: B. Information Technology Hons. CMPB245: Database Design
1B. Information Technology (Hons.)CMPB245Databas
e Design
- Introduction to
- Databases
- Describe common uses of databases
- Identify characteristics and problems of
file-based system - Define database and DBMS
- Explain the functions of a DBMS
- List the major components of a DBMS
- List the advantages and disadvantages of a DBMS
- Have been in use for more than 20 years
- In the US, it fuelled the IT industry 10 billion
p.a. - Results in advancement in
- communication systems
- transportation and logistics
- financial management
- access to literature, etc.
- The most important development in soft-ware
engineering - Underlying framework of the information system
- Changes the way organization operate and business
is done
5Simple Definitions
- Database
- A collection of related data
- Database Management System, or DBMS
- The software that manages and controls ac-cess to
the database
6DatabasesCommon Uses
7Common Uses of Databases
- Purchase of goods and groceries from Parkson
Grand - Use of bar-coding system
- Use your credit card
- Checks for credit limit
- Not lost or stolen card
- Monthly statements
8Common Uses of Databases
- When you borrow some books from the Library
- When you enrol in a University
- When you insure your car and renew road tax
- What else?
9File-based SystemCharacteristics and Problems
10Traditional File-based System
- Manual file-based system
- Folders
- Filing cabinets
- Computerised file-based system
- A collection of program that perform services for
the end users - Each software manages its own data
11File-based SystemExample
- Sales Dept. keeps records of Property, Owner and
Renter - Contracts Dept. keeps records of Property, Lease
and Renter - There is data duplication
- Data maintenance is difficult
12File-based SystemLimitations
- Separation and isolation of data
- Difficult to access and cross-reference
- Duplication of data
- Sales Dept. holds the same data as the Con-tracts
Dept. - Costs time and money and occupies extra space
- Loss of data integrity - data not consistent
13File-based SystemLimitations
- Data dependence
- Program has to be written to conform to the
structure of data - Incompatible file format
- Fixed queries/proliferation of application
14File-based SystemLimitations
- File-based limitations are caused by
- Data definition is embedded in the program
- Data access and manipulation is controlled only
by the application prog-ram
15Database and Database Management System
16Database ApproachDefinitions
- Database
- A shared collection of logically related data
designed to meet the information needs of an
organization - A collection of data, a structure, and prog-rams
that can manage and manipulate the data and its
17Database ApproachDefinitions
- Database
- An organized collection of related data
- A file or files which store raw data, i.e. data
prior to processing
18Simple DatabasesExamples
- Business Card holder
- Dictionary
- Directory
- Diary
- What else?
19Data and Information
- What is data?
- The raw material that makes up an infor-mation
- What is information?
- The aggregation of data which makes sense and
from which a decision could be inferred
20Data and InformationImportance
- Why is it important to manage data and
information? - They have strategic values
- What do we mean by that?
- Something has a strategic value if it brings
op-portunities, profits, and provide an edge over
21Database ApproachThe Concept
- A single large repository of data
- Data structure is defined once
- Data is shared within an organization
- Data is integrated with minimum duplica-tion
22Database ApproachThe Concept
- Data is separated from application prog-rams
- There exist relationships between entities in a
23Database ApproachEntity Attribute
- An entity is something which has infor-mation,
e.g. Staff, Department, etc. - Each entity has an attribute which stores data
about the entity, e.g. Staff No., Dept. Name,
24Database ApproachEntity Relationship
Dept. Entity
A Staff is assigned to one Dept.
A Dept. can have many Staffs
Staff Entity
25Database Management System (DBMS)
- A software system that
- enables users to define, create and maintain the
database - provides controlled access to this database
26Database Management System (DBMS)
- A software that helps organize data in a way that
allows fast and easy access to the data - A system in which data is collected and processed
to produce information which helps in
27Database Management SystemMain Functions
28Main Function (1)
- Defines a database through a Data Defi-nition
Language - Defines the types of data
- Name of data or attributes
- Size of each data
29Main Function (1) Types of Data
- Character - numbers, letters, etc.
- e.g. Name, Address
- Numeric - signed/unsigned numbers
- Date
- Logical - such as Yes/No, Male/Female
- Text or Memo (long characters)
- Object, e.g. pictures, drawings, etc
30Main Function (2)
- Add, Update, Delete and Retrieve data through a
Data Manipulation Language
31Main FunctionsData Manipulation Language
- Two types of DML
- Procedural - programs, macros
- How the output is to be obtained?
- Non-procedural - query, SQL
- What data is to be obtained?
32Main Function (3)
- Provide controlled access to the data
- Security system - prevents unauthorised ac-cess
- Data integrity - maintains consistency of stored
data - Concurrency control - allows shared access
- Recovery control - returns to previous state
- Catalogs, descriptions of data
33Main Function (4)
- Provides view mechanism which allows end users to
have their own view of data - As a level of security to exclude data some users
should not see - To customize appearance of the database
- Present a consistent picture of the database even
if there are changes
34Main Functions
Data Definition Language
Data Manipulation Language
Procedural Programs
Non-Procedural Query
DBMS Software
35Database Management SystemMain Components
36DBMS Components
- Main components are
- Hardware
- Software
- Data
- Procedure
- People
- See pg. 19, Fig. 1.8
37DBMS Components
38DBMS Components Hardware
- Ranges from Personal Computers to Main-frames -
depends on requirement - Network using Client-Server Architecture
- Database Servers
- See page 20, Fig. 1-9
39DBMS Components Software
- Consists of the DBMS itself written in 3GL
- Operating System and Network
- Some systems are written in 4GL
- Report generators
- Application generators
- Form generators
40DBMS Components Data
- A bridge between the machine and the human
component - Operating data and metadata
- Schemas
- Relations or tables
- Entities
- Attributes
41DBMS ComponentsA Database Table
A Database Table
42DBMS Components Procedures
- Rules and instructions that dictates the use of
the database - Logging on
- Use of DBMS functions
- Backing up files
- Handle hardware/software failures
- Maintain files and databases
43DBMS Components People
- Data Database Administrators
- Database Designers
- Application Programmers
- End-users
- Naïve users
- Sophisticated users
44DBMS Components Data Administrator
- Data Administrator - responsible for the
management of data resource - Database planning
- Development
- Maintenance of standards
- Policies and procedures
- Logical database design
45DBMS Components Database Administrator
- Database Administrator - responsible for the
physical realization of the DBMS - Physical design and implementation
- Security and integrity control
- Maintenance of the system
- Ensure satisfactory performance for users
- More technically-oriented than DA
46DBMS Components Database Designers
- Logical database designers
- Identifies data (entities, attributes)
- Spot relationships and constraints of data to be
stored - Understands the organizations data and busi-ness
rules and procedures - What is needed to implement
47DBMS Components Database Designers
- Physical database designer - decides how the
database is to be realized - Creating tables and constraints
- Define storage structures and access methods
- Adopting security measures
- Computing machinery specifications
- How to implement
48DBMS Components Programmers
- Code the DBMS software from specifica-tion
produced by the Logical Designers or Systems
Analyst - Standard functions
- Maintenance functions
- Reports
- Use 3GL or 4GL
49DBMS Components End Users
- Naïve users - the DBMS is transparent to them
- Data entry clerks
- Perform simple operations
- Sophisticated users know the system
- Often try to fool the system
- Use SQL to retrieve data
- Write their own application programs
50Database Systems Advantages Disadvantages
- Control of data redundancy
- Data consistency
- More information from the same amount of data
- Sharing of data
- Improved data integrity
- Improved security
- Enforcement of standards
- Economy of scale
- Balanced conflicting requirements
- Improved data accessibility and responsi-veness
- Increased productivity
- Improved maintenance through data inde-pendence
- Increased backup and recovery services
- Complex piece of software
- Large software size require megabytes of disk
space and internal memory - High costs, additional hardware costs and cost of
conversion - Reduced performance in some applications
- Higher impact of failure
55When Not to Use a DBMS
- The database and applications are simple,
well-defined, and not expected to change - Multiple-user access to data is not required
- Why?
- Overhead cost of DBMS is high due to
- High initial investment in hardware,
- software, and training
- Overhead for providing security, concurrency
control, recovery.