Title: Location-aware Query Processing and Optimization: A Tutorial
1Location-aware Query Processing and Optimization
A Tutorial
- Mohamed F. Mokbel Walid G. Aref
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, MN, USA
- mokbel_at_cs.umn.edu
- Department of Computer Science, Purdue University
- West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
- aref_at_cs.purdue.edu
3Applications Traffic Monitoring
- How many cars are in the downtown area?
- Send an alert if a non-friendly vehicle enters a
restricted region - Report any congestion in the road network
- Once an accident is discovered, immediately send
alarm to the nearest police and ambulance cars - Make sure that there are no two aircrafts with
nearby paths
4Applications (Cont.) Location-based Store Finder
/ Advertisement
- Where is my nearest Gas station?
- What are the fast food restaurants within 3 miles
from my location? - Let me know if I am near to a restaurant while
any of my friends are there - Send E-coupons to all customers within 3 miles of
my stores - Get me the list of all customers that I am
considered their nearest restaurant
5Location-based Database Servers
Layered Approach
6Variety of Location-aware Queries
- Query Stationary
- Object Moving
7Tutorial Outline
- Location-aware Environments
- Location-aware Snapshot Query Processing
- Snapshot Past Queries
- Snapshot Present Queries
- Snapshot Future Queries
- Spatio-temporal Access Methods
- Location-aware Continuous Query Processing
- Scalable Execution of Continuous Queries
- Location-aware Query Optimization
- Uncertainty in Location-aware Query Processing
- Case Study
- Open Research Issues
8Location-aware Snapshot Query Processing
Querying the Past
- Examples
- Querying Along the Temporal Dimension What was
the location of a certain object from 700 AM to
1000 AM yesterday? - Querying Along the Spatial Dimension Find all
objects that were in a certain area at 700 AM
yesterday - Querying Along the Spatio-temporal Dimension
Find all objects that were close to each other
from 700 AM to 800 AM yesterday - Features
- Large number of historical trajectories
- Persistent read-only data
- The ability to query the spatial and/or temporal
9Location-aware Snapshot Query ProcessingIndexing
the Time Dimension
- Historical trajectories are represented by their
three-dimensional Minimum Bounding Rectangle
- 3D-R-tree is used to index the MBRs
- Technique simple and easy to implement
- Does not scale well
- Does not provide efficient query support
10Location-aware Snapshot Query ProcessingMulti-ver
sion Index Structures
- Maintain an R-tree for each time instance
- R-tree nodes that are not changed across
consecutive time instances are linked together
Timestamp 1
- A multi-version R-tree can be combined with a
3D-R-tree to support interval queries
11Location-aware Snapshot Query ProcessingQuerying
the Present
- Time is always NOW
- Example Queries
- Find the number of objects in a certain area
- What is the current location of a certain object?
- Features
- Continuously changing data
- Real-time query support is required
- Index structures should be update-tolerant
- Present data is always accessed through
continuous queries
12Location-aware Snapshot Query ProcessingUpdating
Index Structures
- Traditional R-tree updates are top-down
- Updates translated to delete and insert
transactions - To support frequent updates
- Updates can be managed in space without the need
for deletion or insertions - Bottom-up approaches through auxiliary index
structures to locate the object identifier
Hash based on OID
13Location-aware Snapshot Query ProcessingUpdate
- Keep a memo with the R-tree
- The memo contains the recent updates to the
existing R-tree - The query answer returned from the R-tree should
be passed through the memo - The update memo is reflected to the R-tree once
the relevant disk page is retrieved
Spatio-temporal Queries
Raw answer set
Final answer set
14Location-aware Snapshot Query ProcessingQuerying
the Future
- Examples
- What will my nearest restaurant be after 30
minutes? - Does my path conflict with any other cars for the
next hour? - Features
- Predict the movement through a velocity vector
- Prediction could be valid for only a limited time
horizon in the future
15Location-aware Snapshot Query ProcessingDuality
- A line (trajectory) in the two-dimensional space
can be transformed into a point in another dual
two-dimensional space - Trajectory x(t) vt a ? Point (v,a)
- All queries will need to be transformed into the
dual space - Rectangular queries will be represented as
16Location-aware Snapshot Query ProcessingTime-Para
meterized Data Structures
- The Time-parameterized R-tree (TPR-tree) consists
of - Minimum bounding rectangles (MBR)
- Velocity bounding rectangles (VBR)
- A bounding rectangle with MBR VBR is guaranteed
to contain all its moving objects as long as they
maintain their velocity vector - High degree of overlap when the velocity vector
is not updated
17Location-aware Snapshot Query ProcessingIndexing
Past, Present, and Future
- A unified index structure for both past, present,
and future data - Makes use of the partial-persistent R-tree for
past data and the TPR-tree for current and future
data - Double Time-Parameterized Bounding rectangles are
used to bound moving objects. Double TPBR has two
components - Tail MBR that starts at the time of the last
update and extends to infinity. The tail is a
regular TPBR of the TPR-tree - Head MBR to bound the finite historical
trajectories. The head is an optimized TPBR - Querying is similar to regular PPR-tree search
with the exception of redefining the intersection
function to accommodate for the double TPBR
18Spatio-temporal Access Methods
Red Future Blue Past Green Present Brown All
19Tutorial Outline
- Location-aware Environments
- Location-aware Snapshot Query Processing
- Location-aware Continuous Query Processing
- Continuous Queries Vs. Snapshot Queries
- Approaches for Continuous Query Evaluation
- Scalable Execution of Continuous Queries
- Location-aware Query Optimizer
- Uncertainty in Location-aware Query Processing
- Case Study
- Open Research Issues
20Snapshot vs. Continuous Query Processing
- Traditional (Snapshot) Queries
21Location-aware Continuous Query Processing
- Straightforward Approach
- Abstract the continuous queries to a series of
snapshot queries evaluated periodically - Result Validation
- Result Caching
- Result Prediction
- Incremental Evaluation
22Location-aware Continuous Query ProcessingResult
- Associate a validation condition with each query
- Valid time (t)
- The query answer is valid for the next t time
units - Valid region (R)
- The query answer is valid as long as you are
within a region R
- It is challenging to maintain the computation of
valid time/region for querying moving objects - Once the associated validation condition expires,
the query will be reevaluated
23Location-aware Continuous Query
ProcessingCaching the Result
- Observation Consecutive evaluations of a
continuous query yield very similar results - Idea Upon evaluation of a continuous query,
retrieve more data that can be used later
- K-NN query
- Initially, retrieve more than k
- Range query
- Evaluate the query with a larger range
- How much we need to pre-compute?
- How do we do re-caching?
24Location-aware Continuous Query
ProcessingPredicting the Result
- Given a future trajectory movement, the query
answer can be pre-computed in advance
- The trajectory movement is divided into N
intervals, each with its own query answers Ai
Nearest-Neighbor Query
- The query is evaluated once (as a snapshot
query). Yet, the answer is valid for longer time
- Once the trajectory changes, the query will be
25Location-aware Continuous Query
ProcessingIncremental Evaluation
- The query is evaluated only once. Then, only the
updates of the query answer are evaluated - There are two types of updates. Positive and
Negative updates
Query Result
- Only the objects that cross the query boundary
are taken into account
- Need to continuously listen for notifications
that someone cross the query boundary
26Tutorial Outline
- Location-aware Environments
- Location-aware Snapshot Query Processing
- Location-aware Continuous Query Processing
- Scalable Execution of Continuous Queries
- Location-aware Centralized Database Systems
- Location-aware Distributed Database Systems
- Location-aware Data Stream Management Systems
- Location-aware Query Optimizer
- Uncertainty in Location-aware Query Processing
- Case Study
- Open Research Issues
27Scalability of Location-aware Continuous Queries
28Scalability of Location-aware Continuous Queries
Main Concepts
- Continuous queries last for long times at the
server side - While a query is active in the server, other
queries will be submitted - Shared execution among multiple queries
- Should we index data OR queries?
- Data and queries may be stationary or moving
- Data and queries are of large size
- Data and queries arrive to the system with very
high rates - Treat data and queries similarly
- Queries are coming to data OR data are coming to
queries? - Both data and queries are subjected to each other
- Join data with queries
29Scalability of Location-aware Continuous Queries
Main Concepts (Cont.)
- Evaluating a large number of concurrent
continuous spatio-temporal queries is abstracted
as a spatio-temporal join between moving objects
and moving queries
30Scalability of Location-aware Continuous Queries
Location-aware Centralized Database Systems
- Centralized index structures
- Index the queries instead of data
- Valid only for stationary queries
31Scalability of Location-aware Continuous Queries
Location-aware Centralized Database Systems
- To accommodate for the continuous movement of
both data and queries - Concurrent continuous queries share a grid
structure - Moving objects are hashed to the same grid
structure as queries - The spatio-temporal join is done by overlaying
the two grid structures
32Scalability of Location-aware Continuous Queries
Location-aware Distributed Database Systems
- Motivation Centralized location-aware servers
will have a bottleneck at the server side - Assumption Moving objects have devices with the
capability of doing some computations - Idea
- Server will ship some of its processing to the
moving objects - Server will act as a mediator among moving
objects - Implementation Moving objects should welcome
cooperation in such environments
33Scalability of Location-aware Continuous Queries
Location-aware Distributed Database Systems
- Each moving object O maintains a list of the
queries that O may be part of their answer - It is the responsibility of the moving object O
to report that O becomes part of the answer of a
certain query - Once a query updates its location, it sends the
new location to the server, which will propagate
the new location to the interested users - The server is responsible in determining which
objects will be interested in which queries
34Scalability of Location-aware Continuous Queries
Location-aware Data Stream Management Systems
- Motivation Very high arrival rates that are
beyond the system capability to store - Idea Only store those objects that are likely to
produce query results, i.e., only significant
objects are stored, all other data are simply
dropped - Significant objects A moving object O is
significant if there is at least one query that
is interested in Os location - Challenge Discovering that an object becomes
35Scalability of Location-aware Continuous Queries
Location-aware Data Stream Management Systems
- Only significant objects are stored in-memory
- An object is considered significant if it is
either in the query area or the cache area
- Due to the query and object movements, a stored
object may become insignificant at any time - Larger cache area indicates more storage overhead
and more accurate answer
36Scalability of Location-aware Continuous Queries
Location-aware Data Stream Management Systems
- The first k objects are considered an initial
answer - K-NN query is reduced to a circular range query
However, the query area may shrink or grow
K 3
37Scalability of Location-aware Continuous Queries
Location-aware Data Stream Management Systems
Each query is a single thread
One thread for all continuous queries
38Scalability of Location-aware Continuous Queries
Location-aware Data Stream Management Systems
- Query Load Shedding
- Reduce the cache area
- Possibly reduce the query area
- Immediately drop insignificant tuples
- Intuitive and simple to implement
- Object Load Shedding
- Objects that satisfy less than k queries are
insignificant - Lazily drop insignificant tuples
- Challenge I How to choose k?
- Challenge II How to provide a lower bound for
the query accuracy?
39Tutorial Outline
- Location-aware Environments
- Location-aware Snapshot Query Processing
- Location-aware Continuous Query Processing
- Scalable Execution of Continuous Queries
- Location-aware Query Optimization
- Uncertainty in Location-aware Query Processing
- Case Study
- Open Research Issues
40Location-aware Query Optimization
- Spatio-temporal pipelinable query operators
- Range queries
- Nearest-neighbor queries
- Selectivity estimation for spatio-temporal
queries/operators - Spatio-temporal histograms
- Sampling
- Adaptive query optimization for continuous
41Spatio-temporal Query Operators
- Existing Approaches are Built on Top of DBMS (at
the Application Level)
Continuously report the trucks in this area
Scalar functions (Stored procedure)
truck INSIDE Area A
42Spatio-temporal Query Operators
- Continuously report the Avis cars in a certain
SELECT M.ObjectID FROM MovingObjects M,
Spatio-temporal Operators
Scalar Function
Moving Objects
Moving Objects
43Spatio-temporal Selectivity Estimation
- Estimating the selectivity of spatio-temporal
operators is crucial in determining the best plan
for spatio-temporal queries
SELECT ObjectID FROM MovingObjects M WHERE
Type Truck INSIDE Region R
44Spatio-temporal Histograms
- Moving objects in D-dimensional space are mapped
to 2D-dimensional histogram buckets
45Spatio-temporal Histograms with Query Feedback
- Estimating the selectivity of spatio-temporal
operators is crucial in determining the best plan
for spatio-temporal queries
Query Optimizer
Query plan
46Adaptive Query Optimization
- Continuous queries last for long time (hours,
days, weeks) - Environment variables are likely to change
- The initial decision for building a query plan
may not be valid after a while - Need continuous optimization and ability to
change the query plan - Training period Spatio-temporal histogram,
periodicity mining - Online detection of changes
47Tutorial Outline
- Location-aware Environments
- Location-aware Snapshot Query Processing
- Location-aware Continuous Query Processing
- Scalable Execution of Continuous Queries
- Location-aware Query Optimizer
- Uncertainty in Location-aware Query Processing
- Case Study
- Open Research Issues
48Uncertainty in Moving Objects
- Location information from moving objects is
inherently inaccurate - Sources of uncertainty
- Sampling. A moving object sends its location
information once every t time units. Within any
two consecutive locations, we have no clue about
the objects exact location - Reading accuracy. Location-aware devices do not
provide the exact location - Object movement and network delay. By the time
that a certain reading is received by the server,
the moving object has already changed its location
49Uncertainty in Moving Objects
- Historical data (Trajectories)
50Uncertainty in Moving ObjectsError in Query
51Representing Uncertain Data usingEllipses
- Given
- Start point
- End point
- Maximum possible speed ? Maximum traveling
distance S - If S is greater than the distance between the two
end points, then the moving object may have
deviated from the given route
52Representing Uncertain Data usingCylinders
- Given
- Start and end points
- Constraint
- An object would report its location only if it is
deviated by a certain distance r from the
predicted trajectory
53Representing Uncertain Data in Road Networks
- Given
- Start and end points
- Constraints
- Deviation threshold r
- Speed threshold v
54Querying Uncertain DataUncertain Keywords
- Probability possibly, definitely
- Temporal sometimes, always
- Spatial somewhere, everywhere
- Examples
- What are the objects that are possibly sometimes
within area R at time interval T? - What are the objects that definitely passed
through a certain region? - Retrieve all the objects that are always inside a
certain region - Retrieve all the objects that are sometimes
definitely inside region R
55Querying Uncertain DataUncertain Keywords (Cont.)
- Object O is definitely always in Q1
- Object O is possibly always in Q2
- Object O is definitely sometimes in Q3
- Object O is possibly sometimes in Q4
56Querying Uncertain DataProbabilistic Queries
- With each query answer, associate a probability
that this answer is true - The answer set of a query Q is represented as a
set of tuples ltID, pgt where ID is the tuple
identifier and p is the probability that the
object ID belongs to the answer set of Q - Assumptions
- Objects can lie anywhere uniformly within their
uncertainty region
57Querying Uncertain DataProbabilistic Range
- Query Answer
- (B, 50)
- (C, 90)
- D
- E
- (F, 30)
58Querying Uncertain DataProbabilistic
Nearest-Neighbor Queries
- Query Answer (k1)
- (C, p1)
- (D, p2)
- (E, p3)
59Tutorial Outline
- Location-aware Environments
- Location-aware Snapshot Query Processing
- Location-aware Continuous Query Processing
- Scalable Execution of Continuous Queries
- Location-aware Query Optimizer
- Uncertainty in Location-aware Query Processing
- Case Studies
- Open Research Issues
60Case Study IDOMINO
- DOMINO Databases fOr MovINg Objects tracking
- Built on top of database management systems using
a three-layers approach the DBMS layer, the GIS
layer, and the DOMINO layer - Utilize dynamic attributes for future predicted
locations - Manage uncertainty that is inherent in future
motion plans - Support various location models
- Exact point location
- An area in which the object is located in
- An approximate motion plan
- A complete motion plan
61DOMINO Architecture
62Uncertainty Management in DOMINO
- Uncertainty operators are implemented as
user-defined functions (UDFs) in Oracle - Uncertainty operators
- E.g., Always_Definitely_Inside,
Sometime_Definitely_Inside, Possibly_Always_Inside
, Possibly_Sometime_Inside - Example
- SELECT oid
- FROM MovingObjects
- WHERE Possibly_Always_Inside (trajectory,
region, - time interval)
63Case Study IISECONDO
- SECONDO An Extensible DBMS Architecture and
Prototype - A generic database system frame that can be
filled with implementation of various data models
(relational, object-oriented, or XML) and data
types (spatial data, moving objects) - A database is a set of SECONDO objects of the
form (name, type, value), where type is one of
the implemented algebras - About 20 implemented algebras, e.g., standard
algebra, relational algebra, R-Tree algebra, and
spatial algebra - Query optimizer includes optimization of
conjunctive queries, selectivity estimation, and
implementation of an SQL-like query language
64SECONDO Architecture
Generic GUI independent of data models. The
interface includes command prompt and is
extensible by a set of different viewers
The core functionality is the optimization of
conjunctive queries, i.e., producing an efficient
query plan
On top of the query optimizer, there is a
SQL-like language in a notation adopted to PROLOG
Berkeley DB (C)
Built on top of Berkeley DB. Includes specific
data models, algebra modules, and query
processors over the implemented algebra.
65Case Study III The PLACE Server
- PLACE Pervasive Location-Aware Computing
Environments - Scalable execution of continuous queries over
spatio-temporal data streams - Shared execution among concurrent continuous
- Built inside a database engine
- Incremental evaluation of continuous queries
- Spatio-temporal query operators
66PLACE Architecture
Query Parser
Query Processor
Relational Operators
Storage Engine
67PLACE Architecture
A Query Processor for Real-time Spatio-temporal
Data Streams
- Continuous Predicate-based Window Queries
- Moving Queries
A Query Processing Engine for Data Streams
Continuous time-based Sliding Window Queries
INSIDE inside_clause
WINDOW window_clause
SQL Language
kNN knn_clause
W-Expire Operator
INSIDE Operator
Query processor
Negative Tuples
kNN Operator
Storage engine
Stream_Scan Operator
Stream of Moving Objects/Queries
Stream data types
Abstract data types
68Extended SQL Syntax
- inside_clause
- Stationary query (x1,y1,x2,y2)
- Moving query (M,OID, width, length)
- knn_clause
- Stationary query (k,x,y)
- Moving query (M, OID, k)
69Tutorial Outline
- Location-aware Environments
- Location-aware Snapshot Query Processing
- Location-aware Continuous Query Processing
- Scalable Execution of Continuous Queries
- Location-aware Query Optimizer
- Uncertainty in Location-aware Query Processing
- Case Study
- Open Research Issues
70Open Research Issues Location Privacy
New technologies can pinpoint your location at
any time and place. They promise safety and
convenience but threaten privacy and security
Cover story, IEEE Spectrum, July 2003
71Open Research Issues Spatio-temporal Data Mining
- Mining the history ? Predicting the future
- Online outlier detection for moving objects
- Suspicious movement in video surveillance
- Analysis of tsunami, hurricanes, or earthquakes
- Phenomena detection and tracking
72Open Research Issues Reducing the Gap between ST
Databases and DBMSs/DSMSs
- What do Spatio-temporal researchers offer?
- 50 spatial index structure, 30 spatio-temporal
indexing structure - Wide variety of spatio-temporal query processing
techniques - What do DBMS designers want?
- Little disturbance to their code
- Large number of customers
- The result is
- DB2 and SQLServer do not support the R-tree (and
may not be willing to) - Oracle supports only R-tree and Quadtree
- Can we reduce this gap?
- YES. Think in the minimal additions to the engine
- Example I B-tree with SFC
- Example II GiST and SP-GiST
- Example III Add-in query operators
- Overview Papers
- Ouri Wolfson, Bo Xu, Sam Chamberlain, and Liqin
Jiang. Moving Objects Databases Issues and
Solutions. In Proceeding of the International
Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database
Management, SSDBM, pages 111-122, Capri, Italy,
July 1998. - Mohamed F. Mokbel, Walid G. Aref, Susanne E.
Hambrusch, and Sunil Prabhakar. Towards Scalable
Location-aware Services Requirements and
Research Issues. In Proceeding of the ACM
Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information
Systems, ACM GIS, pages 110-117, New Orleans, LA,
November 2003. - Christian S. Jensen. Database Aspects of
Location-based Services. In Location-based
Services, pages 115-148. Morgan Kaufmann, 2004. - Dik Lun Lee, Manli Zhu, and Haibo Hu. When
Location-based Services Meet Databases. Mobile
Information Systems, 1(2)81-90, 2005. -
- Spatio-temporal Access Methods
- Mohamed F. Mokbel, Thanaa M. Ghanem, and Walid G.
Aref. Spatio-temporal Access Methods. IEEE Data
Engineering Bulletin, 26(2)40-49, June 2003. - X. Xu, Jiawei Han, and W. Lu. RT-Tree An
Improved R-Tree Indexing Structure for Temporal
Spatial Databases. In Proceeding of the
International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling,
SSDH, pages 1040-1049, Zurich, Switzerland, July
1990. - Yannis Theodoridis, Michael Vazirgiannis, and
Timos Sellis. Spatio-temporal Indexing for Large
Multimedia Applications. In Proceeding of the
IEEE Conference on Multimedia Computing and
Systems, ICMCS, pages 441-448, Hiroshima, Japan,
June 1996. - Mario A. Nascimento and Jeerson R. O. Silva.
Towards Historical R-Trees. In Proceeding of the
ACM Sympo-sium on Applied Computing, SAC, pages
235-240, Atlanta, GA, February 1998. - Jamel Tayeb, Ozgur Ulusoy, and Ouri Wolfson. A
Quadtree-Based Dynamic Attribute Indexing Method.
The Computer Journal, 41(3)185-200, 1998.
- Spatio-temporal Access Methods (Cont.)
- Dieter Pfoser, Christian S. Jensen, and Yannis
Theodoridis. Novel Approaches in Query Processing
for Moving Object Trajectories. In Proceeding of
the International Conference on Very Large Data
Bases, VLDB, pages 395-406, Cairo, Egypt,
September 2000. - Yufei Tao and Dimitris Papadias. MV3R-Tree A
Spatio-temporal Access Method for Timestamp and
Interval Queries. In Proceeding of the
International Conference on Very Large Data
Bases, VLDB, pages 431-440, Roma, Italy,
September 2001. - Yufei Tao and Dimitris Papadias. Efficient
Historical R-Trees. In Proceeding of the
International Conference on Scientific and
Statistical Database Management, SSDBM, pages
223-232, Fairfax, VA, July 2001. - George Kollios, Vassilis J. Tsotras, Dimitrios
Gunopulos, Alex Delis, and Marios
Hadjieleftheriou. Indexing Animated Objects Using
Spatiotemporal Access Methods. IEEE Transactions
on Knowledge and Data Engineering, TKDE,
13(5)758-777, 2001. - Marios Hadjieleftheriou, George Kollios, Vassilis
J. Tsotras, and Dimitrios Gunopulos. Efficient
Indexing of Spatiotemporal Objects. In Proceeding
of the International Conference on Extending
Database Technology, EDBT, pages 251-268, Prague,
Czech Republic, March 2002. - Zhexuan Song and Nick Roussopoulos. SEB-Tree An
Approach to Index Continuously Moving Objects. In
Proceeding of the International Conference on
Mobile Data Management, MDM, pages 340-344,
Melbourne, Australia, January 2003. - Elias Frentzos. Indexing Objects Moving on Fixed
Networks. In Proceeding of the International
Symposium on Advances in Spatial and Temporal
Databases, SSTD, pages 289-305, Santorini Island,
Greece, July 2003. - V. Prasad Chakka, Adam Everspaugh, and Jignesh M.
Patel. Indexing Large Trajectory Data Sets with
SETI. In Proceeding of the International
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CIDR, Asilomar, CA, January 2003. - Yuhan Cai and Raymond T. Ng. Indexing
Spatio-temporal Trajectories with Chebyshev
Polynomials. In Proceeding of the ACM
International Conference on Management of Data,
SIGMOD, pages 599-610, Paris, France, June 2004.
- Spatio-temporal Access Methods (Cont.)
- Dieter Pfoser and Christian S. Jensen. Trajectory
Indexing Using Movement Constraints.
GeoInformatica, 9(2)93-115, June 2005. - Jinfeng Ni and Chinya V. Ravishankar. PA-Tree A
Parametric Indexing Scheme for Spatio-temporal
Trajectories. In Proceeding of the International
Symposium on Advances in Spatial and Temporal
Databases, SSTD, pages 254-272, Angra dos Reis,
Brazil, August 2005. - Mario A. Nascimento, Jeerson R. O. Silva, and
Yannis Theodoridis. Evaluation of Access
Structures for Discretely Moving Points. In
Proceeding of the International Workshop on
Spatio-temporal Database Management, STDBM, pages
171-188, Edinburgh, UK, September 1999. - Zhexuan Song and Nick Roussopoulos. Hashing
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January 2001. - Dongseop Kwon, Sangjun Lee, and Sukho Lee.
Indexing the Current Positions of Moving Objects
Using the Lazy Update R-Tree. In Proceeding of
the International Conference on Mobile Data
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January 2002. - Mahdi Abdelguer, Julie Givaudan, Kevin Shaw, and
Roy Ladner. The 2-3 TR-Tree, A Trajectory-Oriented
Index Structure for Fully Evolving Valid-time
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McLean, VA, November 2002. - Mong-Li Lee, Wynne Hsu, Christian S. Jensen, Bin
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- Spatio-temporal Access Methods (Cont.)
- Reynold Cheng, Yuni Xia, Sunil Prabhakar, and
Rahul Shah. Change Tolerant Indexing for
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- Mohamed F. Mokbel, Xiaopeng Xiong, Walid G. Aref,
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